Friendly0Fire / GW2Clarity

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Stack detection stopped working on Feb. 28 patch #27

Closed AstanVizu closed 1 year ago

AstanVizu commented 1 year ago

The detection of stacks for buffs and conditions stopped working since the Feb. 28 patch of GW2. In more detail, setting a different color/opacity for 0 stacks and for 1-25 stacks will result in always showing the color/opacity for 0 stacks and never switch to the one for 1-25 stacks, even when applying the boon or condition.

Please let me know in case you need any files.


AstanVizu commented 1 year ago

I now got an error message. Here is the log and the one of the loader gw2al_log.txt gw2clarity.log

Friendly0Fire commented 1 year ago

Fixed in 0.0.17!

AstanVizu commented 1 year ago

Thanks, works like a charm!