Fushuma / FIP

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FIP #2 #3

Open spatialiste opened 1 month ago

spatialiste commented 1 month ago

Fushuma Improvement Proposal #2

Initial Pre-Sale: Kickstarting Fushuma

Fushuma aims to be an investor-friendly blockchain platform ensuring transparency, decentralization, and rewards for FUMA token holders.

During the current phase, the founding team dedicated resources to lay the groundwork for Fushuma. This included writing the Blueprint, articulating the vision behind Fushuma, designing the DAO model to pursue total transparency and decentralization, developing the website, and setting up a decentralized and transparent structure through a series of grants open to community members and developers. With the foundation firmly established, we are excited to move into the next phase with Fushuma Improvement Proposal #2.

Today, we are pleased to announce the beginning of the next phase with the Fushuma Improvement Proposal #2. This proposal seeks to raise $75,000 by selling 75,000,000 FUMA tokens at the price of $0.001 per token.

Why This Round?

Funding the treasury with an initial amount is essential to kickstart several initiatives. These initiatives are designed to validate and establish the processes Fushuma has put in place. Success for these initiatives will be measured by increased community engagement, the successful deployment of the DeFi platform, and heightened awareness of Fushuma.

This funding opportunity is explicitly dedicated to initial investors who want to support and validate Fushuma's model. Investors will receive FUMA tokens at a discounted price compared to future rounds. These early investors will have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process and track how their investment is utilized. Initially, they can submit and comment on proposals on GitHub. Once the DAO is launched, they can vote using their FUMA tokens.

What Is The Plan?

We plan to allocate the money raised as follow:

I. Creating and Launching a DeFi Platform Based on PancakeSwap (25%)

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has steadily gained traction and recently surpassed centralized exchanges due to its inherent transparency and user control. Establishing a decentralized platform where users can trade FUMA and various tokens aligns with these trends. At this stage of the project, we prioritize a decentralized approach over centralized exchanges.

To achieve this, we are considering two potential paths:

1. Relaunch SLOFI: Sloth Finance, an existing project on Callisto Network with a known community and user base, can be relaunched on Fushuma.

2. Create a New Project: Develop a new project from scratch. The new token's total supply should match SLOFI's total supply, with a 1:1 allocation to SLOFI holders. More details about SLOFI tokenomics can be found here.

Fushuma will allocate initial liquidity in FUMA tokens to support this initiative. Specific details will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

II. Marketing Activities: Banner Campaign, YouTube Videos, CoinTelegraph Article (40%)

Raising awareness about Fushuma is crucial. A significant portion of the budget raised will be allocated to marketing, divided into three key areas:

Leverage the existing traffic of popular crypto websites to capture a percentage for Fushuma, driving awareness effectively through the impressions generated.

YouTube is a powerful tool for building awareness over time, as viewers tend to relate to the speaker in the video. We plan to release one video per week for 3 months to engage, inform and expand the community.

Publishing on CoinTelegraph, a leading platform for crypto news, will effectively reach the crypto community and build strong SEO for Fushuma through valuable backlinks. We plan to release sponsored articles written by CoinTelegraph authors, including a Related News Widget and 24-hour Homepage pin promotions.

III .Community Initiatives (10%)

This allocation will be dedicated to funding activities proposed by the community through our grants program. By supporting innovative projects and ideas from community members, we aim to foster active engagement and ensure that the development of the Fushuma ecosystem is truly community-driven. This will include but is not limited to development grants, community events, educational initiatives, and other projects that align with Fushuma’s goals.

IV. Infrastructure (15%)

Fushuma will requires high-end hardware and robust infrastructure to ensure seamless operation and security. This allocation will be used to invest in the necessary hardware to support the Fushuma blockchain. This ensures that the network remains efficient, secure, and capable of handling increased usage as the community grows.

V. Reserve (10%)

The reserve will act as a contingency fund to address unexpected expenses or opportunities that align with Fushuma’s long-term vision. This could include, but is not limited to, acquiring key partnerships or funding projects that require additional resources beyond the planned budget.

How to Participate in the FUMA Token Sale

Below are the requirements, and steps to participate in the FUMA token sale:

  1. Minimum investment requirement: 5000 USDT.

  2. Contact us via email at contact@fushuma.com, including your wallet address.

  3. Our team will verify your details and provide further instructions, such as proof of ownership, including completing a transaction to one of the following wallets:

  1. Upon successful transfer of your investment, FUMA tokens will be allocated to your wallet.

    Support Fushuma’s transparent and decentralized approach as an early investor. Secure your stake and participate actively in shaping our ecosystem’s future!

spatialiste commented 4 weeks ago

Fushuma Improvement Proposal 2 - Fund Allocation

Following the successful receipt of the first 20,000 USDT investment as part of FIP #2, the following budget allocation is proposed to kickstart Fushuma's operations and development over the next three months.

Budget Breakdown

1. Infrastructure - ~ 12,000 USDT

Our partner, Zeeve, will be in charge of maintaining and updating the Fushuma infrastructure to ensure seamless operation and top-notch security of the Fushuma blockchain.

2. DeFi Platform Development - 2,500 USDT

Develop and deploy a DeFi platform, including the user interface and smart contracts necessary for the platform.

3. Founder Stipend - 4,500 USDT

Compensation for the founding team's time and effort in managing and guiding the initial Fushuma phase.

4. Reserve Fund - 1000 USDT

This fund will be utilized for additional unforeseen expenses or opportunities during development. It will also allow for flexibility in marketing or further development efforts as needed. We will report the usage of these funds.

This allocation marks the beginning of Fushuma.

As we progress, transparency will remain our top priority. We are committed to providing regular updates on the utilization of these funds and the advancement of each initiative. We will continue to share progress through our FIP updates and welcome any feedback or proposals from the community.