Forget-About-Me2 / FamMel

Code for the omo game Melissa Explains It All
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(Player = girl) = new play-mode with the date? #175

Open M0nkey5ee opened 5 months ago

M0nkey5ee commented 5 months ago

What about the idea that when the player chooses to be a girl that complete new options arise as in now both really LOVE playing these games instead of the date is kinda a bit into it at times.

Like for example letting go just a little bit when her bladder is full to see how intense it is and risking peeing a bit - which is farely intimate and probably wouldn't happen together with a guy but another women who can understand and truly feel this.

Would add huge replay value I think. (Just spitballin)

Forget-About-Me2 commented 5 months ago

I mean sure, I feel like this is a bit of a mix between #148 which is the possibility for the gender change and #40 Which is also an option that the girl can be more into omo so playing these kind of games. I'm not going to mark this as a duplicate but I do feel implementing those two would go a long way to getting this already.