I am deploying flowise with Kamal (https://github.com/basecamp/kamal) on a cheap Hetzner machine (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, ARM64, 4 cores) with docker.
Works great! Thank you everyone for developing and supporting flowise!
In order to get it to work with kamal healthchecks and vs code devcontainers and I made the following small changes to the standard flowise dockerfile:
# Install curl, kamal uses curl for traefik healthchecks
RUN apk add --no-cache curl
# Install Git, to make developers life easier in vs code devcontainers
RUN apk add --no-cache git
Is anyone here interested in a full kamal deploy.yml for flowise, which includes
remote bullder for arm64
automatic letsencrypt SSL with redirect
persistant volumes
environment variables, auth
I am using vs code and have a working devcontainer.json for flowise.
I also would like to deploy local kamal accessories for redis memory, unstructured.io and qdrant vector store as the next step.
Maybe this config could become part of the repository/readme to make flowise deployment easier?
I would be willing to make a PR with some examples. Let me know what you think.
Hi there,
I am deploying flowise with Kamal (https://github.com/basecamp/kamal) on a cheap Hetzner machine (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, ARM64, 4 cores) with docker.
Works great! Thank you everyone for developing and supporting flowise!
In order to get it to work with kamal healthchecks and vs code devcontainers and I made the following small changes to the standard flowise dockerfile:
Is anyone here interested in a full kamal
for flowise, which includesI am using vs code and have a working devcontainer.json for flowise. I also would like to deploy local kamal accessories for redis memory, unstructured.io and qdrant vector store as the next step.
Maybe this config could become part of the repository/readme to make flowise deployment easier? I would be willing to make a PR with some examples. Let me know what you think.