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Waydroid Compass #41

Open Izaic opened 4 months ago

Izaic commented 4 months ago

I tried using Organic Maps from the fdroid store within Waydroid, but the compass was not working. It showed my direction changing sporadically and did not seem to have any relation to my actual bearing.

Izaic commented 4 months ago

It was suggested that it may be solved by calibrating the compass by doing a figure 8 motion with the device a couple times. I cannot test this at the moment, but will update this when I do.

Izaic commented 3 months ago

Attempted compass calibration movements for a few seconds and it did not seem to make a difference. Google maps I just installed doesn't even see the compass.

Tea23 commented 2 months ago

Seeing the same thing. GPS passes through nicely to Wayland, but there is no compass. This is seen easily in GMaps and Uber.

mz-pdm commented 2 months ago

OsmAnd+ looks confused too.

FakeShell commented 2 months ago

looks like the issue is not with our sensor passthrough service, but rather the sensor itself even on host querying it returns very inconsistent to mitigate this and make apps at least somewhat usable i have modified the passthrough implementation to just return a dummy value for compass for now this won't land for this release but possibly next one