Francklin2 / RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI

RTKLIB GUI for Raspberry Pi with touchscreen made with Qt by the ENSG students
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Base position used by str2str server is a fixed value #8

Closed Francklin2 closed 8 years ago

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

I saw in the code that the -p option send to str2str is a fixed value for testing but not the position from the base position files.the default button send this string :+1:


The part -p","48.2","12.2","120.23"}; should have variables instead of fixed value

kikislater commented 8 years ago

Ah yes ! I saw that many times in files ... That's a big problem

Edit : ok no it's only in optionsstr2str.cpp I saw that last day

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

So perhaps it's just a wrong display in the GUI , I saw that the position of the base displayed in base stream status seemed to be taken from the str2str running server. The display code is there (affichestr2str.cpp):

void AfficheStr2str::recupdonneesStr2str(QStringList i) { { if (PositionMode==1) { ui->Msg1lineEdit->setText(QString("AUTOMATIC BASE POSITION picked up from last rover mode"));} if (PositionMode==2) { ui->Msg1lineEdit->setText(QString("MANUAL BASE POSITION entered by user"));} } ui->Msg2lineEdit->setText(QString("LAT = %1 deg LONG = %2 deg ALTI= %3 m").arg(m_str1).arg(m_str2).arg(m_str3));

I wil try to see which base position is receive by the rover to check what is really send

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

Finaly I have to put a empty string in arga: arga={""} and put the args on the command string for str2str (or supposed to be I"m still not sure of that point), like this I can add the wriables for base position. The correct base position is now displayed in the "CURRENT STR2STR OPTIONS" screen , so that part is ok now but I see that the RTCM strings send by the base are not readable. I think I we can close this issue a open a new one for the rtcm stream

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

I could check that the string used to launch str2str and displayed in GUI is the same and really used by the library, so I can close this issue (I found another one in the transmited base position, thi will be the nest issue)