FormidableLabs / nuka-carousel

Small, fast, and accessibility-first React carousel library with an easily customizable UI and behavior to fit your brand and site.
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Fix for leftover width less than half of container/screen size #1064

Open jduthon opened 1 week ago

jduthon commented 1 week ago


During implementation of the carousel, we noticed sometimes a weird behavior where the amount that can be scrolled left does not go all the way to the end of the content.

See example from this before recording

You can notice there the scroll stops at the Slide 8, but technically there are 10 slides (so the last slide is numbered 9)

This is due to the number of pages being calculated as a rounded value, hence if the leftover width is less than half of the container size, the number of pages will be rounded down to the lower value and it'll be impossible to scroll to the end with the buttons/scroll indicators.

I propose the following fix:

  1. Use a ceiled value instead of the rounded one, so it'll always include the last missing leftover part
  2. I calculated the last scroll value as a modulo of the width so that the scroll value is precise. It's not technically mandatory (at least for Chrome) as the browser only scrolls to the available content, but I thought if this value is ever used for some other computations it might make sense to have it be precise

Here is the after result from the same story at the same screen size:

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nuka-carousel-website ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback Jun 20, 2024 4:20pm