A repository for ServerExtension by Marco found here https://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/forum/killing-floor-2/killing-floor-2-modifications/general-modding-discussion-ad/beta-mod-releases/109463-mutator-server-extension-mod
The Health HUD bar appeared before the cutscene ended. Then, some people's camera would get stucked on boss, while they could move around normally. I noticed that melee-ing would not deal damage either. This seems to happen for some people only (not all players in server). I subscribed to workshop item, did that version fix this problem or I have to download this github version instead ?
The Health HUD bar appeared before the cutscene ended. Then, some people's camera would get stucked on boss, while they could move around normally. I noticed that melee-ing would not deal damage either. This seems to happen for some people only (not all players in server). I subscribed to workshop item, did that version fix this problem or I have to download this github version instead ?