Closed lucasesvlins closed 1 week ago
Thank you for reaching out. I am aware of the issues with portions of the NPC's uuid being visible to the players. I simply do not have the time to sit down and tie up all of the loose ends right now. Can you please send me the raw npc name so I can diagnose the issues with colors?
Cheers, Foxikle
Do not edit this file. Foxikle is not responsible for any data loss. version: 1.6 95ec52dd-fa77-4ff4-a26b-7eb6dfb6344e: value: ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTY2NjMwMDA0NTk3MCwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICIwODFiZTAxZmZlMmU0ODMyODI3MDIwMjBlNmI1M2ExNyIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICJMeXJpY1BsYXRlMjUyNDIiLAogICJzaWduYXR1cmVSZXF1aXJlZCIgOiB0cnVlLAogICJ0ZXh0dXJlcyIgOiB7CiAgICAiU0tJTiIgOiB7CiAgICAgICJ1cmwiIDogImh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmMxNjBmYmQxNmFkYmM0YmZmMjQwOWU3MDE4MGQ5MTEwMDJhZWJjZmE4MTFlYjZlYzNkMTA0MDc2MWFlYTZkZCIsCiAgICAgICJtZXRhZGF0YSIgOiB7CiAgICAgICAgIm1vZGVsIiA6ICJzbGltIgogICAgICB9CiAgICB9CiAgfQp9 signature: 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 skin: A skin imported via a URL clickable: true customHologram: '%bungee_swduelsone%' hideInteractableHologram: false location: ==: org.bukkit.Location world: swlobbyone x: 0.49609426392218625 y: 73.0 z: -57.42859296916705 pitch: 3.1519046 yaw: -0.26333618 actions:
DO NOT, under ANY circumstances modify the 'version' field. Doing so can cause catastrophic data loss.
You didn't add any color codes to it. It uses MiniMessage formatting. For example if you wanted the text to be gold you would use <gold>Duels
. Please note, if google translate translated the word "gold", please make sure it is gold in english, as that is what minimessage uses.
I see, I didn't know that, thank you very much for explaining. So I would use
Since it only spawns two displays, you should put the click to play in the name input. But to make it a new line, put a <newline>
between <red>Duels
and the <yellow>Click to play
It worked, now there's just this code behind it which is a bug.
Yep! I am aware of that bug and cannot fix it immediately. I'll fix it as soon as i get the chance. Sorry for the inconvenience :(
Thank you, this plugin you created is very good! an excellent plugin! So don't take too long to fix these little flaws, please. I will be making a donation this week to help improve the plugin.
hey! I'm just letting you know that I am working on the update this weekend. With any luck it will be done on sunday.
Cheers, Foxikle
Hey I fixed the issue in this release!
I have a paper server in version 1.20.1, I was looking for an npc plugin, then I found CustomNPCs. a very user friendly and easy to configure plugin! but I need to report some failures I had with the plugin, not with the intention of harming, more warning about bugs so creators can improve. I'm having two problemsm, First, when I create a new NPC, in addition to the NPC name that I put myself, a large text still appears, full of numbers and letters, that I don't know what it is! the second problem I'm having, I can't color the text on my NPC's hologram! So that's it, I wanted to be able to have an updated version, or if I'm doing something wrong, I wanted to help so I can fix it. Sorry for my bad English, I'm Brazilian and I'm using Google Translate.