FreeUKGen / FreeCENMigration

Issue tracking for project migrating FreeCEN to FreeCEN2 genealogy record database and search engine architecture. Code developed here is based on that developed in MyopicVicar
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Create a plan of action for transition from vlds to FreeCEN2 #1460

Open geoffj-FUG opened 1 year ago

geoffj-FUG commented 1 year ago

Denise and Geoff to discuss

geoffj-FUG commented 1 year ago

Create a plan of action for transition from vlds to FreeCEN2 #1460

Denise and Geoff to have a zoom meeting to set a plan to manage the change.

Suggestions to be part of the plan include:

Steps that we need to consider prior to closing down VLD uploads (We should express the view that vld uploads were continued to facilitate the processing of legacy FC1 files. We have now allowed enough time for this to take place. All future Incorporation will therefore be done by converting any remaining FC1spreadsheets to FC2 spreadsheets and handling them with the updated procedures). • Set a date for the end to VLD Uploads • Identify the affected Counties • Personally advise Neil and Bev of the decision and offer conversion training. • Send a Newsletter personally to every volunteer registered in the affected Counties via the FreeCEN internal communication utility. Offer them support in the new system via the Handbook and via a Zoom training session. Have a way of registering for this Zoom meeting. • Issue a FreeCEN News from Denise (Newsletter) to all Volunteers that includes advice that the legacy vld files will no longer be uploaded from (date) and will need to be Incorporated using the FC2 software from that date. • Repeat that item in the FreeCEN Newsletter issued by Chris. • Repeat the message once again on the transcribers and coordinators message boards approx. 1 month prior to the close off date. • Place an item on the Coordinators message board approx. 1 week before the change • On the set date disable the VLD Upload and Replace functions on FC2.The download as CSVPro and delete vld functions should remain. • Manage any fallout.


geoffj-FUG commented 1 year ago

The above actions have been successfully undertaken. The next steps involve cleaning the data. We have now got to the stage where the reconciliation of the civil parishes with the PARMS is in progress. The next step will be to revalidate the POBs in the vld data set in order to bring it in line with the Gazetteer. We can commence this after 9th June when the OVB Chapman Code ceases to exist. Whilst this is being done we should ask the coordinators to look at their inter-county vld pieces and include just one a month in their validation list. These pieces will have been split up into parts A, B, C etc. Our current searching does not recognise cross county border places. By gradually converting these pieces to csv and breaking them into their new parts we will improve search results. Geoff

geoffj-FUG commented 3 weeks ago

This is now happening:

We are running a prevalidation script on the vld collection - about 20 files per night. Counties are being done alphabetically. The system was tested on SOM, GLS and CON. It will take about a yer for the first pass. The process will then be re-run. The new validationn process will populate the prevalidation data. So as we incorporate csvs the vld collection can be updated. If we run this process for 3 to 5 passes (a year per pass) then the vld data should have been validated to a high standard.

In the meantime there will be a small flow of vlds to csvs as pieces are revalidated due to reports from researchers.

The pieces that are split between counties should have been split and converted to csv files by early 2025. There may be a few exceptions that will take longer.
