FrostyX / fedora-review-service

Fedora package reviews CI
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Manually trigger new Copr build and comment #11

Closed FrostyX closed 1 year ago

FrostyX commented 1 year ago

Sometimes a build is not triggered, or the contributor edits a previous comment instead of adding a new one, etc, and we might need to manually rebuild the package and generate a new comment.

In Copr we did so if we found a [copr-build] string in the comment but I don't want to do this in Bugzilla.

michal-josef-spacek commented 1 year ago

I have this situation in the review of perl-Alien-Brotli (, where the service did review, but the spec file was changed after review.

Could I do a review somehow again by service?

FrostyX commented 1 year ago

I am sorry, it's not possible at this moment. A Copr build is submitted only if the author of the RHBZ ticket adds a comment with Spec URL: and SRPM URL:.

But we really need a way to trigger the build some other way. Do you have any ideas? What would be your preferred way?

michal-josef-spacek commented 1 year ago

First, I need to understand this tooling myself. :-)

So I could add to the ticket in Bugzilla:

For update review in COPR:
Spec URL:

And this will trigger the COPR build. Am I saying it right?

FrostyX commented 1 year ago

Basically yes. The ticket needs to have Component: Package Review, you need to be its owner, and the linked perl-Alien-Brotli-0.2.2-2.fc38.src.rpm must match the package name in the ticket summary. If all of that is true, Corp build is submitted.

michal-josef-spacek commented 1 year ago

Thank you, trigger is working.