welcome to fuku.tv! 😊
this project consists of 2 apps in the /worksapces folder:
contains the UI for the claw machine, connects to the wss server hosted on the server workspace.
Contains the wss server that interfaces with the Raspberry PI, listens for requests from the client workspace.
Commands (any cli)
install NPM packages and build workspace projects
run dev instance (should apply to both client and server)
yarn dev
run client
yarn start:client
run Server
yarn start:server
clear cache (excluding node_modules)
yarn clean
clear cache (everything)
yarn clean:deep
kill running node processes
yarn kill
file descriptors (root)
- .editorconfig - ensures vscode files are saved with 'LF' versus windows 'CRLF'
- .eslintrc - linting rules for repo
- .gitignore - ignores generated files from git tracking
- lintstagedrc.mjs - lint-staged command list per file (triggered by pre-commit hook)
- .prettierrc - config file for format on save extension
- package.json - list of node dependencies
- sst.json - serverless-stack config file, specifies main stack location and default region (us-east-1)
- tsconfig.json - config file for typescript language
- turbo.json - handles monorepo command behavior
- yarn.lock - tells Seed.run to use yarn to install node packages before deploying app to S3 (DO NOT TOUCH)
folder descriptors
- .husky - container for git hooks (just runs lint-staged on staged files before git commit)
- .github - container for github issue template and workflow file (used only for testing, not needed to deploy)
- .sst - auto-generated from serverless-stack, safe to remove
- .vscode - contains settings.json for vscode, prevents "CRLF" line endings when making a new file
- packages - workspace items for forked packages ('h264-live-encoder' and 'node-agcod')
- stacks - serverless-stack schema code for deploying our static website and serverless stacks.
- tools - reusable config files for typescript, jest, eslint and ts-node compiler
- workspaces - workspace items for the full-stack fuku
- client - react.js frontend
- iot - raspberry PI code (maintained by Jason outside deploys)
- lambda - serverless resources suck as AWS lambdas, API gateways and Dynamodb
- server - node.js websocket server, serves connections to web clients and connects to Raspberry Pi's controller and camera
- shared - library of reusable javascript code
- stacks - schema for AWS Cloudformation stack for app
Let me know if you have any questions!