G33kDude / Chrome.ahk

Automate Google Chrome using native AutoHotkey
MIT License
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New Chrome User Profile issue. #22

Closed goglgo closed 1 year ago

goglgo commented 3 years ago

The error occurs when make new chrome user profile.

I think, some patch makes "--user-data-dir=" argument get only abstract folder path.

so, write correct path or attach previous script path. may be the solve.

Chrome.ahk Line 91 Like this. Run, % this.CliEscape(ChromePath) . " --remote-debugging-port=" this.DebugPort . (ProfilePath ? " --user-data-dir=" . this.CliEscape(**A_ScriptDir . "\" .** ProfilePath) : "") . (Flags ? " " Flags : "") . URLString ,,, OutputVarPID

if do that, it can solve some other issues I think.

G33kDude commented 1 year ago

This should be fixed by 1.3.0