Open yum13241 opened 1 year ago
Here's the build log. (stacktraces are on)
Neither java-8-temurin nor liberica-jdk-8-full work. The latter comes with OpenJFX (JavaFX), the former does not.
Alternatively, it'd be great if there was a prebuilt .jar around.
Neither git clone nor the Download Code button work.
git clone
Download Code
Also, JDK 17 doesn't work either. It'd be great if there was a How to Build in README.MD.
How to Build
Here's the build log. (stacktraces are on)
Neither java-8-temurin nor liberica-jdk-8-full work. The latter comes with OpenJFX (JavaFX), the former does not.
Alternatively, it'd be great if there was a prebuilt .jar around.