Fuhrerreich / FR

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Typos #191

Open maxice8 opened 4 years ago

maxice8 commented 4 years ago

The typos are available as patches that can be applied against the root directory of the mod.

maxice8 commented 4 years ago

Patch for the german files.

diff --git a/localisation/FR_Germany_l_english.yml b/localisation/FR_Germany_l_english.yml
index eba0a68..80bcee9 100644
--- a/localisation/FR_Germany_l_english.yml
+++ b/localisation/FR_Germany_l_english.yml
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ GER_kampfregimenter_desc:0 "The Treaty of Versailles forbid Germany from creatin
 GER_versialles_no_good:0 "Treaty of Versailles"
 GER_versialles_no_good_desc:0 "After the Great War the victorious Entente powers forced Germany to sign the Versailles Treaty. In it, the Entente stipulated that Germany cannot possess an army larger than 100,000 men and they must permanently disband their general staff who orchestrated the majority of the German war effort. Both these stipulations have severely weakened our state and our ability to claim our place as a world power."
 FRA_german_sanctions:0 "Sanctioning Germany"
-FRA_german_sanctions_desc:0 "In line with the Entente Council policy we have agreed to sanction Germany. We will no longer sell war material to there nation. While this decision was popular with the Council's delegates many entrepreneurs within the arms industry have argued that these sanctions only serve to hurt their revenues and our economy."
+FRA_german_sanctions_desc:0 "In line with the Entente Council policy we have agreed to sanction Germany. We will no longer sell war material to their nation. While this decision was popular with the Council's delegates many entrepreneurs within the arms industry have argued that these sanctions only serve to hurt their revenues and our economy."
 FRA_austerity_measures:0 "Entente Austerity Measures"
 FRA_austerity_measures_desc:0 "In response to the London Stock Market Crash the Entente Council has agreed to coordinate on austerity measures. Cooperating members will increase taxation on their highest earning citizens. and subsidies currently open industry. On top of this, the members will continue to exporting natural resources to other members if they require them. Together we will support each other towards economic recovery."
 GER_german_sanctions1:0 "Entente Sanctions"
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ GER_norway_base_desc:0 "Norway holds one of the most vital coastal locations, as
 GER_no_british_kiel:0 "Ban The British From The Kiel Canal"
 GER_no_british_kiel_desc:0 "Kiel has become one of the most profitable and essential port- and trade cities over time. Most goods from Central and Germanic Europe are usually traded and exported through Kiel. Thus, in order to limit British influence and goods, we shall ban them access to this valuable city."
 GER_central_europe:0 "Claims In Central Europe"
-GER_central_europe_desc:0 "At the very heart of Europe is where most of our claims and the Germans away from home our. It is time to take back the territories that are rightfully ours and bring the Germans living there back to there rightful homes. We must also demonstrate that we are the dominant power of Central Europe, thus tipping the odds in our favor."
+GER_central_europe_desc:0 "At the very heart of Europe is where most of our claims and the Germans away from home our. It is time to take back the territories that are rightfully ours and bring the Germans living there back to their rightful homes. We must also demonstrate that we are the dominant power of Central Europe, thus tipping the odds in our favor."
 GER_austrian_coup:0 "Valkist Coup In Austria"
 GER_austrian_coup_desc:0 "After the Great War, Austria was stripped of many of its former glory, prestige, and land, and replaced by a weak, ineffective republic. We must bring the Germans living there, into their rightful and true home, and put them back in a Society that is properly. Thus, we must launch a coup, and then decide what role it should play in our reich."
 GER_annex_austria:0 "Annexation of Austria"
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ GER_block_kiel_desc:0 "Kiel is one of the many valuable port cities, yet the fil
 GER_block_straights:0 "Block The Bosphorus Straits"
 GER_block_straights_desc:0 "Why stop at one city? We must try to starve and dry out the Soviet menace for as long as we possibly can, so we can finally put an end to their wretched "International", and Bolshevism in Europe, and spread the great ideology of Valkism, and the influence of our Greater Reich!"
 GER_persian_bombers:0 "Bombing Campaign Over Baku"
-GER_persian_bombers_desc:0 "The Ottoman Empire is close to the Soviet menace and shares our hostility towards them. We should use their air bases and proximity to the Kaukasus to our advantage. The Baku Oil fields provide the USSR with the majority of there petroleum supply. Destroying these would bring Russia to its knees."
+GER_persian_bombers_desc:0 "The Ottoman Empire is close to the Soviet menace and shares our hostility towards them. We should use their air bases and proximity to the Kaukasus to our advantage. The Baku Oil fields provide the USSR with the majority of their petroleum supply. Destroying these would bring Russia to its knees."
 GER_finnish_forts:0 "Finnish Fortifications"
 GER_finnish_forts_desc:0 "Ever since the 1920's, Finland has always remained divided, between General Mannerheim, and the Bolshevist Finland. It is time we fortify Mannerheim's Finland, so the Soviet Menace doesn't spread further, and so we can conduct an assault on Petrograd from the north."
 GER_legacy_of_the_weltkrieg:0 "Legacy of The Weltkrieg"
@@ -810,13 +810,13 @@ GER_air_defenses_desc:0 "As the 2nd Great War rages on our enemies attempt to de
 GER_underground_industry:0 "Underground Production Facilities"
 GER_underground_industry_desc:0 "It is clear that our Anti-Air Defenses may not be enough to protect all our factories from enemy raids. We should move some of our key industries into underground facilities where they shall be impervious to enemy bombers."
 GER_west_industry:0 "Evacuate Industry From Western Germany"
-GER_west_industry_desc:0 "As the enemy forces our army back into the Fatherland it is clear that much of our industry is at risk falling into there hands. We must evacuate what industry we can closer to Berlin while we are still able."
+GER_west_industry_desc:0 "As the enemy forces our army back into the Fatherland it is clear that much of our industry is at risk falling into their hands. We must evacuate what industry we can closer to Berlin while we are still able."
 GER_east_industry:0 "Evacuate Industry From Eastern Germany"
-GER_east_industry_desc:0 "As the enemy forces our army back into Western Prussia it is clear that much of our industry is at risk falling into there hands. We must evacuate what industry we can closer to Berlin while we are still able."
+GER_east_industry_desc:0 "As the enemy forces our army back into Western Prussia it is clear that much of our industry is at risk falling into their hands. We must evacuate what industry we can closer to Berlin while we are still able."
 GER_Alpenfestung:0 "Alpenfestung"
-GER_Alpenfestung_desc:0 "It is clear that our war effort collapsing. Our enemies march into our nation and our ability to resist continues to diminish. A final stand for our nation has been drafted in which we will use what is left of our industry to build up defenses in the Alps and Sudeten mountians. Frm there we will make a valient last stand and make our enemies bleed for every inch of our territory."
+GER_Alpenfestung_desc:0 "It is clear that our war effort collapsing. Our enemies march into our nation and our ability to resist continues to diminish. A final stand for our nation has been drafted in which we will use what is left of our industry to build up defenses in the Alps and Sudeten mountians. From there we will make a valient last stand and make our enemies bleed for every inch of our territory."
 GER_slovakia_alliance:0 "Alliance With Slovakia"
-GER_slovakia_alliance_desc:0 "To further weaken Bohemia's position in Central Europe we should seek an alliance with there Eastern neighbor Slovakia. When fully surronded they will have no choice but to bow to our whim."
+GER_slovakia_alliance_desc:0 "To further weaken Bohemia's position in Central Europe we should seek an alliance with their Eastern neighbor Slovakia. When fully surronded they will have no choice but to bow to our whim."
 GER_slovakia_support:0 "Provide Support To Slovakia"
 GER_slovakia_support_desc:0 "Now that we are allied with the small nation of Slovakia it would be in both our best interests to provide material and technical support for the Slovakian Army."
 GER_ukraine_wheat:0 "Ukrainian Wheat Imports"
@@ -1007,47 +1007,47 @@ ger.148.d:0 "To overcome the influence that the Entente powers have over Europe
 ger.148.a:0 "Hitler's the man, He's never been wrong."
 ger.148.b:0 "Strasser is the better choice."
 ger.149.t:0 "The TST question"
-ger.149.d:0 "The Kampfregimenter was too autonomous and disorganised to be a reliable defense force for Germany. The Thuleschutztruppes were created by [GER.GetLeader] to be his own loyal force, immune to the influence of ambitious officers. There recent expansion though has left many questions about there role in the German armed forces unanswered. Two proposals have been sugested for the TST. The first is that the TST should lead our army in offensive operations using there thorough traing and skills to achive decisive results. The other proposal is to have the TST manage the internal security of our nation and occupied territories, eliminating opposition and keeping our troops in order as needed."
+ger.149.d:0 "The Kampfregimenter was too autonomous and disorganised to be a reliable defense force for Germany. The Thuleschutztruppes were created by [GER.GetLeader] to be his own loyal force, immune to the influence of ambitious officers. Their recent expansion though has left many questions about their role in the German armed forces unanswered. Two proposals have been sugested for the TST. The first is that the TST should lead our army in offensive operations using their thorough traing and skills to achive decisive results. The other proposal is to have the TST manage the internal security of our nation and occupied territories, eliminating opposition and keeping our troops in order as needed."
 ger.149.a:0 "The TST should be part of frontline operations."
 ger.149.b:0 "The TST should be in the reserves to keep order."
 ger.150.t:0 "Standard German university curriculum"
 ger.150.d:0 "To keep our hold on power we must make sure that our universities keep in line with Valkist ideals. How should we direct our higher places of learning?"
 ger.150.a:0 "They should focus on improving Germany."
 ger.150.b:0 "They should focus on spreading German influence."
-ger.155.d:0 "Today German panzers made a spearhead into the French capital of Paris. No 'miracle' of the Marne could have stopped the brutality and speed of the German offense this time. Now German soldiers march down the streets of Paris celebrating there victory. [GER.GetLeader] has even announced his intention to tour the city and plant the Valkist flag on the Eiffel Tower himself."
+ger.155.d:0 "Today German panzers made a spearhead into the French capital of Paris. No 'miracle' of the Marne could have stopped the brutality and speed of the German offense this time. Now German soldiers march down the streets of Paris celebrating their victory. [GER.GetLeader] has even announced his intention to tour the city and plant the Valkist flag on the Eiffel Tower himself."
 ger.156.d:0 "Like Odoacer before them German forces have once again sacked Rome. The Italian defense was desperate but the superior German troops were able to overcome and take the city. In the chaos of the situation many Italians have even seeked refuge into the Vatican city but demand for shelter has outstripped the small nation's ability to provide."
 ger.157.d:0 "German troops have crossed the alps and have overrun the Po Valley, taking the key port of Venice in the process. For the first time since the dissolution of Austria-Hungary, Germans now have access to the Mediterranean."
-ger.158.d:0 "Despite the natural barrier provided by the Rhine River, The combined French and Rhenish force was unable to hold there ground against advancing German Panzers. This surely spells the end of the Rhenish puppet state."
+ger.158.d:0 "Despite the natural barrier provided by the Rhine River, The combined French and Rhenish force was unable to hold their ground against advancing German Panzers. This surely spells the end of the Rhenish puppet state."
 ger.159.d:0 "After a quick campaign into Poland, German troops have surrounded the Polish capital of Warsaw. After a night of heavy shelling German troops were able to take the city with only minor opposition. Now that our Eastern territories are secured we can focus on France or push onto the Soviet Union."
-ger.160.d:0 "After a quick operation through Rhineland we have been able to pierce through the defenses of Alsace and our forces are now on there way towards Paris. The days of the French Republic are numbered."
+ger.160.d:0 "After a quick operation through Rhineland we have been able to pierce through the defenses of Alsace and our forces are now on their way towards Paris. The days of the French Republic are numbered."
 ger.161.d:0 "For the first time since the conquests of Napoleon, The alpine state of Switzerland has fallen to foreign arms. Now that we are control of this strategic region we can expand our operations into France and Italy."
 ger.162.d:0 "Just like the Imperial army 20 years before us we have successfully flanked the French army through Belgium. The pitiful resistance of the Belgium armed forces was no match for our own troops. With Belgium out of our way we now have access to the undefended interior of France."
-ger.163.d:0 "For the first time since the Norman conquest of 1066, The city of London has fallen to a foreign force. Tower Bridge suffered much shelling damage from British defenders when German Panzers made there crossing but once across the British defense collapsed rapidly. Now that the heart of the Empire is in our control it is only a matter of time before it collapses."
-ger.164.d:0 "The Ukrainian army, after years of strangulation from Moscow, was completely incapable of stopping the German advance through there territory. Now our forces surround the last desperate defenders of Kiev. As soon as the city falls we will have control of vast farmlands o feed our people."
+ger.163.d:0 "For the first time since the Norman conquest of 1066, The city of London has fallen to a foreign force. Tower Bridge suffered much shelling damage from British defenders when German Panzers made the crossing but once across the British defense collapsed rapidly. Now that the heart of the Empire is in our control it is only a matter of time before it collapses."
+ger.164.d:0 "The Ukrainian army, after years of strangulation from Moscow, was completely incapable of stopping the German advance through their territory. Now our forces surround the last desperate defenders of Kiev. As soon as the city falls we will have control of vast farmlands o feed our people."
 ger.165.d:0 "Our campaign up the Baltic has ended at the gates of Leningrad, birthplace of the Russian Revolution. Following our decisive siege the city fell and the Russian defenders were forced out. Now the USSR is cut off from the Baltic and isolated from the world."
 ger.166.d:0 "After a hard fought campaign through the Soviet Union we have taken the heart of the collectivist empire, Moscow. This is clearly the beginning of the end of the degenerate Marxist state."
 ger.167.d:0 "With Hamburg finally in our Hand its time to make it the New Naval Hub for Germany. Hundreds of ships shall be built in the Dockyards of its City. The question remains what the priority should be on."
 ger.168.d:0 "[GER.GetLeader] has died. His rule has defined Germany for nearly the last decade. In the aftermath of the Great War, Germany was crippled by the victorious Entente powers and the history of Europe changed forever. The old Germany had died in the conflict and out of it's ashes a new vision for the German people arose. [GER.GetLeader]'s political philosophy and reforms lead Germany to reemerge as the predominant power of Europe. As The 2nd Great War expanded across the continent, the German army was able to easily overwhelm the Entente and avenge the injustices made at Versailles. \n\n1942 opens with our nation dominating the world stage. The German people finally belong to a nation to be proud of but not all is good within Berlin. At a meeting with the 'Großer Rat', [GER.GetLeader] collapsed into a stroke. He was quickly rushed to a nearby hospital where he failed to regain consciousnesses and died a few hours later. An X-ray scan showed a small piece of shrapnel, an injury caused by a French artillery attack during the 1st Great War, had finally pierced an artery in his brain leading to a fatal hemorrhage. News of his death was kept secret for many days as not to ruin the moral of the German people during these challenging times but for our government to continue we must choose who should succeed [GER.GetLeader] and his legacy. \n\nThis will no be an easy decision as many factions fight for control due to the massive power vacuum created by [GER.GetLeader]'s untimely death. For many within the inner circle of the Valkist party it seems that Anton Arco-Valley, the right hand man of [GER.GetLeader], should be the next Führer. The TST, The ever growing German paramilitary group lead by the eccentric Rudolf von Sebottendorf, has gained significant influence on the policies of Germany due to their role in the war effort. Some fear that he may initiate a putsch and install himself as Führer. With the death of the [GER.GetLeader] much of the unity within the party has been lost. Infighting and debate on the future of Germany has broken out. Hermann Goring has started a faction who believe that the war has met all it's goals and wish to see the conflict come to a close. Goring and many others want to focus on building Großdeutschland into the sole world power [GER.GetLeader] had originally envisioned. The fate of Germany and the world may rest upon what transpires these next few days."
 ger.169.d:0 "The Summer games have begun. Athletes from all over the world have met in Berlin to compete for glory. German chancellor, [GER.GetLeader] has spared no expense showcasing the beauty and power of his nation. Adolf Hitler, the favorite architect of [GER.GetLeader], has designed lavish public works within and around Berlin including the magnificent Reichssportfeld stadium. The competitions this year might be the most exciting yet as nations from all over the globe battle for the most medals"
 ger.170.d:0 "After 2 weeks of stiff competition the 1936 summer games have concluded. While many nations took home medals the United States and Germany won the most. At the closing ceremony [GER.GetLeader] used the victory of the German athletes to proclaim the superiority of the 'New German' a man free from the constraints of traditional Christian morals and who could lead his life as he saw fit. Despite the cheers from the crowd those from the nations which surround Germany have taken this to be a foreboding statement"
-ger.172.d:0 "Since it's construction in the 14th century Notre Dame has stood as one of Europe's most awe inspiring religious halls. A group of young Valkists have petitioned our government to allow them to practice there ritual within the church. The Nordic inspired group wishes to practice traditional German religion and hope to use this to help spread their movement. While this could help spread Germanic influence among the Valkist's living in Paris we may want to be cautious about upsetting the more conservative members of Parisian society and government."
+ger.172.d:0 "Since it's construction in the 14th century Notre Dame has stood as one of Europe's most awe inspiring religious halls. A group of young Valkists have petitioned our government to allow them to practice their ritual within the church. The Nordic inspired group wishes to practice traditional German religion and hope to use this to help spread their movement. While this could help spread Germanic influence among the Valkist's living in Paris we may want to be cautious about upsetting the more conservative members of Parisian society and government."
 ger.175.d:0 "Beginning it's circumnavigation of the globe the Zeppelin Tanngrisnir takes off at an airfield outside of Berlin. The path of the airship will have it land in the most prestigious nations on Earth. It's first stop will be England where it is rumored that Edward VIII will be in attendance to see Tanngrisnir land. Following this the ship will stop in France, cross the Atlantic to New York, refuel in San Diego, Cross the pacific towards Japan, breifly stop in India and finally make it's last showing outside of Instanbul. A ship it's size and power will diplay the clear supremacy of Valkism to the international community."
 ger.190.d:0 "Disputes between Otto Strasser and [GER.GetLeader] have been growing for years now. Stasser's anti-capitalist views have gathered the negative attention of many Valkists officials and have even earned him accusations of holding Socialist sympathies. [GER.GetLeader]'s recent appointment of his personal architect Adolf Hitler to the post of Economic Ministers effectively pushed Strasser our of German politics. As a result of this Strasser has fled to Danish controlled Holstein to support its fledgling Collectivist movement. This turn of events is has been a national embarrassment for the Valkist party and only serves to give ammo for [GER.GetLeader]'s detractors."
 ger.192.d:0 "After the Great War France and the other Entente powers establish themselves as the overseers and protectors of Europe. To accomplish this goal France established the Entente Council as an organization to mediate any conflicts that arise on the continent. Every year delegates from all across Europe gather in Paris for 2 weeks of discussion and debate. This year is shaping up to be the most important Council yet. The economic depression caused by the London Stock Market Collapse is forcing nations to scramble for solutions and the threat of German rearmament looms over us more and more. The continued stability of Europe may rest on the outcome of this council."
-ger.193.d:0 "Now that delegates have rived from all across Europe we can begin discussions. Many issues will need to be discussed by the end of this council. We must establish how to deal with Germany's complete disregard of the Versailles Treaty, an action that must not go unchecked. We must also touch upon the recent economic depression that is sweeping through Europe. For a quick recovery we must agree on a unified strategy. The final issue that has been suggested for discussion is the diplomatic status of the Soviet Union. in 1917 our ally, the Russian Empire, fell into a brutal civil war in which the liberal democratic White forces were pitted against the Collectivist Red forces. By 1922 most of the White force was defeated and many of there leaders immigrated to Paris. In an act of solidarity the Entente has refused to recognize the USSR as the legitimate Russian state but without British support and the rising threat of Germany it may be time to set aside our ideological pride and focus on pragmatic needs. To send a strong message to the German Reich we must be on good terms with the powerful Soviet Union."
-ger.194.d:0 "When [GER.GetLeader] took power in Germany he promised his supporters that he would restore the Reich's former glory. It is clear now that he is willing to do this at any cost. When the London Stock Market Crash swept through France and Europe, [GER.GetLeader] took the opportunity to announce that Germany would no longer abide to the Treaty of Versailles. As our delegates speak the German war machine that lead to the deaths of over 20 million people during the Great War roars back to life. \n\n It has been agreed early on that France and the greater European community are in no shape to disarm Germany by force but if we take action now we may be able to cripple [GER.GetLeader]'s goal of rearmament. Germany is incredible dependent on it's neighbors for it's industrial sector. If we can agree on proper weapon sanctions we could bring Germany's arms industry to a halt but many delegates worry that hurting there own arms industry in the middle of a recession isn't worth the small diplomatic foot hold over Germany."
-ger.195.d:0 "After hours of arguing a final vote on the German issue has been reached. Proponents believe that sanctioning the German arms industry will cripple Germany's ability to wage an offensive war but opponents believe that this would only damage there nation's own arms industry which relies on German income to survive."
-ger.196.d:0 "After hours of debates the Entente Council voted against sanctioning Germany. Fears that this action would hurt there own arms industry ran rampant through the delegates chamber. France will now have to find her own ways of dealing with Germany."
-ger.197.d:0 "After hours of debate the Entente Council has voted to sanction Germany. Most delegates were swayed by the hope that sanctioning the German arms industry would destroy there plans for rearmament. Only time will tell if this proves true."
+ger.193.d:0 "Now that delegates have rived from all across Europe we can begin discussions. Many issues will need to be discussed by the end of this council. We must establish how to deal with Germany's complete disregard of the Versailles Treaty, an action that must not go unchecked. We must also touch upon the recent economic depression that is sweeping through Europe. For a quick recovery we must agree on a unified strategy. The final issue that has been suggested for discussion is the diplomatic status of the Soviet Union. in 1917 our ally, the Russian Empire, fell into a brutal civil war in which the liberal democratic White forces were pitted against the Collectivist Red forces. By 1922 most of the White force was defeated and many of their leaders immigrated to Paris. In an act of solidarity the Entente has refused to recognize the USSR as the legitimate Russian state but without British support and the rising threat of Germany it may be time to set aside our ideological pride and focus on pragmatic needs. To send a strong message to the German Reich we must be on good terms with the powerful Soviet Union."
+ger.194.d:0 "When [GER.GetLeader] took power in Germany he promised his supporters that he would restore the Reich's former glory. It is clear now that he is willing to do this at any cost. When the London Stock Market Crash swept through France and Europe, [GER.GetLeader] took the opportunity to announce that Germany would no longer abide to the Treaty of Versailles. As our delegates speak the German war machine that lead to the deaths of over 20 million people during the Great War roars back to life. \n\n It has been agreed early on that France and the greater European community are in no shape to disarm Germany by force but if we take action now we may be able to cripple [GER.GetLeader]'s goal of rearmament. Germany is incredible dependent on it's neighbors for it's industrial sector. If we can agree on proper weapon sanctions we could bring Germany's arms industry to a halt but many delegates worry that hurting their own arms industry in the middle of a recession isn't worth the small diplomatic foot hold over Germany."
+ger.195.d:0 "After hours of arguing a final vote on the German issue has been reached. Proponents believe that sanctioning the German arms industry will cripple Germany's ability to wage an offensive war but opponents believe that this would only damage their nation's own arms industry which relies on German income to survive."
+ger.196.d:0 "After hours of debates the Entente Council voted against sanctioning Germany. Fears that this action would hurt their own arms industry ran rampant through the delegates chamber. France will now have to find her own ways of dealing with Germany."
+ger.197.d:0 "After hours of debate the Entente Council has voted to sanction Germany. Most delegates were swayed by the hope that sanctioning the German arms industry would destroy their plans for rearmament. Only time will tell if this proves true."
 ger.198.d:0 "The cowardly French have pressured a horde of nations to sanction our country in attempt to damage our arms industry. The Entente and their allies will no longer sell arms and weapon manufacturing equipment to our nation. Despite French hopes though this will only be a small road block in the way towards our goal of a German dominated Europe."
-ger.199.d:0 "The London Stock Market Crash has caused what may be the greatest economic recces ion to ever effect Europe. Unemployment sores as companies and businesses are no longer able to keep there doors open. France has drafted an economic recovery plan to asst Europe through this disaster. In it our nation would be obligated to increase taxes on high earners and use the profits to subsidies currently operational business. In addition to this we would also need to keep exporting resources to Entente Council members that require them in an attempt to keep there industry operating. The hope is that these policies will prevent any further bankruptcies and stop the rapid unemployment. Many delegates worry that these policies are too rigid and don't take into account the specific needs that each individual nation may have."
+ger.199.d:0 "The London Stock Market Crash has caused what may be the greatest economic recces ion to ever effect Europe. Unemployment sores as companies and businesses are no longer able to keep their doors open. France has drafted an economic recovery plan to asst Europe through this disaster. In it our nation would be obligated to increase taxes on high earners and use the profits to subsidies currently operational business. In addition to this we would also need to keep exporting resources to Entente Council members that require them in an attempt to keep their industry operating. The hope is that these policies will prevent any further bankruptcies and stop the rapid unemployment. Many delegates worry that these policies are too rigid and don't take into account the specific needs that each individual nation may have."
 ger.200.d:0 "After hours of arguments a final vote on how to approach the economic recovery has been made. Proponents argue that economic cooperation and austerity policies will be needed to overcome the recession while opponents argue that the French economic recovery plan is is too rigid and fails to address the specific needs of individual nations."
 ger.201.d:0 "The Entente Council could not come into agreement over an economic recovery strategy. The French plan failed to resonate with the other delegates."
-ger.202.d:0 "Despite initial opposition to the French plan, the council delegates have agreed to support it and institute it's policy's within there own nations. In times of real struggle international cooperation is vital."
+ger.202.d:0 "Despite initial opposition to the French plan, the council delegates have agreed to support it and institute it's policy's within their own nations. In times of real struggle international cooperation is vital."
 ger.203.t:0 "[From.GetName] suggest we recognize the Soviet Union as the legitimate Russian government"
-ger.203.d:0 "The Great War was a conflict so devastating it brought down the most powerful and vast continuous empire to ever exist, Russia. After 3 brutal years of war the Russian state fell into a civil war where the liberal White forces fought the collectivist Red forces. Eventually the Reds were victorious and many White leaders were forced to flee Russia. Many of these men ended up in Paris. In an act of solidarity with there former Russian ally the French and the Entente agreed not to recognize the USSR as the legitimate Russian state. While this once served the interests of the Entente the rising threat of Germany may force us to reconsider this policy. Being on good terms with the Soviets may help deter German aggression."
+ger.203.d:0 "The Great War was a conflict so devastating it brought down the most powerful and vast continuous empire to ever exist, Russia. After 3 brutal years of war the Russian state fell into a civil war where the liberal White forces fought the collectivist Red forces. Eventually the Reds were victorious and many White leaders were forced to flee Russia. Many of these men ended up in Paris. In an act of solidarity with their former Russian ally the French and the Entente agreed not to recognize the USSR as the legitimate Russian state. While this once served the interests of the Entente the rising threat of Germany may force us to reconsider this policy. Being on good terms with the Soviets may help deter German aggression."
 ger.204.d:0 "After hours of arguing the delegates have gathered to make a decision on the status of the USSR. Pro-recognition delegates argue that the USSR is too powerful of a nation to ignore and ideological obsession with the defeated Whites does none of our nations good while Anti-recognition delegates argue that granting the Soviets any legitimacy will give inspiration to collectivist back home who will take our action as a sign of support."
-ger.205.d:0 "Despite the growing threat of the German Reich the Entente Council has chosen to continue there policy against the Soviet Union. The Entente will continue not recognizing the USSR as the legitimate Russian state."
+ger.205.d:0 "Despite the growing threat of the German Reich the Entente Council has chosen to continue their policy against the Soviet Union. The Entente will continue not recognizing the USSR as the legitimate Russian state."
 ger.206.d:0 "In a surprising turn of events the Entente Council has announced that it will recognize the Soviet Union as the legitimate Russian state. Former White officers living in Paris have denounced this action calling the Council 'A rotten den full of back stabbers'."
 ger.207.d:0 "France has announced the Entente Council will now recognize us as the true successor to the former Russian Empire. The French have even offered us the former Russian embassy in Paris for Soviet use. This warming of relations between our nations gives our Revolution and struggle legitimacy upon the world stage."
 ger.208.d:0 "After days of discussions and important decisions the French have concluded this years Entente Council. Hopefully the decisions and policies adopted by this Council will pave the way for a better and stronger year in 1937."
@@ -1111,10 +1111,10 @@ ger.224.d:0 "The German Reich has sent diplomats to our nation in order to negot
 ger.224.a:0 "Germany will help secure our position in Central Europe"
 ger.224.b:0 "We can't risk the safty of our nation"
 ger.225.t:0 "Slovakia joins Stahlpakt"
-ger.225.d:0 "Predictably the weak Slovakian nation has accepted our offer for protection. While there military provides little benefit for us, there position in central Europe will help spread our imfluence in the region."
+ger.225.d:0 "Predictably the weak Slovakian nation has accepted our offer for protection. While their military provides little benefit for us, their position in central Europe will help spread our imfluence in the region."
 ger.225.a:0 "A toast to our Slovakian friends"
 ger.226.t:0 "Slovakia refuses to join Stahlpakt"
-ger.226.d:0 "The pathetic Slovakian nation has refused our offer for protection. Though this can hardly be considered a loss for us this action will doom there nation to become a foot note within future history books when stronger nations take the oppurtunity to conquer the weak nation.
+ger.226.d:0 "The pathetic Slovakian nation has refused our offer for protection. Though this can hardly be considered a loss for us this action will doom their nation to become a foot note within future history books when stronger nations take the oppurtunity to conquer the weak nation.
 ger.226.a:0 "We must look for other allies in the east"
 ger.227.t:0 "Germany offers us material support"
 ger.227.d:0 "Our new ally Germany is well aware the state of our armed forces and industry. It's clear to most that our nation is not ready for a European war so to help our nation prepare Germany has sent us equipment for both our army and industry. We should use this support wisely."
@@ -1136,11 +1136,11 @@ ger.236.t:0 "Germany wants to invest in our Oil Fields"
 ger.236.d:0 "As Germany expands it's armed forces their demand for petroleum increases along with it. Oil is scarce in Europe but as Germany becomes more diplomatically isolated on the world stage their demand for more local sources becomes louder. Ukraine is home of some of the largest oil reserves in Europe but the lack of infrastructure greatly reduces our ability to export this resource though. Germany's economic minister Adolf Hitler though has drafted a plan to remedy this. Germany will fund the expansion of our oil refineries and in return we must agree to export a required amount to Germany. While this will help our economy the threat of German arms may not be worth the risk"
 ger.236.a:0 "Let the Oil flow"
 ger.236.a:0 "Let the Panzers starve"
-ger.237.t:0 "Ukraine will allow us to improve there Oil Fields"
+ger.237.t:0 "Ukraine will allow us to improve their Oil Fields"
 ger.237.d:0 "As we speak German Engineers fly out to Kiev in preparation to begin expanding Ukrainian oil production. With local oil sources secure we are ready to expand our armed forces as we wish."
 ger.237.a:0 "Let the Oil flow"
-ger.238.t:0 "Ukraine refuses to allow us to improve there Oil Fields"
-ger.238.d:0 "Ukranian politicians have refused our generous offer to expand there oil production citing fears of our rapid rearnment. Ukraine has chosen poorly in upsetting the only nation that can protect it from the Soviet threat. We are now forced to look for other, more distant, sources of oil."
+ger.238.t:0 "Ukraine refuses to allow us to improve their Oil Fields"
+ger.238.d:0 "Ukranian politicians have refused our generous offer to expand their oil production citing fears of our rapid rearnment. Ukraine has chosen poorly in upsetting the only nation that can protect it from the Soviet threat. We are now forced to look for other, more distant, sources of oil."
 ger.238.a:0 "How about coal powered Panzers?"
 ger.241.t:0 "The French are breaking through!"
 ger.241.d:0 "The French have crossed the German border! We must fully mobilize! We have severely underestimated the French, we must stop them here or fall! Everything we can muster will be used against the French, we've scrambled together a defensive plan to respond to this breakthrough and have pressed Great-War arms into service!"
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ ger.270.t:0 "Hungary surrenders Austria"
 ger.270.d:0 "A simple threat was all that it took to make the Hungarians back down. With no bloodshed we have gained control of Austria and are one step closer in uniting all Germans."
 ger.270.a:0 "Sieg Hail"
 ger.271.t:0 "Hungary refuses to surrender Austria"
-ger.271.d:0 "Does Budapest think German threats are hollow? They insult us in thinking that Berlin isn't dedicated in wiping there puny nation off the map if it has to come to that. Austria will be Germany's whether Hungary wishes it or not."
+ger.271.d:0 "Does Budapest think German threats are hollow? They insult us in thinking that Berlin isn't dedicated in wiping their puny nation off the map if it has to come to that. Austria will be Germany's whether Hungary wishes it or not."
 ger.271.a:0 "Budapest will burn"
 ger.272.t:0 "Germany offers help to defeat the Kiel revolt"
 ger.272.d:0 "The Danish annexation of Schleswig-Holstein from Germany following the Great War has soured relations between the two countries for nearly 2 decades. Now though Germany has extended an olive branch and wishes to help support our endeavor in bringing peace to Kiel but only if in return we cede our German majority regions over to them. The Kiel revolt has already devastated our country and industry. Any support we can get to bring peace is desperately needed."
@@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ ger.289.b:0 "Lets not upset our new Ukrainian ally"

 ger.263.d:0 "The Entente and British armies have become organized very differently since the end of the Great War. Our once powerful unified army that destroyed the Kaiser's forces 20 years ago no longer exists. It'll take time and thorough arguments between our two general staffs to help mend this divide"
 ger.1000.d:0 "Our government has been an international pariah ever since the end of The Great War. The Treaty of Versailles carved our nation apart and left it a shadow of it’s former glory. In 1933 [GER.GetLeader] lead a Coup which put his ‘Valkist’ party in power. Though it was massively popular with the people of Germany, the Entente powers with the support of Britain put sanctions on our nations and spread propaganda to our citizens criticizing [GER.GetLeader] as an anti-Christian warmonger. In this troubled time many factions have arose in Germany to undermine the Valkist Party using the international controversy too their advantage.\n\n Popular war hero, Hermann Goring has been the leader of the second largest nationalist faction in Germany for many years. Though Goring sees eye to eye with [GER.GetLeader] on many issues he disagrees with [GER.GetLeader] radical philosophy and also strongly believes that to have a fighting chance to win another Great War, Germany must be fully self sufficient. Goring has laid out a 4 year plan that will make Germany competitive with the other Great Powers in the case that another conflict were to break out but until that point Germany must appear peaceful as to not grab the attention of the ever watchful French, our greatest threat on the continent.\n\n When [GER.GetLeader] took power he disbanded the Reichstag. [GER.GetLeader] is a vocal opponent to liberal democracy and saw the Reichstag as only a roadblock in the way of restoring the greatness of Germany. With suspected funds from France though many pro-democracy factions have pushed for the reestablishment of the Reichstag. Despite the inherit slowness of democratic systems plans have been drawn up in which [GER.GetLeader] would remain Chancellor for life with final legal say but a new Reichstag would be formed to draft laws and administer smaller local issues. Giving power to a separate legal body may danger the influence of [GER.GetLeader] though but the facade of democracy may satisfy the French and the liberals within our borders.\n\nWithin the inner circle of the Valkist party a final solution has been drafted to have any opposition to [GER.GetLeader] eliminated. A great purge will rid Germany of anyone who seeks to undermine Valkist authority and will cement [GER.GetLeader] as the unquestionable Fuhrer of all Germans."
-ger.1001.d:0 "The United States of America has found itself at war with the British Empire. These two nations were our adversaries in the Great War but now we can use there conflict to our advantage. The imperial British pose way more of a threat to our nation than the isolationist Americans. The enemy of my enemy is my friend so it may be to our advantage to send supplies and men to support their war effort and hopefully defeat the British menace once and for all."
+ger.1001.d:0 "The United States of America has found itself at war with the British Empire. These two nations were our adversaries in the Great War but now we can use their conflict to our advantage. The imperial British pose way more of a threat to our nation than the isolationist Americans. The enemy of my enemy is my friend so it may be to our advantage to send supplies and men to support their war effort and hopefully defeat the British menace once and for all."
 ger.1002.d:0 "Germany has offered to send supplies to support our war effort against the British. In the Great War our nation found itself at war with the German Empire but now it seems that our former enemy may be our newest ally. Many within congress are against receiving German equipment though. Taking a hand out from a warmongering nation the likes of Germany does not paint this conflict in positive light but on the other hand we must do whatever it takes to win this war."
 ger.1003.d:0 "The United States have graciously accepted our support. How the tides have turned. One time the Arsenal of Democracy, The USA is now forced to takes arms from it's former rival. This speaks volumes to the power and prestige of the reborn Germany."
 ger.1004.d:0 "The United States have ignorantly refused our support. The undeserving prideful Americans say they have no need for foreign support. They overestimate their ability just like at the Battle of Château-Thierry and just like then many American soldiers will needlessly die."
@@ -1334,16 +1334,16 @@ ger.1022.d:0 "After weeks of planning Otto Skorzeny is prepared to infiltrate th
 ger.1023.d:0 "Diligent planning and excellent initiative has resulted in Skorzeny successfully completing his raid on Oslo. Though his team infiltrated the city without issue they soon raised the suspicion of local authorities. Skorzeny's poor skill in the Norwegian language and obvious Austrian accent did not help matters but nevertheless he and his team decided to proceed. Taking a safer but slower route to their objective, the team was able to avoid any further detection and planted explosives on some of the designated factories before sunrise forced them to retreat prematurely. Though not to the scale originally planned, this operation was still a success."
 ger.1024.d:0 "Poor planning and lack of talented leadership has resulted in Skorzeny being apprehended by Norwegian Authorities. Troubles plagued the operation from the beginning. The U-Boat used to transport the men landed well within sight of the Norwegian Coast Guard forcing the men to scatter into the local forest instead of the designated rendezvous point. A couple hours were then spent regrouping, losing precious time for the operation. When the group was finally able to attempt infiltrating Oslo local authorities, who were already on alert from previous spottings, interrogated the strange, out of place men walking their streets. When questioned by police, Otto Skorzeny's atrocious attempt at Norwegian cleared any doubt of his team's true nationality. Our government has denied any connection to Skorzeny's actions but few are convinced. Otto Skorzeny's failure has been a huge embarrassment for our nation."
 ger.1025.d:0 "In the night hours of the early morning a factory producing arms for the war effort against Sweden suffered from a catastrophic explosion that has left 29 workers either dead or injured. Originally thought to be caused improperly produced artillery shells, further investigation points to intentional sabotage from and foreign source. More investigation will be needed before a solid culprit can be identified but in the mean time this has been a major set back for our war effort."
-ger.1026.d:0 "Earlier this morning a German U-Boat was spotted near the waters of Oslo. The ship dived before our navy could investigate but supplies left on a near by beach suggested that a contingent of soldiers may have been left behind. With this knowledge we put the police on Oslo on heightened alert. A couple hours later a confused group of men were spotted walking the streets. When approached by the police they acted nervous and attempted to inform us that they were in a hurry to get back home, or so we think. Their thick German accents made it hard to understand. The group was then taken into police custody for further questioning. It's clear that these men are German agents but both them and the German government remain silent ad to there purpose. A trial is soon to be set for the men, where a court will certainly find them guilty of crimes against our state."
+ger.1026.d:0 "Earlier this morning a German U-Boat was spotted near the waters of Oslo. The ship dived before our navy could investigate but supplies left on a near by beach suggested that a contingent of soldiers may have been left behind. With this knowledge we put the police on Oslo on heightened alert. A couple hours later a confused group of men were spotted walking the streets. When approached by the police they acted nervous and attempted to inform us that they were in a hurry to get back home, or so we think. Their thick German accents made it hard to understand. The group was then taken into police custody for further questioning. It's clear that these men are German agents but both them and the German government remain silent to their purpose. A trial is soon to be set for the men, where a court will certainly find them guilty of crimes against our state."
 ger.1028.d:0 "Germany has recently approached our nation with a proposal to sell us arms at a massively reduced price. Reforms to the German army has made this equipment obsolete for them but we may be able to find uses for these weapons. The Anti-Polish faction within our government supports increase cooperation with Germany but most within the more conservative factions see Germany as a threat to our sovereignty. We have a need to modernize our army but we must be wary of German influence or appearing treasonous to the Poles."
 ger.1029.d:0 "Our generous offer to the Lithuanians has be rejected by their foreign minister. We may have to rethink our plans of playing the Lithuanians off the Poles. The blind government in Kaunas would rather remain Polish slaves than have a taste of freedom."
 ger.1030.d:0 "Lithuania has accepted our erogenous offer for an arms sale. Right now hundreds of shipments of German equipment cross the border into Lithuania. This will hopefully help the Baltic state fight off Polish authority and" solidify our relationship for future German-Lithuanian cooperation."
-ger.1031.d:0 "Germany's intelligence agency has revealed to us documents claiming to show a Polish military build up on our border. If these documents are true it is clear that Warsaw is planning a swift takeover of our homeland. If we choose to heed Germany's advice we must act quickly and disarm all Polish brigades within in our territory and prepare our army to defend against any intrusions though our border. Despite the possible risks many within our own intelligence circle doubt the validity of the German papers. There information is vague and supporting evidence is lacking. While Germany may not be the most trust worthy nation we should not let personal squabbles distract from the real threat."
+ger.1031.d:0 "Germany's intelligence agency has revealed to us documents claiming to show a Polish military build up on our border. If these documents are true it is clear that Warsaw is planning a swift takeover of our homeland. If we choose to heed Germany's advice we must act quickly and disarm all Polish brigades within in our territory and prepare our army to defend against any intrusions though our border. Despite the possible risks many within our own intelligence circle doubt the validity of the German papers. Their information is vague and supporting evidence is lacking. While Germany may not be the most trust worthy nation we should not let personal squabbles distract from the real threat."
 ger.10311.d:0 "Despite our evidence to the contrary, Lithuania refuses to believe that Poland has any intention to reduce their autonomy. They have expelled our intelligence ministers and have made it clear that they seek no further cooperation with our nation."
-ger.1032.d:0 "Germany has sent our government an ultimatum. In it they demand the return of our western territories that our home to large German populations. After the Great War most Germans left these regions when our government took over but this still has not dissuaded The German Fuhrer, [GER.GetLeader], who claims that these territories are part of 'Großdeutschland' or 'Greater Germany'. On top of there demand for territory, they also stipulate that we install pro-German ministers into several important government positions and that Germany will have complete control over our foreign policy. \n\nThis is a clear assault on our sovereignty. We must get the French to support us in this cause and help us fight back if the situation leads to that. Our military staff on the other hand warns that any armed conflict with Germany will almost certainly end in defeat and even if the French agree to support us, German dominance over the Baltic will keep any supplies or men from reaching us. \n\nThe deadline approaches ever closer. We must make a decision."
+ger.1032.d:0 "Germany has sent our government an ultimatum. In it they demand the return of our western territories that our home to large German populations. After the Great War most Germans left these regions when our government took over but this still has not dissuaded The German Fuhrer, [GER.GetLeader], who claims that these territories are part of 'Großdeutschland' or 'Greater Germany'. On top of their demand for territory, they also stipulate that we install pro-German ministers into several important government positions and that Germany will have complete control over our foreign policy. \n\nThis is a clear assault on our sovereignty. We must get the French to support us in this cause and help us fight back if the situation leads to that. Our military staff on the other hand warns that any armed conflict with Germany will almost certainly end in defeat and even if the French agree to support us, German dominance over the Baltic will keep any supplies or men from reaching us. \n\nThe deadline approaches ever closer. We must make a decision."
 ger.1033.d:0 "In a unsuspected turn of events the Poles have agreed to our ultimatum. Currently Polish forces are withdrawing from their former western positions and our army is moving in to assume control. The dream of a united Germany now marches closer to our grasp and with most of eastern Europe in our sphere of influence can begin preparations for our crusade against the Collectivist Russian state."
 ger.1034.d:0 "Our ultimatum has passed and the Poles still refuse to relinquish South Prussia and Posnan. It is clear that this crisis can only be solved with bullets and men. Our armies are stationed on the Polish border and are posed to strike. Give your word and our armies will crush Poland."
-ger.1035.d:0 "Germany has offered to send military officers and equipment to help us modernize our army against the Soviet threat. In a recent speech German Fuhrer, [GER.GetLeader], has stated that 'Poland is the front line protecting the civilizations of Europe from the vile philosophy. of Collectivism. There brave victories against the Soviet Union should be an inspiration for all citizens. of Germany.' Kind words for sure but the German people have never been trust worthy friends of Poland so we should be incredibly wary of any German support."
+ger.1035.d:0 "Germany has offered to send military officers and equipment to help us modernize our army against the Soviet threat. In a recent speech German Fuhrer, [GER.GetLeader], has stated that 'Poland is the front line protecting the civilizations of Europe from the vile philosophy. of Collectivism. Their brave victories against the Soviet Union should be an inspiration for all citizens. of Germany.' Kind words for sure but the German people have never been trust worthy friends of Poland so we should be incredibly wary of any German support."
 ger.1036.d:0 "Poland has accepted our offer. With the growing threat of the Soviet Union the Polish military staff has accepted the need for more international cooperation and military expansion. Hopefully this is the just the beginning of cooperation against Russia."
 ger.1037.d:0 "Poland has rejected any support from us. The Polish foreign office even claims that 'Valkism is just another face of Collectivism'. Attempting to work with Poland was nothing short of foolish. We will now have to find different allies to stand up to the threat of Russia."
 ger.1038.d:0 "German diplomats have come to our government to request a formal alliance between our nations. This would give a strong protection against the Soviet Union and give us easier access to German ports on the Baltic, decreasing export and import costs. While these positives stand out the wording of the German document is vague enough to require that our nation support German wars in western Europe. This scenario would be disastrous for our nation but protection against Collectivism may make this deal too important to refuse."
@@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ ger.1042.d:0 "Germany has offered to sell us military equipment and manufacturin
 ger.1043.d:0 "Poland has accepted our trade proposal. Despite objections from some within the military staff, This deal will bring funds into Germany and hopefully force the Polish state to become dependent on us for support. A true win win situation."
 ger.1044.d:0 "Poland has refused our generous trade proposal. Despite the backwards state of their army the Polish military still insist that they are better on their own without outside interference. If Poland chooses to paint itself a target for the Soviets there is not much we can do."
 ger.1046.d:0 "Our ports are the lifeline for both Lithuania and Poland but under Russian rule they fell into disuse. Today they still remain underdeveloped which has hurt our economic development. Germany has approached us with a deal to develop these ports. This would help increase our access to the Atlantic but our economic advisors warn us that under these provision the ports would be majority owned by German investors who would certainly put the foreign policy goals of Germany over the needs of Lithuanians. Global trade is the mark of great nations but Germany's ambitions may cause our home more harm than it's worth."
-ger.1047.d:0 "Lithuania has agreed to allow Germany to develop there Baltic ports. Our agreement will give German shipping company Norddeutscher Lloyd a majority stake in these new dockyards, giving Germany major influence over Lithuania. Slowly the Baltic will rightfully be in Germany's sphere of influence."
+ger.1047.d:0 "Lithuania has agreed to allow Germany to develop their Baltic ports. Our agreement will give German shipping company Norddeutscher Lloyd a majority stake in these new dockyards, giving Germany major influence over Lithuania. Slowly the Baltic will rightfully be in Germany's sphere of influence."
 ger.1048.d:0 "Lithuania has refused our offer to assist them in developing their naval facilities. Despite historical lack of support the Lithuanian government will continue to petition Warsaw to for funding leaving stunting their economy in the mean time"
 ger.1051.t:0 "Our coup was successful!"
 ger.1051.d:0 "Our well planned coup which was executed by Ernst Kaltenbrunner yesterday is successful as the putschists were able to get control of Vienna and the surrounding areas. Having successfully arrested the whole cabinet, Kaltenbrunner declared himself Leader of the new Austrian Nation. Nobody really resisted him as Dollfuß’ reputation had been in free fall lately."
@@ -1372,8 +1372,8 @@ ger.1065.d:0 "The German Reich has begun a massive project in the Austrian Alps
 ger.1066.d:0 "After years of German blood, sweat and tears the Danube river has been dammed. As German engineers ready to get the dam into operation we must all marvel in this feat of human engineering. This project will provide power for millions of Germans and help spur the growth of our economy for years."
 ger.1067.d:0 "One of Germany's first victims, Austria, has become a staging area for the impressive Danube dam. This project has become the heart of German industry. Officers within the Armée de l'Air believe that we can quickly achieve a crippling blow against Germany be destroying the dam through a decisive bombing strike. The pilots will leave early morning and use the cover of darkness to avoid detection while they fly over Austrian territory. The operation will be costly and with all night missions, very difficult but if we can achieve this objective we will gain an advantage over Germany we severely need."
 ger.1068.d:0 "In the early morning hours unidentified planes were spotted flying over western Austria. They were quickly identified as French air craft and their objective was determined to be our glorious Danube Dam. We have scrambled our nearest plains to intercept but the French have caught our air force off guard and unprepared. The fate of nearly all industry in Austria rest in the hands of our brave German pilots."
-ger.1069.d:0 "The French strike on our territory was unfortunately successful. Despite the bravery of our pilots they were unable to overcome there French adversaries. The Danube dam lies in ruins. It will take millions of Reichsmarks and months of work in the best of conditions to make it operational again. With our war with the French in full swing we cannot currently divert any material for this repair task. For the immediate future the pinnacle of German engineering will remain in ruins."
-ger.1070.d:0 "Despite being caught off guard we have overcome the French attack. There few remaining pilots fly desperately back to France, too afraid to fight like real men. The courageous German pilots that made this victory possible will be welcomed home as heros of the Reich. Men like these show once again the dominance that both Valkism and Germany have over Europe."
+ger.1069.d:0 "The French strike on our territory was unfortunately successful. Despite the bravery of our pilots they were unable to overcome their French adversaries. The Danube dam lies in ruins. It will take millions of Reichsmarks and months of work in the best of conditions to make it operational again. With our war with the French in full swing we cannot currently divert any material for this repair task. For the immediate future the pinnacle of German engineering will remain in ruins."
+ger.1070.d:0 "Despite being caught off guard we have overcome the French attack. Their few remaining pilots fly desperately back to France, too afraid to fight like real men. The courageous German pilots that made this victory possible will be welcomed home as heros of the Reich. Men like these show once again the dominance that both Valkism and Germany have over Europe."
 ger.1071.d:0 "Despite our thorough planing and training our pilots were unable to complete their objectives in Austria. We underestimated the size of the German force in the area which quickly lead to the French strike team becoming overwhelmed. After taking severe losses to German air craft the French survivors were force to retreat. We cannot risk a loss this devastating again."
 ger.1072.d:0 "Our thorough planning and training gave our pilots the edge needed to complete their objectives in Austria. Thanks to the swiftness and surprise of our attacks the Germans had no chance to scramble many plans to intercept our own. After a short dog fight the French pilots cleared the way to their objective and successfully bombed the Danube dam. The heart of German industry lies in ruins and slowly the Valkist war machine will grind to a halt."
 ger.1073.d:0 "German economic minister, Adolf Hitler, has sent our nation a comprehensive trade deal pertaining to our tungsten reserves. In it Germany will purchase our Swedish tungsten at higher than market value if we promise to give preference to the tungsten demands of German companies over Swedish ones. While this income would be of great benefit to our federal budget the possible damage it may do to our own industry may not be worth it."
@@ -1382,19 +1382,19 @@ ger.1075.d:0 "The Swedish government. refuses to participate in our trade propos
 ger.1076.d:0 "German economic minister, Adolf Hitler, has announced an increased fee on all foreign ships entering the Kiel canal. This is clearly Germany trying to pressure and control our connection to the rest of world. Shipping companies are already demanding that we provide them some sort of assistance in the face of this drastic change."
 ger.1077.d:0 "Adolf Hitler, economic minister for the German Reich, has announced a new law that would lower the import costs for goods coming from 'Neighboring German communities'. The territories of German Bohemia are specifically mentioned in the announcement where Hitler hopes that all Germans can benefit from the economic success of the German Reich. Despite the his cheerful disposition it is clear that Hitler's real goal is economic hegemony over our German regions. Under this law many German owned companies within Bohemia would greatly benefit from "
 ger.1078.d:0 "Winters in Germany can be brutal for those unable to prepare. Every year from late October to early March the annual Winterhilfswerk drive commences where millions of Germans gather provisions for the less fortunate. millions of tons of food, water and clothing will be distributed to poor mothers and children all across Greater Germany. Together we will help all Germans get through the frigid winter."
-ger.1080.d:0 "After years of design and construction the first Hindenburg class airship, 'Tanngrisnir' has been completed and is ready for flight. Named after the one of the goats who pulled Odin's chariot in Norse mythology, the Tanngrisnir is Germany's most advanced and impressive airship built to date. The vessel is prepared to commence long distance passenger flights within the following months but other uses have been suggested. \n\nBeing capable of intercontinental flights the ship would be capable of a circumnavigation in which we could share the glory a Valkism across the globe. On the other hand our military staff still see the possible military application of high altitude Zeppelins. When stationed at such heights Zeppelins are nearly undetectable from the ground. With this advantage we can easily spy undetected over enemy nations and scout out there air fields and garrisons giving us an advantage over the opposing force. Whatever we choose to use Tanngrisnir for, the vessel will remain an impressive achievement in aviation."
+ger.1080.d:0 "After years of design and construction the first Hindenburg class airship, 'Tanngrisnir' has been completed and is ready for flight. Named after the one of the goats who pulled Odin's chariot in Norse mythology, the Tanngrisnir is Germany's most advanced and impressive airship built to date. The vessel is prepared to commence long distance passenger flights within the following months but other uses have been suggested. \n\nBeing capable of intercontinental flights the ship would be capable of a circumnavigation in which we could share the glory a Valkism across the globe. On the other hand our military staff still see the possible military application of high altitude Zeppelins. When stationed at such heights Zeppelins are nearly undetectable from the ground. With this advantage we can easily spy undetected over enemy nations and scout out for their air fields and garrisons giving us an advantage over the opposing force. Whatever we choose to use Tanngrisnir for, the vessel will remain an impressive achievement in aviation."
 ger.1081.d:0 "Soon after the German declaration of war against our nation, The German air force bombed many of our military air fields and army garrisons before we could even have the chance to react. Many of these sites should have been hidden to Germany. Even the German army seems to have advanced knowledge of our troop's positions and movements. We can't seem to ever catch them off guard. We must organize our units under the cover of darkness to avoid any further leaks but until our army will be compromised."
 ger.1083.d:0 "[GER.GetLeader]'s infatuation with pre-Christian German culture has pesuaded him to fund a sceintific expedition to Sweden to research this lost society. Germany's best scientists and historians will go on this mission to help find a better understanding of the origins of the German."
 ger.10832.d:0 "A few months ago a Swedish farmer, Albert Johansson, had discovered the corpse of a man in a bog by his home in Bocksten. Local authorities had discovered that the corpse was at least several centuries old by the time our own experts arrived to assist in their research. Further examination of the 'Bocksten' man has shown that he was a most likely Christian priest who lived sometime around the 13th century, the tail end of the Christianisation of Scandinavia. Despite his holy position it seems that he had been murdered by the local people of medieval Sweden. In what we can only assume to be a final desperate attempt to save their pure Germanic culture from the corrupt claws of Christianity the Norse Swedes of the region beat the priest to death and finished him off with a stake through his heart. This ferocity and passion of these ancient Germanic people must be looked upon as an example to follow for all future Germans who wish to protect their culture and nation from foreign corruption."
-ger.1082.d:0 "Germany is home to the greatest minds of the modern era. Our state has given these men and women the resources necessary to fulfill there endeavors. With rearmament though we must be cautious where we spend our Reichsmarks though. \n\n2 great minds have petitioned our government for monetary support for there projects. Kondrad Zuse, an engineer and mathematician, has pitched the idea of a calculating engine that would be capable of processing complicated math faster and more accurately then any human. Zuse has postulated many practical uses for this device such as calculating ballistic physics to improve the accuracy of our artillery or even the ability to mathematically encode our messages so they cant be decypherd by the enemy.\n\nThe other man of interest to consider is Kurt Diebner a physicist. The recent discovery of nuclear fission has inspired him to to consider the possible weponification of this phenomenon. When a nucleus is bombarded by neutrons it can split the nucleus, releasing a massive amount of energy. Better understanding and implementation of nuclear fission could lead us to create a new class of explosive completely incomparable to current designs. While promising even Diebner admits it will take years of work to even confirm if a weapon of this design is even feasible.\n\nBoth proposals show promise but with the military absorbing more and more of our national budget we must choose who to fund wisely."
+ger.1082.d:0 "Germany is home to the greatest minds of the modern era. Our state has given these men and women the resources necessary to fulfill their endeavors. With rearmament though we must be cautious where we spend our Reichsmarks though. \n\n2 great minds have petitioned our government for monetary support for their projects. Kondrad Zuse, an engineer and mathematician, has pitched the idea of a calculating engine that would be capable of processing complicated math faster and more accurately then any human. Zuse has postulated many practical uses for this device such as calculating ballistic physics to improve the accuracy of our artillery or even the ability to mathematically encode our messages so they cant be decypherd by the enemy.\n\nThe other man of interest to consider is Kurt Diebner a physicist. The recent discovery of nuclear fission has inspired him to to consider the possible weponification of this phenomenon. When a nucleus is bombarded by neutrons it can split the nucleus, releasing a massive amount of energy. Better understanding and implementation of nuclear fission could lead us to create a new class of explosive completely incomparable to current designs. While promising even Diebner admits it will take years of work to even confirm if a weapon of this design is even feasible.\n\nBoth proposals show promise but with the military absorbing more and more of our national budget we must choose who to fund wisely."
 ger.1084.d:0 "In a surprisingly hostile turn in foreign policy the German Reich has banned our ships from entering the Kiel Canal. Clearly this move is targeted to lessen our influence in the Atlantic. We must look for other trade routes now."
-ger.1087.d:0 "Turkey at the behest of there ally Germany have announced that Soviet ships will no longer be allowed to pass through the Bosphorus straight. This will completely block our nation from the Mediterranean. Germany is trying it's best to starve our nation to death. We must find new trade routes to counter this."
-ger.1088.d:0 "Using outdated Austrian claims to the land the German Reich has demanded that we return Tyrol to them. Millions of Italians fought and died for this territory. Giving into Germany will not only be a disgrace to there legacy, without Tyrol the entire Po valley will lack any natural defense against further German aggression. While our generals are ready to fight to the death for this land, the sons of those fallen Great War heros are not."
+ger.1087.d:0 "Turkey at the behest of their ally Germany have announced that Soviet ships will no longer be allowed to pass through the Bosphorus straight. This will completely block our nation from the Mediterranean. Germany is trying it's best to starve our nation to death. We must find new trade routes to counter this."
+ger.1088.d:0 "Using outdated Austrian claims to the land the German Reich has demanded that we return Tyrol to them. Millions of Italians fought and died for this territory. Giving into Germany will not only be a disgrace to their legacy, without Tyrol the entire Po valley will lack any natural defense against further German aggression. While our generals are ready to fight to the death for this land, the sons of those fallen Great War heros are not."
 ger.1089.d:0 "Italy has refused our demands, completely disregarding the will of the Germans who make up the majority in Tyrol. Italy is truly the successor of Rome, a dying and degenerate state one sword blow away from collapse. History shall repeat itself as the sons of Odoacer slay the bastards of Romulus."
 ger.1090.d:0 "The cowardly Italians have surrendered Tyrol. These people will bow to any threat no matter how hollow. The Entente alliance once again shows itself to be too weak to stand up to any aggression. Germany will soon be the undisputed master of Europe."
-ger.1091.d:0 "The government in Paris has refused to support the independence of Austria. It is clear that the French are more than happy to allow Germany to walk all over them. Now that Austria is destined to be occupied by Germany it is only a matter of time before there ambitions turn towards us. Austria was a natural buffer between our states and if that dissapears we will be easy prey for Germany. Many generals support protecting Austria against German aggression. With Italian support the mountainous nation may be able to defend there territory. Our foreign minister is ready to invite Austrian officials to a meeting in the small lake town of Stresa to discuss these matters. Protecting Austria may be our nation's last hope."
-ger.1092.d:0 "The Italian foreign minister has invited our nation to a meeting in the small lake town of Stresa. There they wish to discuss forming a defensive alliance with our nation to protect our sovereignty against Germany. With no other ally on the continent we must accept there proposal"
-ger.1093.d:0 "Germany, taking authority over Austrian affairs, has demanded that we return the territory of Burgenland to them. This territory has been part of Hungary for hundreds of years but despite this Germany baselessly claim that the German speaking population of the area wish to return to German rule. Despite our poor relations with France we should still bring this crisis to there attention and request support but the chances of a positive response from France are low. To avoid bloodshed it may be in our best interest to give into Germany's demands."
+ger.1091.d:0 "The government in Paris has refused to support the independence of Austria. It is clear that the French are more than happy to allow Germany to walk all over them. Now that Austria is destined to be occupied by Germany it is only a matter of time before their ambitions turn towards us. Austria was a natural buffer between our states and if that dissapears we will be easy prey for Germany. Many generals support protecting Austria against German aggression. With Italian support the mountainous nation may be able to defend their territory. Our foreign minister is ready to invite Austrian officials to a meeting in the small lake town of Stresa to discuss these matters. Protecting Austria may be our nation's last hope."
+ger.1092.d:0 "The Italian foreign minister has invited our nation to a meeting in the small lake town of Stresa. There they wish to discuss forming a defensive alliance with our nation to protect our sovereignty against Germany. With no other ally on the continent we must accept their proposal"
+ger.1093.d:0 "Germany, taking authority over Austrian affairs, has demanded that we return the territory of Burgenland to them. This territory has been part of Hungary for hundreds of years but despite this Germany baselessly claim that the German speaking population of the area wish to return to German rule. Despite our poor relations with France we should still bring this crisis to their attention and request support but the chances of a positive response from France are low. To avoid bloodshed it may be in our best interest to give into Germany's demands."
 ger.1094.d:0 "The Hungarians have heard our arguments and have agreed to cede the German majority region of Bergenland back to us. This victory has bolstered support of our rule over Austria. The goal of a united Großdeutschland marches closer."
 ger.1095.t:0 "Hungary asks for our support"
 ger.1095.d:0 "The Hungarians have disclosed to our nation an ultimatum from Germany in which they demand control over the core Hungarian territory of Bergenland. This territory has been part of Hungary for centuries and the local population is, at best, ambivalent to German rule. While politicians can support action against Germany many officers in our military warn that our armed forces may not be prepared to fight off a German offensive let alone support a far off land locked nation."
@@ -1406,8 +1406,8 @@ ger.1098.d:0 "The Hungarian army and government has collapsed. Decisive action b
 ger.1099.d:0 "Territorial disputes with Hungary have complicated relations between our nations for years. Germany has generously offered us this territory, settling these disputes for good."
 ger.1100.d:0 "The German government has invited our nation to a military exercise. During the Great War our forces fought each other for nearly 5 years, both sides never able to gain the advantage over the other. It took until 1919 for our forces to overcome the German onslaught. It is clear that we both can learn much from each other but the scars of the Great War are still felt in our military staff, many of whom are wary of Germany."
 ger.1101.d:0 "Britain has agreed to participate in a military exercise with us. Both sides will hopefully gain much needed experience in modern warfare from this. It also seems that the British may be interested in further cooperation with our nation."
-ger.1102.d:0 "Britain has refused to participate in a military exercise with us. There delusional generals apparently think they have nothing to learn from us. There splendid isolation will not protect them forever."
-ger.1103.d:0 "Officers and men from both nations have arrived in Germany for the Anglo-German military exercise. Both sides will be put under pressure as there soldiers, vehicles and officers are tested in mock combat exercises. The Great War gave hint to the power of combined arms but it'll have to be shown if those lessons stuck."
+ger.1102.d:0 "Britain has refused to participate in a military exercise with us. There delusional generals apparently think they have nothing to learn from us. Their splendid isolation will not protect them forever."
+ger.1103.d:0 "Officers and men from both nations have arrived in Germany for the Anglo-German military exercise. Both sides will be put under pressure as their soldiers, vehicles and officers are tested in mock combat exercises. The Great War gave hint to the power of combined arms but it'll have to be shown if those lessons stuck."
 ger.1104.d:0 "Germany has offered us a trade deal in which they will trade to us heavy vehicle equipment at below market value if we in return sell them our naval equipment. While this deal would help develop our land forces our naval officers are wary of giving any support to a possible rival's naval"
 ger.1105.d:0 "The British government has agreed to sell us valuable naval equipment in return for our heavy vehicle equipment. This deal no only brings our two nations together but will greatly help our own nation develop a powerful navy."
 ger.1106.d:0 "The british government has refused to sell us any naval equipment. We will have to look for other sources of these valuable supplies if we wish to further develop our navy."
@@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ ger.1108.d:0 "Britain has agreed to join Stahlpakt. Our goals and ambitions are
 ger.1109.d:0 "Despite our mutual hatred of the French, Britain has refused to sign a formal alliance with us. While the French will be no problem for our armed forces, occupying France may bring our two nations into conflict. We must avoid this for the time being."
 ger.1110.d:0 "Germany has occupied Lithuania and together with Lithuanian troops, they prepare to annex Latvia. Within this chaos we have been given an opportunity. With no international support we can easily occupy northern Latvia without worry. This will bring our nation one step closer to liberating the Baltic states."
 ger.1332.t:0 "Poland surrenders Lithuania"
-ger.1332.d:0 "Poland has agreed to our ultimatum and now Lithuania has become part of our Sphere of Influence. The Lithuanian revolt put enough pressure on Warsaw to see the validity in our demands to abandon both Lithuania and Latvia. The nationalist faction in Kaunus now has control of the country and with there assistance we will help bring Valkist philosophy to their populace and the Baltics as a whole."
+ger.1332.d:0 "Poland has agreed to our ultimatum and now Lithuania has become part of our Sphere of Influence. The Lithuanian revolt put enough pressure on Warsaw to see the validity in our demands to abandon both Lithuania and Latvia. The nationalist faction in Kaunus now has control of the country and with their assistance we will help bring Valkist philosophy to their populace and the Baltics as a whole."
 ger.300.t:0 "Vienna calls for Peace!"
 ger.300.d:0 "While our victorious troops are marching deeper into Austria by the hour, the Austrian government in Vienna has issued its unconditional surrender. We now control all of Austria and now are one step close to the glory that is a United Germanic Empire!"
 ger.300.a:0 "All hail the glorious German Fatherland!"
@@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ ger.420.t:0 "Escape to Canada"
 ger.420.d:0 "Germany has invaded and conquered our island, far sooner than we could have ever suspected due to the size of their navy. Many members of the parliament along with the King have fled across the sea to Canada, from where we will lead the Empire in exile, fighting abroad until we take our nation back. We will not stop, we will not surrender until we take Britain and Europe back from the Valkists."
 ger.420.a:0 "We will reclaim our birthright!"
 ger.421.t:0 "British Government flees to Canada"
-ger.421.d:0 "The British Isles are now under German control. To avoid complete defeat much of the government has chosen to run and hide like cowards in there overseas possession of Canada. In a speech to crowds of Ottawa, Edward VIII has stated that 'this is just the beginning of our fight against Germany' Edward would go on to claim 'The brave men and women of the British Empire will not rest until they once again walk on the beaches of Dover, stroll the green fields of Wales and swim in the great lotus of Scotland'. Despite the uplifting tone of his voice it is clear to most that the British situation is lost. Germany is now the undisputed superpower of Europe."
+ger.421.d:0 "The British Isles are now under German control. To avoid complete defeat much of the government has chosen to run and hide like cowards in their overseas possession of Canada. In a speech to crowds of Ottawa, Edward VIII has stated that 'this is just the beginning of our fight against Germany' Edward would go on to claim 'The brave men and women of the British Empire will not rest until they once again walk on the beaches of Dover, stroll the green fields of Wales and swim in the great lotus of Scotland'. Despite the uplifting tone of his voice it is clear to most that the British situation is lost. Germany is now the undisputed superpower of Europe."
 ger.4211.t:0 "The fate of British Rhodesia"
 ger.4211.d:0 "The fall of the British Isles has left the world in shock. The loss of the worlds largest empire leaves the fate of many nations in limbo. During the Scramble for Africa the British empire forced our nation to abandon it's goal to unite our colonies of Angola and Mozambique by land. Instead the British occupied the territory. This was an embarrassment for our nation but now we have the opportunity to right this wrong. Shall we occupy Rhodesia in the British absence?"
 ger.4211.a:0 "The Pink Map shall live on!"
@@ -1627,7 +1627,7 @@ GER_fate_of_britian_desc:0 "After the defeat of the United Kingdom we have a cho
 puppet_britian:0 "Autonomy in the British Isles"
 GER_civil_wars:0 "Foreign Interventions"
 GER_spain:0 "Support the Falangist in Spain"
-GER_spain_desc:0 "Our government and interests match up quite nicely with the Falangist's and as such we should seek to increase cooperation between our nations. Sending supplies and men to support there cause could help secure us an ally on France's southern flank."
+GER_spain_desc:0 "Our government and interests match up quite nicely with the Falangist's and as such we should seek to increase cooperation between our nations. Sending supplies and men to support their cause could help secure us an ally on France's southern flank."
 GER_fall_weiss:0 "Fall Weiss"
 GER_fall_weiss_desc:0 "If the nations of eastern Europe won't ally with us to defend against the USSR we may have to to directly intervene before they fall to the Socialist menance. Case White is the German High Command's draft of a military invasion of our eastern neighbors."
 fall_poland:0 "Invasion of Poland"
@@ -2285,4 +2285,4 @@ gerfate.20.a:0 "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit"

 ##### Ideas #####
 GER_divided_nation:0 "A Divided Nation"
-GER_divided_nation_desc:0 "The number one foreign policy goal of our nation is to unite Germany under one flag. Germany can not stand divided. It is our duty to reunite our country above all us."
\ No newline at end of file
+GER_divided_nation_desc:0 "The number one foreign policy goal of our nation is to unite Germany under one flag. Germany can not stand divided. It is our duty to reunite our country above all us."
maxice8 commented 4 years ago

Patch for Japan

diff --git a/localisation/FR_Japan_l_english.yml b/localisation/FR_Japan_l_english.yml
index 11ba675..ffa4991 100644
--- a/localisation/FR_Japan_l_english.yml
+++ b/localisation/FR_Japan_l_english.yml
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ jap.201.d:0 "Despite the fact our nation's great might clearly exceeds their own
 jap.202.d:0 "Realizing Japan's great might and diplomatic conviction, Fengtian has accepted our ultimatum."

 #Zhili ultimatum
-jap.21.d:0 "Following multiple incidents in Qingdao, Dailian and the Manchurian peninsular, the Japanese has had enough and now sent us an ultimatum. To submit or to go to war with them. While we cannot afford to fight a war with their technological might, we cannot afford to submit either, as the entire population is doubtful of the future of Zhili under Japanese rule. All we know is that the fate and future of Zhili lies here, and we depend on it."
+jap.21.d:0 "Following multiple incidents in Qingdao, Dailian and the Manchurian peninsula, the Japanese has had enough and now sent us an ultimatum. To submit or to go to war with them. While we cannot afford to fight a war with their technological might, we cannot afford to submit either, as the entire population is doubtful of the future of Zhili under Japanese rule. All we know is that the fate and future of Zhili lies here, and we depend on it."

 jap.211.d:0 "Despite the fact our nation's great might clearly exceeds their own, The Zhili Clique has ignored our ultimatum."

@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ jap_trade_from_BEA_desc:0 "With the Anglo-Japanese Trade Agreement, we shall sen
 jap_raj_metal_imports:0 "Indian Metal Imports"
 jap_raj_metal_imports_desc:0 "The British raj is wealthy in their metal deposits and they can provide us with a stable source of metal. We shall look into reinforcing these ties with actual trade deals."
 jap_burmese_rubber_import:0 "Burmese Rubber Imports"
-jap_burmese_rubber_import_desc:0 "The Burma peninsular is rather rich in rubber, and we should look into settling a trade deal with them for providing us with rubber."
+jap_burmese_rubber_import_desc:0 "The Burma peninsula is rather rich in rubber, and we should look into settling a trade deal with them for providing us with rubber."
 jap_trade_from_isles:0 "British Mainland Trade"
 jap_trade_from_isles_desc:0 "With the Anglo-Japanese Trade Agreement, we shall send some officials to look for trade potential in the British isles."
 jap_nzl_oil:0 "New Zealand Oil Imports"
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ jap_operation_kingslayer_desc:0 "With War against the British Empire soon, we sh
 jap_strike_BEI:0 "Strike The British East Indies"
 jap_strike_BEI_desc:0 "We shall attack and secure the British East Indies as to secure the valuable resources there and to fuel our empire's hunger for resources."
 jap_fund_terrorism_in_singapore:0 "Fund Terrorism in Singapore"
-jap_fund_terrorism_in_singapore_desc:0 "To make sure that a war between the British Empire and Japan won't erupt, a clever way of going around is by secretly funding terrorist organisations in the Malayan peninsular that would like to be independent from the British Empire."
+jap_fund_terrorism_in_singapore_desc:0 "To make sure that a war between the British Empire and Japan won't erupt, a clever way of going around is by secretly funding terrorist organisations in the Malayan peninsula that would like to be independent from the British Empire."
 jap_cut_off_british_supply_lines:0 "Cut-off British Supply Lines"
 jap_cut_off_british_supply_lines_desc:0 "We must isolate the Pacific possessions of the British Empire so they can become controlled by us."

@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ jap_operation_rivalry_desc:0 "A more free to take location for us is the Indochi
 jap_strike_indochina:0 "Strike Indochina"
 jap_strike_indochina_desc:0 "With the operation ready, we shall start preparing to invade Indochina soon."
 jap_three_musketeers_i_mean_indochinese_bros:0 "The Three Indochinese Brothers"
-jap_three_musketeers_i_mean_indochinese_bros_desc:0 "The Indochinese peninsular is formerly governed by Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. We shall let them collaborate with us to govern the peninsular."
+jap_three_musketeers_i_mean_indochinese_bros_desc:0 "The Indochinese peninsula is formerly governed by Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. We shall let them collaborate with us to govern the peninsula."
 jap_pressure_siam:0 "Pressure the Siamese King"
 jap_pressure_siam_desc:0 "We shall pressure the Siamese king to bend to our will and assist us in the future attack on French Indochina."
 jap_shanghai_incident:0 "Shanghai Incident"
@@ -688,11 +688,11 @@ jap_korean_army_desc:0 "With the remains of the Chosen Empire's army still here,
 jap_chinese_air:0 "Chinese Republican Airforce"
 jap_chinese_air_desc:0 "The Chinese Airforce is backwards and old. They do not have anyone to support them in modernising it. We shall be the one who modernises it."
 jap_chinese_army:0 "Establish The Chinsai Army"
-jap_chinese_army_desc:0 "The Chinsai Army will be the force to garrison the Shanxi-Shandong peninsular and protect the possession."
+jap_chinese_army_desc:0 "The Chinsai Army will be the force to garrison the Shanxi-Shandong peninsula and protect the possession."
 jap_standardize_army:0 "Standardize The Militias"
 jap_standardize_army_desc:0 "The militias owned by the Chinese are not standardized and cannot fully fight with the other units. We shall help these militia units to standardize themselves."
 jap_war_for_prosperity:0 "War For Prosperity"
-jap_war_for_prosperity_desc:0 "War must be properly support in a collaborative regime, and we shall spread propaganda to maintain the stability in our possessions."
+jap_war_for_prosperity_desc:0 "War must be properly supported in a collaborative regime, and we shall spread propaganda to maintain the stability in our possessions."
 jap_ally_the_whites:0 "Alliance With The Whites"
 jap_ally_the_whites_desc:0 "We shall offer an alliance with the White Russian Government, who will be definitely be happy to ally with us to fight against the Soviet Red menace."
 jap_yakutsk_incident:0 "Yakutsk Incident"
@@ -844,4 +844,4 @@ JAP_tateo_kato_cair:0 "Tateo Kato"
 JAP_matome_ugaki_cair:0 "Matome Ugaki"

 #Fleet Name
-FLEET_NAME_JAP:0 "Kaigun Kantai $NUMBER$"
\ No newline at end of file
+FLEET_NAME_JAP:0 "Kaigun Kantai $NUMBER$"
maxice8 commented 4 years ago

For Italy

diff --git a/localisation/FR_Italy_l_english.yml b/localisation/FR_Italy_l_english.yml
index 3f50ec9..1e06ebb 100644
--- a/localisation/FR_Italy_l_english.yml
+++ b/localisation/FR_Italy_l_english.yml
@@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@ ita.222.d:0 "Commander Italo Balbo has recently ended the decades long guerrilla
 ita.223.d:0 "Our effort to grant Libya more autonomy will have to contend with the issue of Religion. Italy is a majority catholic nation while Libya is firmly Islamic. How shall we attempt to mend these two worlds?"
-ita.224.d:0 "History repeats itself once again as Italy demands that we submit to there authority. Under the Italian ultimatum we would become a protectorate within the Italin Empire. While some argue that Italy could help modernize our nation this sentiment is not popular with most of our citizens. Despite the seemingly overwhelming strength of Italy we will push back any attempt on our sovereignty."
+ita.224.d:0 "History repeats itself once again as Italy demands that we submit to their authority. Under the Italian ultimatum we would become a protectorate within the Italin Empire. While some argue that Italy could help modernize our nation this sentiment is not popular with most of our citizens. Despite the seemingly overwhelming strength of Italy we will push back any attempt on our sovereignty."
 ita.225.d:0 "It was wishful thinking to expect Abyssinia to just surrender through ultimatum alone. Addis Ababa has ignored our words and now must be persuaded on the battlefield. We shall avenge our previous failure and secure our position in East Africa."
@@ -2860,7 +2860,7 @@ ALB_valkist_party_long:0 "Partia Valkiste e Shqipërisë"
 ALB_liberation_movement:0 "National Liberation Movement"
 ALB_liberation_movement_desc:0 "Ever since the Italian occupation of Albania following the conclusion of the Great War a popular guerrilla movement currently led by the Collectivist revolutionary Envar Hoxa has been campaining to free Albania from Italian rule and install a socialist government in the country. Currently they hide in the Korab mountains recruiting more soldiers and very rarely engaging with our army or police."
 SER_liberation_movement:0 "National Liberation Movement"
-SER_liberation_movement_desc:0 "During the Great War the Kingdom of Serbia occupied Northern Albania and Kosovo leaving thousands of Albanians under foreign rule. With Albania proper liberated from Italian rule the National Liberation Movement now moves on to Serbia to continue there campaign to liberate all Albanian Workers!"
+SER_liberation_movement_desc:0 "During the Great War the Kingdom of Serbia occupied Northern Albania and Kosovo leaving thousands of Albanians under foreign rule. With Albania proper liberated from Italian rule the National Liberation Movement now moves on to Serbia to continue their campaign to liberate all Albanian Workers!"

 ### Events ###
@@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ alb.13.t:0 "Italo-Albanian forces have been pushed back"
 alb.13.d:0 "Despite our preperations it seems we have overestimated the defenses of the National Liberation Movement. Our forces were pushed backed. Many of our Albanian soldiers even fled the battlefield. This defeat will only inspire the NLM into more direct actions against our government."
 alb.13.a:0 "This is a dark day for Albania."
 alb.14.t:0 "Remnants of the defeated Albanian NLM flee across our southern border"
-alb.14.d:0 "For years the socialist Albanian National Liberation Movement has been fighting a guerrilla campaign to liberate Albania from Italian rule. Recently Italian and Albanian forces have routed the NLM from there base in the Korab mountains forcing the survivors into our borders. The weak a defeated NLM have little support here in Serbia but there presence could be a danger in the future."
+alb.14.d:0 "For years the socialist Albanian National Liberation Movement has been fighting a guerrilla campaign to liberate Albania from Italian rule. Recently Italian and Albanian forces have routed the NLM from their base in the Korab mountains forcing the survivors into our borders. The weak a defeated NLM have little support here in Serbia but their presence could be a danger in the future."
 alb.14.a:0 "We must keep an eye on their activities."
 alb.15.t:0 "Battle of Tirana"
 alb.15.d:0 "The National Liberation Movement, emboldened by our governments failiures to crush them, have launched a full scale assault on our capital city Tirana. Years of planning and recruitment have helped the collectivist forces to overwhelem police stationed in surrounding vilages and as they close in on Tirana the fighting has only become even more brutal. As desperate defenders work into the night the fortify our captial the situation continues to bleaken. Only the bravery of soldeirs can save Albania now."
@@ -2921,7 +2921,7 @@ alb.19.d:0 "The Balli were a key component in the recent victory over the Nation
 alb.19.a:0 "Agree to Frashëri's demands."
 alb.19.b:0 "Italy must itervene to save our nation."
 alb.20.t:0 "Albania in Disarray"
-alb.20.d:0 "A civil war is brewing in Albania. The Albanian government and Balli Kombetar had recently agreed to create a united front against the socialist National Liberation Movement but now with the NLM defeated the Balli Kombetar are now leveraging there new influence in Albania to launch a coup d'etat in Tirana. Our Albanian ally now demands that we take direct control of their national security as a last ditch effort to secure stability in the region."
+alb.20.d:0 "A civil war is brewing in Albania. The Albanian government and Balli Kombetar had recently agreed to create a united front against the socialist National Liberation Movement but now with the NLM defeated the Balli Kombetar are now leveraging their new influence in Albania to launch a coup d'etat in Tirana. Our Albanian ally now demands that we take direct control of their national security as a last ditch effort to secure stability in the region."
 alb.20.a:0 "It's time we step in and directly manage Albania's internal affairs."
 alb.20.b:0 "Fortify our base at Vlore. Albania is a lost cause."
 alb.21.t:0 "Italy abadons Albania"