ForNeVeR / Kaiwa

A modern XMPP Web client
MIT License
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@lukekarrys/jade-runtime no more available #212

Closed Ansheos closed 7 years ago

Ansheos commented 7 years ago


Installing Kaiwa, it would seem that is no more available on npm:

... 1897 error 404 Not Found 1897 error 404 1897 error 404 'lukekarrys/jade-runtime' is not in the npm registry. 1897 error 404 You should bug the author to publish it 1897 error 404 It was specified as a dependency of '' 1897 error 404 1897 error 404 Note that you can also install from a 1897 error 404 tarball, folder, or http url, or git url. 1898 error System Linux 3.12.56-guest-44-9e5f8dd-x86_64 1899 error command "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" 1900 error cwd /home/myuser/kaiwa 1901 error node -v v4.8.2 1902 error npm -v 1.4.21 1903 error code E404 ...

Is there any workaround that I missed, or should Kaiwa use another runtime?



ForNeVeR commented 7 years ago

Hello. It seems that @lukekarrys/jade-runtime is still available in npm. I cannot reproduce your issue.

Probably you're using some old version of npm (1.0?) that doesn't support scoped packages?

Ansheos commented 7 years ago

Thanks for you feedback.

It would seem you are right. Debian/Sid npm version is too old: 1.4.21

Way to go: install the latest npm version through the installer.