CLI tool and Python library for manipulating DuckDB databases
Inspired by and based on sqlite-utils.
Standard DuckDB ships with more powerful batteries than SQLite does, which may make some of the sqlite-utils CLI offerings unnecessary. The Python API, however that sqlite-utils exposes it's really well-designed and pythonic.
What's worthy of porting and what's not, will be decieded on a per-case basis.
NOTE: Initially, I tried (very hard) to avoid a complete lift-and-shift of the sqlite-utils code and use inheritance and monkey-patching instead, but it's proved trickier than I had hoped. Hence, I had to lift-and-shift some core abstractions (see
from duckdb_utils import Database
db = Database(memory=True)
INSERT INTO bar (c1, c2) values ('c0', 0);
INSERT INTO bar (c1, c2) values ('c1', 1);
INSERT INTO bar (c1, c2) values ('c2', 2);
bar = db.table('bar')
assert bar.exists()
assert not existing_db.table('gsdfgf').exists()
assert bar.count_where() == bar.count == 3
assert (list(bar.rows_where()) ==
list(bar.rows) ==
[{'c1': 'c0', 'c2': 0},
{'c1': 'c1', 'c2': 1},
{'c1': 'c2', 'c2': 2}])
assert bar.columns == [Column(cid=0, name='c1', type='VARCHAR', notnull=False, default_value=None, is_pk=False),
Column(cid=1, name='c2', type='INTEGER', notnull=False, default_value=None, is_pk=False)]
assert bar.columns_dict == {'c1': str, 'c2': int}
assert bar.schema == 'CREATE TABLE bar(c1 VARCHAR, c2 INTEGER);'
assert list(bar.pks_and_rows_where()) == [(0, {'c1': 'c0', 'c2': 0, 'rowid': 0}),
(1, {'c1': 'c1', 'c2': 1, 'rowid': 1}),
(2, {'c1': 'c2', 'c2': 2, 'rowid': 2})]
assert list(db.query("select * from bar")) == [{'c1': 'c0', 'c2': 0}, {'c1': 'c1', 'c2': 1}, {'c1': 'c2', 'c2': 2}]
assert list(db.execute("select * from bar").fetchall()) == [('c0', 0), ('c1', 1), ('c2', 2)]
Usage: duckdb-utils [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Commands for interacting with a DuckDB database
--version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
create-table Add a table with the specified columns.
insert Insert records from FILE into a table, creating the table...
tables List the tables in the database
views List the views in the database