A Flarum extension. Make custom HTML templates for emails!
It is possible to make additional variables available to the templates from other extensions. For example:
In your extend.php
(new \FoF\PrettyMail\Extend\PrettyMail)
->addTemplateData('myNewVariable', Callback\NewVariableCallback::class),
The callback should be an invokable class, and accept \Flarum\Notification\Blueprint\BlueprintInterface
, returning the string
value that should be assigned to your new variable.
You should also include a translation using the key fof-pretty-mail.admin.settings.attributes.myNewVariable
, which will be displayed in the extension settings page, so that admin users know what your new key is providing them, and were they should use it in their template.
Install with composer:
composer require fof/pretty-mail:"*"
composer update fof/pretty-mail
Due to how Flarum handles certain emails, I had to utilize a "hack" to get it to work. Please report any issues you have to our Github.
An extension by FriendsOfFlarum.