So basically listview is scrolling to bottom item after I update any item in list.
I have chatapp with audio messages and each time slider changes value listview scrolls to item down. It happens even when I change play/pause button on click. So I figured out it scrolls on each item update, it really does not matter.
If I click on message I update from play button icon to pause button icon that message and listview scrolls down. Can sameone help me understand why this happens? I found some dude suggested to put dataProvider in useState but I already have it.
This is my dataProvider:
const [dataProvider, setDataProvider] = useState(new DataProvider((r1,r2) => r1!==r2))
And I can reporduce issue with any state changes, for example:
const [state, setState] = useState(false)
So basically listview is scrolling to bottom item after I update any item in list. I have chatapp with audio messages and each time slider changes value listview scrolls to item down. It happens even when I change play/pause button on click. So I figured out it scrolls on each item update, it really does not matter. If I click on message I update from play button icon to pause button icon that message and listview scrolls down. Can sameone help me understand why this happens? I found some dude suggested to put dataProvider in useState but I already have it. This is my dataProvider:
const [dataProvider, setDataProvider] = useState(new DataProvider((r1,r2) => r1!==r2))
And I can reporduce issue with any state changes, for example:
const [state, setState] = useState(false)
and in my rowrenderer for example: `return(
I want to prevent from scrolling.