FunAudioLLM / CosyVoice

Multi-lingual large voice generation model, providing inference, training and deployment full-stack ability.
Apache License 2.0
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During single-machine multi-GPU training, the memory changes abnormally #593

Closed shenlou11 closed 1 month ago

shenlou11 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug During single-machine multi-GPU training, the memory changes abnormally. Training with 2 docker containers, which are bound to 1 Gpus and 2 GPUs batchsize=2,single-machine 1 gpu is used for training, GPU memory is 26483 MIB batchsize=2,single-machine 2 gpus is used for training, GPU 0 memory is 38335MB、GPU 1 memory is 45733MB

Use the default Settings,cosyvoice.fromscratch.yaml,batch_type: 'static',batchsize=2

stage=5 stop_stage=5 pretrained_model_dir=./pretrained_models/CosyVoice-300M


num_gpus=$(echo $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES | awk -F "," '{print NF}')

num_gpus=2 job_id=1986 dist_backend="nccl" num_workers=2 prefetch=100 train_engine=torch_ddp if [ ${stage} -le 5 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 5 ]; then echo "Run train. We only support llm traning for now. If your want to train from scratch, please use conf/cosyvoice.fromscratch.yaml" if [ $train_engine == 'deepspeed' ]; then echo "Notice deepspeed has its own optimizer config. Modify conf/ds_stage2.json if necessary" fi

cat examples/libritts/cosyvoice/data/{train-clean-100,train-clean-360,train-other-500}/parquet/data.list > examples/libritts/cosyvoice/data/

cat examples/libritts/cosyvoice/data/{dev-clean,dev-other}/parquet/data.list > examples/libritts/cosyvoice/data/

for model in flow; do torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=$num_gpus \ --rdzv_id=$job_id --rdzv_backend="c10d" --rdzv_endpoint="localhost:0" \ \ --train_engine $train_engine \ --config examples/libritts-test/cosyvoice/conf/cosyvoice.fromscratch.yaml \ --train_data examples/libritts-test/cosyvoice/data/ \ --cv_data examples/libritts-test/cosyvoice/data/ \ --model $model \ --model_dir pwd/exp/cosyvoice/$model/$train_engine \ --tensorboard_dir pwd/tensorboard/cosyvoice/$model/$train_engine \ --ddp.dist_backend $dist_backend \ --num_workers ${num_workers} \ --prefetch ${prefetch} \ --pin_memory \ --deepspeed_config examples/libritts/cosyvoice/conf/ds_stage2.json \ --deepspeed.save_states model+optimizer done fi

Why does memory get much larger when training on multiple Gpus?

shenlou11 commented 1 month ago

When trained to epoch=2, the memory of both Gpus is 40G+

aluminumbox commented 1 month ago

40g memory useage is normal, because each gpu each worker consumes memory

shenlou11 commented 1 month ago

40g memory useage is normal, because each gpu each worker consumes memory40g内存使用是正常的,因为每个gpu每个worker都消耗内存

Why in the same batchsize same num_workers situation, 1gpu, memory is 20G+? 2 gpu, each card memory is 40G+

shenlou11 commented 1 month ago

40g memory useage is normal, because each gpu each worker consumes memory40g内存使用是正常的,因为每个gpu每个worker都消耗内存

Why in the same batchsize same num_workers situation, 1gpu, memory is 20G+? 2 gpu, each card, the memory is 40G+

Normally it should be 2 Gpus, each card the memory is 20G+ ?