Freyskeyd / atom-alignment

Multi-line and multiple selection alignment package for atom
MIT License
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Align with multiple cursors not working under Atom 1.19 #82

Open kylebarron opened 7 years ago

kylebarron commented 7 years ago

I updated to Atom 1.19 and the multi-cursor alignment no longer works.

From the example in the README (the vertical lines are removed and where my cursors are placed):

var a    =b var c|= d
var e c|=   f var g = h
var i c=j var k |= l

should be transformed to

var a    =b var c = d
var e c           = f var g = h
var i c=j var k   = l

Instead, it's transformed (using atom-alignment:align) to:

var a  =b var c= d|
var e c= f var g = h|
var i c=j var k = l|

where the cursors are shown at the end of the line. It seems that it doesn't perceive multiple cursors and aligns on the first = instead. The following text (with cursors designated with |) is not adjusted at all under atom-alignment:align:

test |d
aldssadflkjsakdlf |d

My config.cson looks like this:

    addSpacePostfix: true
    alignBy: [
    alignmentSpaceChars: [

My atom version is:

> atom --version
Atom    : 1.19.0
Electron: 1.6.9
Chrome  : 56.0.2924.87
Node    : 7.4.0
rafxgit commented 7 years ago

I can confirm this is still broken and unusable under 1.19.5.