Technically this is two changes, first they changed the format of the command, and it seems they removed the Templates prefix as well.
❯ dotnet new -i Templates/StreamDeck.PluginTemplate.Csharp
Warning: use of 'dotnet new --install' is deprecated. Use 'dotnet new install' instead.
For more information, run:
dotnet new install -h
❯ dotnet new install Templates/StreamDeck.PluginTemplate.Csharp
The following template packages will be installed:
Templates/StreamDeck.PluginTemplate.Csharp is not supported.
❯ dotnet new install StreamDeckPluginTemplate
The following template packages will be installed:
Success: StreamDeckPluginTemplate::0.5.2040 installed the following templates:
Template Name Short Name Language Tags
------------------ ----------------- -------- ------------------------
Stream Deck Plugin streamdeck-plugin [C#] Console/StreamDeckPlugin
Technically this is two changes, first they changed the format of the command, and it seems they removed the
prefix as well.