Fr33dan / GPSaveConverter

Utility to transfer save files between the games installed from the Xbox app and other storefronts.
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persona 5 royal #40

Open aminenr-hub opened 1 year ago

aminenr-hub commented 1 year ago

i get this error every time :


Game Name: Persona 5 Royal Game Package ID: SEGAofAmericaInc.F0cb6b3aer_s751p9cej88mt

Xbox Files:

Container Name 1 | Container Name 2 | Blob ID -- | -- | -- DATA01 | DATA01  | DATA.DAT SYSTEM | SYSTEM | SYSTEM.DAT

Non-Xbox Files:

XCAFEX commented 1 year ago

having the same issue would love to figure it out. If i cant i guess im buying it on steam to at least use my save file there

aminenr-hub commented 1 year ago


Create a new P5R save slot with a named character.


Navigate to your wgs
folder (e.g. C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Packages\SEGAofAmericaInc.F0cb6b3aer_s751p9cej88mt\SystemAppData\wgs

You will see a couple of folders. Go into the first folder after wgs
then navigate to the top one and copy the big line of nonsense. It should read something like this: "BBD98D9B4D6A4AEE84D6B4625EF7DDF6

Drag-and-drop or copy the long nonsense file out of your save folder and replace it with your DATA.DAT
 file. (I recommend that you back up the old save file just in case something breaks ).

Rename your .DAT
file to the nonsense whilst also removing the .DAT
at the end. (Windows will bother you saying that you may damage the file when converting it. Just say "yes".)

Load into the game and check if the new save file is working. 
Fr33dan commented 1 year ago

If you have the game on Steam on the same machine that has the GamePass version the converter works perfectly at least as reported by #23 . The problem shown in these screesnhots that you don't have a Steam installation with the accompanying file structure, but a loose data.dat folder.

You can still make the converter work with files that have been copied from other machines, but you need to replicate the save file structure of the steam version. The steam version uses a series of folders that represent the save slots, that each contain a data.dat file. The way you have it now the converter doesn't know what slot to put that file in.

Create a folder structure like this:

SavedGames <~ Select this folder in the converter.
    └   DATA.DAT <~ Your save file
RhanCandia commented 1 year ago

This worked for extracting save files from GamePass. But the other way around won't work.

I copied all my Switch saves to a local directory with the same folder structure and when I try to transfer my Switch save into GamePass I just get `Select non-Xbox Profile(s) or select save file location manually.

I don't know how to proceed from here. I just want to transfer my Switch save file into the GamePass version.