Frege / try-frege

Frege online REPL
8 stars 4 forks source link

Try Frege Build Status

This is the online REPL for Frege available at this URL: (soon to be available again under

Build from sources and run locally

  1. Checkout this project and then from project root,

    mvn install

  2. To run,

    mvn -f try-frege-web jetty:run-war

    The application will be running on http://localhost:8080/tryfrege.

    To run it on port 9999 use

    mvn -f try-frege-web jetty:run-war -Djetty.http.port=9999

Build info (internal)

How to build and run with jetty runner from

`mvn package && java -jar jetty-runner.jar try-frege-web/target/tryfrege.war`

Add --port 9999 to set the port when running jetty-runner.

dependency info

This project depends on the frege distribution, which is put as a single jar in try-frege-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/. The distro contains the repl and the interpreter.

try-frege-web                  (subdir) client side html, css, js, plus code to generate and package the web application
    -> try-frege-repl          (subdir) the servlet that listens to client eval requests and returns eval results
        -> frege distribution 
            -> frege language 
            -> frege repl     
                -> frege interpreter
            -> frege script engine      not needed here, just for completeness
                -> frege interpreter