Open cxwx opened 4 days ago
What is your pyrime version?
RimeXXX() API has been depreacted after librime 1.12.0 See All RimeXXX() should be replaced by rime->XXX().
pyrime 0.0.4 fix this bug. Please update your pyrime.
new errors
>>> from pyrime.prompt_toolkit import Rime
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<python-input-0>", line 1, in <module>
from pyrime.prompt_toolkit import Rime
SystemError: PyDescr_NewMember used with Py_RELATIVE_OFFSET
librime 1.12.0
where you get your librime? build from ?
Can you try download from github release of librime?
Or nix's [librime]() or gentoo prefix's librime?
buid mysqlf,
1 commit 0a983b4ea8ae69546313287c1d2651ac2e742b4c (HEAD -> master, tag: latest, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
2 Author: ksqsf <>
3 Date: Mon Nov 18 02:35:43 2024 +0100
5 fix(navigator): wrong spans after selection (#952)
using macos M1 python3.13 homebrew
I've built it for dynamic library, did you mean using static library? just using librime.a not librime.dylib?
I want to know if the bug comes from incorrect built librime or pyrime. If there exist a librime can make it work, we can know the librime resulting in this bug is built incorrectly. The weirdest problem is I never meet this bug in Linux.
no problem on linux, I'll test other way later.