FredyH / MySQLOO

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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[BUG] Server hangs on changelevel #138

Open blobles-dev opened 3 weeks ago

blobles-dev commented 3 weeks ago

My server is suffering from a weird issue where it just hangs when changelevel occurs, no actual crash, just unresponsive. Some research has led me to this module being the cause..

This is related to: #118

Big shoutout to Warden Potato on the gmod discord for making me aware and providing this code to replicate:

local DB = mysqloo.Connect(host, username, password, database)

function DebuggingBusyQuery()
    local q = DB:query("SELECT * FROM `sometable` WHERE `somevalue` = 'SOMETHING' ORDER BY `order` DESC LIMIT " .. math.random(1, 10000))
    function q:onSuccess(rows)
        --optional print
        --print("Result from busy query")
    function q:onError() print("Errored on debug query") end

concommand.Add("robin_williams", function(ply)
    if not ply:IsSuperAdmin() then return end
    timer.Simple(2, function()
        for i = 1, 15000, 1 do

        RunConsoleCommand("changelevel", "gm_flatgrass")
        print("changelevel has begun")

        for i = 1, 8000, 1 do

NOTE: The db should be remote, and the query should be somewhat slow, this ensures issue replication.

A simple workaround is:

hook.Add("ShutDown", "MySQLOO:KillQueriesOnShutdown", function()
    ServerLog("Shutting down a active DB connection and killing all running queries (".. DB:queueSize() ..")\n")


However, this could result in data loss, plus, you'd have to specifically add an instance for each DB, unless there's a way to grab all DB objects.

FredyH commented 2 weeks ago

The database usually waits until all queries are finished, which is usually something you'd want.

Does the problem you mention only occur if queries are launched after the change level has been run? Or is there a particular reason why the busy queries are split into two parts?

blobles-dev commented 2 weeks ago

The database usually waits until all queries are finished, which is usually something you'd want.

Does the problem you mention only occur if queries are launched after the change level has been run? Or is there a particular reason why the busy queries are split into two parts?

The code was a quick example by warden potato, its a dirty way of replicating it but at this point im confident a query is being stuck in a "pending" state, basically making the server hang, waiting forever. Since adding the work around code my server has stopped crashing, but upon checking the logs every instance says the queuesize is 0 - so unless Ive just been super lucky and not hit the crash scenario since adding it (unlikely as it was like clockwork) or the query is stuck in some sort of state where its pending but also isnt in the queue.

blobles-dev commented 2 weeks ago

The database usually waits until all queries are finished, which is usually something you'd want.

Does the problem you mention only occur if queries are launched after the change level has been run? Or is there a particular reason why the busy queries are split into two parts?

I've noticed these methods in the mysqloo table: ["allocationCount"] = function: 0xf1baad3a ["deallocationCount"] = function: 0xf1baad62 ["objectCount"] = function: 0xf1baacfa ["referenceCreatedCount"] = function: 0xf1baadf2 ["referenceFreedCount"] = function: 0xf1baadaa

Would these be beneficial to add to my debug prints prior to my work-around so you can get an idea of perhaps where it is stuck?

blobles-dev commented 2 weeks ago

I have added the following code to log some data:

        local data = {}
        data["time"] ="%c")
        data["timestamp"] = os.time()
        data["queueSize"] = Prometheus.DB.Module.DB:queueSize()
        data["preAbort"] = {
            allocationCount = mysqloo.allocationCount(),
            deallocationCount = mysqloo.deallocationCount(),
            objectCount = mysqloo.objectCount(),
            referenceCreatedCount = mysqloo.referenceCreatedCount(),
            referenceFreedCount = mysqloo.referenceFreedCount(),


        data["postAbort"] = {
            allocationCount = mysqloo.allocationCount(),
            deallocationCount = mysqloo.deallocationCount(),
            objectCount = mysqloo.objectCount(),
            referenceCreatedCount = mysqloo.referenceCreatedCount(),
            referenceFreedCount = mysqloo.referenceFreedCount(),


        data["postDisconnect"] = {
            allocationCount = mysqloo.allocationCount(),
            deallocationCount = mysqloo.deallocationCount(),
            objectCount = mysqloo.objectCount(),
            referenceCreatedCount = mysqloo.referenceCreatedCount(),
            referenceFreedCount = mysqloo.referenceFreedCount(),

        local jsonString = util.TableToJSON(data, true) 
        local fileName = "prometheus_mysqloo_log.txt"
        if file.Exists(fileName, "DATA") then
            file.Append(fileName, "\n"..jsonString)
            file.Write(fileName, jsonString)

I'll check back in a few days if there's anything that sticks out.

EDIT: Added logging for postDisconnect (just in case this is what actually fixed it, not sure if it was the abort or disconnect atm)

blobles-dev commented 2 weeks ago

@FredyH Attached my log file, the last entry is a suspected crash (i had my workaround enabled so cant confirm but all aligns) I remember when the crashes where occurring I was also getting connection errors from my DB, perhaps its something to do with queries being "stuck" with disconnected DB? Thats also how I simulated this. Had my DB connected, took its perms so it failed, then waited. prometheus_mysqloo_log.txt

FredyH commented 1 week ago

Yeah so it looks like there are still some queries running. The problem is that queries can lose the TCP connection and not notice that the server is gone, which will keep them that way indefinitely. I added timeout functions that you can use to configure when a query should timeout, but I have not released the update yet. I will probably do so later this week.

blobles-dev commented 1 week ago

Great news! I saw that commit and figured it probably be related. Two quick questions.. will it call the fail callback and is there a default timeout? It isnt my code thats failing and would be great if I could avoid editing