Flomp / wanderer

wanderer is a self-hosted trail database. Save your adventures!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1.11k stars 29 forks source link

Uploaded tracks not showing up anywhere #3

Closed bergziege closed 6 months ago

bergziege commented 6 months ago

Hi, just found this very nice app via reddit and had to try it out. Installed it via the provided docker-compose and averything seems to run fine after registering a new user ... but:

After saving a new trail (which I get a success message for) its not showig up anywhere. Not in any search and not on the map sor anywhere else .... but

If I use Firefox and navigate from the Trails page to the Home page all my tracks show up for a fraction of a second before the new page is being shown. Edge not showing anything at all (even when switching pages).

I am not using a reverse proxy yet and not getting any error messages in the logs (at least the ones I can see via portainer).

Another question: Where are my uploaded gpx files saved? I was under the impression that they are saved as plain files but can not find them. Would like to have the uploaded files as plain files somewhere for easier backup.

Flomp commented 6 months ago

Hi, thanks for checking it out. That sounds a bit like transferring the trail to the search index did not work properly. Is the trail visible on front page when you scroll down a little? Is the db container able to communicate with the search container?

Could you please try to exec into the db container and run: apk add curl && curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $MEILI_MASTER_KEY" $MEILI_URL/indexes/trails/search

Regarding your other question: the gpx file is stored along with all the other data in the db container. You can download them at any point from wanderer (once your trails start showing up).

bergziege commented 6 months ago

Hi, thanks for the quick response.

Yes, I can see my trails on the front page. I also see them when searching for them on the front page.

Executing the given command seems to not find $MEILI_URL as its outputting curl: (2) no URL specified after installing curl succesfully.

My docker compose is as follows. "Just" changed the external facing ports but left the internal urls untouched.

version: '3'

x-common-env: &cenv
  MEILI_URL: http://search:7700
  MEILI_MASTER_KEY: dontknow

    container_name: wanderer-search
    image: flomp/wanderer-search
      <<: *cenv
      - 7200:7700
      - wanderer
      - ./data/data.ms:/meili_data/data.ms
    restart: unless-stopped
      test: curl --fail http://localhost:7700/health || exit 1
      interval: 15s
      retries: 10
      start_period: 20s
      timeout: 10s
    container_name: wanderer-db
    image: flomp/wanderer-db
        condition: service_healthy
      <<: *cenv
      - "7201:8090"
      - wanderer
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./data/pb_data:/pb_data
    container_name: wanderer-web
    image: flomp/wanderer-web
        condition: service_healthy
        condition: service_started
      <<: *cenv
      PUBLIC_POCKETBASE_URL: http://db:8090
      - "7202:3000"
      - wanderer
    restart: unless-stopped

    driver: bridge
Flomp commented 6 months ago

I think I found the problem. I suspect this is the same problem as #10. Could you please quickly confirm that your trail is either longer than 20km or has an elevation gain of more than 4000m? In that case I will publish the fix shortly.

Flomp commented 6 months ago

I just released v0.1.1. The issue should be resolved now.

bergziege commented 6 months ago

Sry for the late response. 0.1.1 fixed the issue as my "Trail" was definitely longer than 20km. All my trails now show up on the search as well as on the map. Thank you!

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