Freshwater-Initiative / SkagitLandslideHazards

Seattle City Light is interested in improving understanding of landslide hazard and sediment transport to ensure reliable and cost-effective hydropower generation.
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GIS input parameters for Landlab #18

Open RondaStrauch opened 5 years ago

RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

New issue to capture our acquisition of necessary GIS rasters and shape files to run the Landlab Landslide component Initially storing the in a hydrosphere resource: Files include:

  1. DEM
  2. Study area boundary (US Skagit River HUC 12 sub basins down to confluence with Sauk
  3. HUC 12 and HUC 10 boundaries (might want to aggregate data by these)
  4. NOCA park boundary
  5. Goodell Creek Fire
RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

Check Landslide hydrosphere data site and found additional data files needed from Erkan's computer:

ChristinaB commented 5 years ago
RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

Added a North Cascades filled DEM at 30 m into Hydroshare.

RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

Checked on land cover data used to create cohesion. Need to recreate cohesion because the existing files are for NOCA. Check that the LULC is being updated from 2011 to 2016 data, but this is suppose to come out April 2019...not yet though. So, found the 2011 data for NorthCascades LULC and updating the projection to square up with other data and upload to hydroShare. Added Washington state geology onto HydroShare.

RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

Working in Probfail.mxd ArcMap Found the classification table 'LULC_reclass.xlsx' and reclassed LULC into 8 classes.

Reclasifying the LULC 8 types into cohesion values for mode using the values in the esurf paper, but set ice/snow/water to 1 and wetlands to 2 because we can see where these are. They will be excluded from the analysis with an exclusion mask. Reclass was x100 because has to be integer. image


RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

Completed todo list in last comment

RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

5/9/19 Clipping to get rows & columns of study area This is if you don’t check the geometry box: Rows = 3220 and columns = 3281 But no data values are -128 even though specified -9999 ???



When we clip to geometry, still get the same number of rows/columns, but this time the no-data values are -9999

image image Notice that this last clipping looks like the raster is only covering the watershed areas, but in fact it extends to the same extent as the past one, but nodata is showing up as white. Confirmed rows & columns by converting to ASCII and checking header

RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

Domain header for 30m grid - but this is in degrees image And Source tab in GIS image

RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

Talked with Nicoleta. We need to decide our spatial domain. We chose the one in 2 comments above. Decided to try reprojecting in UTM 10 coordinates (WGS 1984) in a new dataframe. I also created 3 mask for this domain that has 1 for inside watershed and nodata, -9999, and 0 for outside watershed. Here is the Albers image UTM 10 projection, but the UTM also still shows Albers as spacial reference.
Albers projection image UTM 10 projection image But both of these are still in m units, not lat/long

ChristinaB commented 5 years ago

@RondaStrauch This looks good to me. Can you overlay the full skagit boundary and let's report the fraction of the park and the fraction of the Skagit we are including in the model. It's hard for me to tell what part of the Skagit we are excluding. C

ChristinaB commented 5 years ago

Methods for clipping DHSVM output to a square domain of the hazard map.



RondaStrauch commented 5 years ago

@ChristinaB Can you load the 'testdomain' GIS layer (or the 01 mask) to Hydroshare GIS folder or is this already in Github?

ChristinaB commented 5 years ago

Click to download grids of climate data elevations

Click to download the SCL mask files

I'm also uploading the clipped DEM of the NorthCascades 30 m data to the Mask- it doesn't totally cover the mask so we will need to merge this with another dataset. How do we want to handle this? I can do a raster calculator and fill in with 150 res data downscaled to 30. Also - use the raster calculator and Environment settings to clip - don't use the clipping tool in ArcGIS!

ChristinaB commented 5 years ago

Click to download sample DEM to see the gap in the North

NCristea commented 5 years ago

I am not sure if the soil depth file you uploaded has the correct data and geographic information. Could you please upload a tif file you used to set up DHSVM? I would need a correct dataset with geographic information of DHSVM grids.

ChristinaB commented 4 years ago

You can download a zipped file of raster and ascii files and headers at this link: SCL Domain

Extent Resolution/Grid Cell Size xllcorner yllcorner ncols nrows
Observatory Climate Forcings SCL extent 6 km 591315 5354895 13 13
Skagit Hydrology & Climate Change Study Domain 150 meter 535665 5311395 916 1020
Seattle City Light Skagit Study Domain - Hydrology 150 meter 591315 5354895 545 544
Seattle City Light Skagit Study Domain - Landslide/Fire 30 meter 591315 5354895 2725 2720
ChristinaB commented 4 years ago

The SSURGO shapefile is skagit150DHSVM_soilclasses_20150627_204191130.shp . We attached a reanalysis of soils from LanslidePhi_20190710_subsurface.xls I converted the shapefile to a grid, and resample to 150m and 30 m grid cell resolution. I converted the Phi grid into an ascii. The header is consistent with the DEM header. ncols 2725 nrows 2720 xllcorner 591315 yllcorner 5354895 cellsize 30 NODATA_value -9999

@RondaStrauch Do you want missing Phi values to be -9999, 0 or set to a value like 44?


ChristinaB commented 4 years ago

@RondaStrauch has a new Phi_parameter folder inside the GIS folder. Also adding the ascii to code in this repo.

RondaStrauch commented 4 years ago

@ChristinaB I'm using the new phi you provided and using this to create ascii's for the other parameters in the UTM 10 projection. I'll make the phi have a missing value of -9999