Furry / 2captcha

A wrapper around the 2captcha api
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geetest v4 missing #47

Open ohnnnooo opened 6 months ago

ohnnnooo commented 6 months ago

geetest v4 seems to be missing on the library

dumbasPL commented 3 months ago

any updates on this?

Furry commented 3 months ago

any updates on this?

Hey there, the main branch is on api v1 and a bit dated;

https://github.com/Furry/2captcha/tree/next contains the new version, as well as support for geetest v4 and all other captcha types. Still testing it out and need to write it's docs before I push it to NPM which will be this weekend. It can be used with GitHub as source though.

dumbasPL commented 3 months ago

Still testing it out and need to write it's docs before I push it to NPM which will be this weekend

Nice, you can push to NPM using a different tag for example @next to give people an easy way to test without affecting anyone.

Furry commented 3 months ago

Still testing it out and need to write it's docs before I push it to NPM which will be this weekend

Nice, you can push to NPM using a different tag for example @next to give people an easy way to test without affecting anyone.

Completely forgot that was a thing, thank you!

published the next branch to NPM, npm i 2captcha@4.0.0

dumbasPL commented 3 months ago

things that are broken in v4 regarding geetest:

Furry commented 3 months ago

things that are broken in v4 regarding geetest:

  • geetest v4 doesn't have gt nor challenge
  • there is a proxied argument but there is no way to specify the proxy (there is, but it's missing the necessary type definitions)

Ah, hadn't even realized my bad. I do appreciate the info, and I'm sure there's some more bugs or inaccuracies other places that I've still gotta weed out.

https://www.npmjs.com/package/2captcha/v/4.0.0-1 https://github.com/Furry/2captcha/commit/825fe927fcdf590cd6f689890499d8f96fc726fe

Added a new method under geetestV4 with proper inputs, and both have had they're typings for the proxy in extras fixed