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Unable to send chat from the TT+ tray icon 0.2.16 #35

Closed Kasai closed 11 years ago

Kasai commented 11 years ago

I can see incoming chat messages from show up in the blue TT+ tray icon 'Chat' tab, but when I type a message to submit to chat it never shows up. I have asked about 5 other people and none of them were able to write to chat from the blue TT+ tray icon 'Chat' tab.

Ok so I noticed that if I go to the 'Chat' tab, enter a message in the field and hit ENTER the whole window will flash and I can see it say " room not found" then I see the normal TT+ window again but my message is gone and it has not show up in chat.

I have attached three images. One is with the message in the field before I hit ENTER "WindowFlash_1of3.jpg", the screen flash after I hit ENTER "WindowFlash_2of3.jpg", and the screen after that "WindowFlash_3of3.jpg".

The images are in order top to bottom 1,2,3 in this Imgur album.

Frick commented 11 years ago

Very stupid issue, but finally fixed. Not sure what changed (likely due to Chrome 21), but it just required a change from listening for a 'keyup' event to listening for a 'keydown' event. This is fixed in version 0.2.18 available in the Chrome Web Store: