Closed sekrett closed 1 year ago
Thanks for reporting this. Could you post the relevant code you're using?
Yes, sure:
defmodule BounceWatcher.Application do
@moduledoc false
use Application
@impl true
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
name: :imap_mm,
server: "",
username: "...",
password: "...",
mailbox: "INBOX"}
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: BounceWatcher.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
receive do
{:email, client, message} ->
IO.puts("Received an email with subject `#{message.subject}`:")
Could you try with the latest git version (change your mix.exs dependencies to have {:yugo, git: "", ref: "bdb9376"}
) and let me know if it is fixed?
Thanks, I updated and launched it again. Unfortunately still no reaction. mix.lock
was updated appropriately.
Hmm, I am unable to reproduce this - I set up a yandex account and was able to receive messages using Yugo.
Here are a few more things I'd try:
Thanks for the info
I have another Ruby script and I was able to fetch contents of old messages, so IMAP is enabled and password is correct. I can see the new email in web client, it's unread.
If it works for you, I will try to register another mailbox. In my mailbox I have a sorting rule which sends a copy to another email, leaving everything unread. It should not but maybe this is the cause of notifications being silenced. I will verify on a clean mailbox.
Are you leaving the yugo process running as the new emails arrive?
As it is written now, Yugo only watches for emails that arrive while yugo is running. I have not yet had a need to fetch previously-arrived emails, but I can look into implementing it if you have a use case.
I know yugo will detect only new messages while running. Processing old messages is not a priority task now, there are already good clients in Ruby, Python and I will do that task just once.
Now I tried another mailbox without any rules configured, it detected the message but I got another error when trying to get the body:
Received an email with subject `kk`:
10:36:07.313 [notice] Application bounce_watcher exited: exited in: BounceWatcher.Application.start(:normal, [])
** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol String.Chars not implemented for {"text/html", %{"charset" => "utf-8"}, "<div> </div><div> </div><div>.....</div><div> </div>\r\n"} of type Tuple. This protocol is implemented for the following type(s): Atom, BitString, Date, DateTime, Float, Hex.Solver.Assignment, Hex.Solver.Constraints.Empty, Hex.Solver.Constraints.Range, Hex.Solver.Constraints.Union, Hex.Solver.Incompatibility, Hex.Solver.PackageRange, Hex.Solver.Term, Integer, List, NaiveDateTime, Time, URI, Version, Version.Requirement
(elixir 1.14.2) lib/string/chars.ex:3: String.Chars.impl_for!/1
(elixir 1.14.2) lib/string/chars.ex:22: String.Chars.to_string/1
(elixir 1.14.2) lib/io.ex:767: IO.puts/2
(bounce_watcher 0.1.0) lib/bounce_watcher/application.ex:40: BounceWatcher.Application.start/2
(kernel 8.5.2) application_master.erl:293: :application_master.start_it_old/4
Here is the updated receive
receive do
{:email, client, message} ->
IO.puts("Received an email with subject `#{message.subject}`:")
The same on 0.3.0
and last commit on master
Sorry, now it is my fault. I need to learn how to work with processes. I managed to fix the error, but my application quits normally after first email comes. :)
Awesome, I'm glad you figured it out! Would you be able to share some more info about the mailbox rule you have set up? It sounds like it should still notify yugo, so I'd like to look into that :)
I think your application is crashing now because Application.start()
is expected to return the value from Supervisor.start_link()
, but here it is returning IO.inspect(message)
- your Application shouldn't have any logic in it, just start the relevant processes and return. What you probably want is to create your own GenServer, that also gets started in your Application, and subscribes itself to the yugo client.
The rule is simple: everything is being sent to another email and a copy is kept here. As I said the message after processing is marked unread, but the rule itself is the cause why IMAP is not sending notification. Another thing I noticed if I subscribe to Spam
folder, also no messages are received, but the are no rules for spam.
I think I will examine this more and add a troubleshoot section to README. It is not obvious why this happens.
Thanks for hint on GenServer, that will probably work. My last attempt was:
res = Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
receive do
No errors but it quits. :)
This is a great component. Receiving email messages as process messages is genius! Thank you. But I am receiving nothing from Yandex IMAP when real emails come. Is it Yandex specific or your component does not work? Can you name other services where it works? I tried wrong password, wrong mailbox intentionally, then I see error messages on console, so I think it is configured correctly when there are no errors on startup. I am not using any filters. Still no messages. The console is clean.