Open HimashaFernando opened 8 years ago
201610261720 AS pushed 2 commits to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-as
201610271745 AS pushed 10 commits to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-as
201610280715 AS pushed 4 commits to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-as
201610281215 AS pushed 1 commit to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-as
201610311305 AS
pushed 4 commits to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-as
201611011735 AS pushed 4 commits to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-as
201611021715 AS Pushed 4 commits to campus: c8-inquiry-form-for-course-as
201611031620 AS pushed 5 commits to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-as
201611081125-AS Due to the design change that's intended to support both Jstl and JSON data , through the same (servlet) and the decision to follow the multi-page Application approach instead of SPA (Single Page Application), the rest of the code progression will be conducted in c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as branch.
201611091705-AS pushed 17 commits to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as
201611101725-AS pushed 1 commit to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as
201611151145-AS pushed 5 commits to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as
201611151145-AS c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as developing complete move to Code review.
201611151500 PN Code review comments Improvements"Test");
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
<script src='../../../../dist/js/institute/validation/validation.js'></script>
use this format and developer can reuse the JavaScript validations. String query = "INSERT INTO CAMPUS.STUDENTPROGRAMINQUIRY ( NAME, EMAIL, TELEPHONECOUNTRYCODE, TELEPHONEAREACODE, TELEPHONENUM, INQUIRYTITLE, INQUIRYTEXT, INQUIRYDATE, INQUIRYTIME, STUDENT, PROGRAMME, ISACTIVE, CRTON, CRTBY) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, getdate(), getdate(), ?, ?, '1', getdate(), 'admin') "; ps = conn.prepareStatement(query.toString());
@anuradhars FYA.
201611151820 AS pushed 6 commits to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as
201611151820 AS Code review issues - fixed
the error is logged at the place it would be generated. since there is no ripple effect on the flow I would think it's not necessary to throw the exception as it cause many methods to be changed at upper level
And move to code review @pabodhaW
201611152305 PN Code review issue fixes
rtc 201611151820 AS Other than 4 and 8 all the other mentioned issues are fixed. Till this fix also done c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as moving back to the MX.
@anuradhars FYA.
201611161620-DN Reasoning for item # 4 and 8
the error is logged at the place it would be generated. Since there is no ripple effect on the flow, I would think it's not necessary to throw the exception as it causes many methods to be changed at upper level
8 Methods other than execute() in class move into another class. Then the methods can be reuse later. It's better if the object declarations can be removed from he command class. - KTD with @chathuriM and @dushanthacb for code refactor.
All of these code which are converted to the method are originally in the execute() method. In order keep Single responsibility principle SRP ,I have encapsulate the responsibilities in to methods and these methods are specific to the class itself hence hard to reused in a separate class according to MHO
201611161641 PN Code review issue fixes rtc 201611161620-DN. Considering the comment given by @dushanthacb I'm moving this issue to the next stage, QA.
201611161936 AS
What has been done(Scope)
Send Inquiry for Course This function should integrate in the mini web. In system, student logged into the institute mini web and select the course details and Click the course inquiry button. Then after redirect to the course-inquiry. jsp . (In time bean course-inquiry.jsp link in menu NEWS tab) In system, logged studentID and Student select program ID get from session, in time bean student code and program code hard code in hidden tags.
Change/Add Files institute.helper.js validation.js course-inquiry.jsp
Grade of risk of change Low
Sprint released Sprint 1
Unit Test Done
How can it be tested Browse : localhost:8080 or
What will it affect Logged in Student can send an inquiry about the Course.
How can it be tested Click on News tab on site map
What user roles are affected student
Other comments Use Number 1 as a Student Code. (Jsp Hidden tag) Use Number 7 as a Program Code. (Jsp Hidden tag) reCapture function only works on localhost:8080 Decrease the security level if email is not working
Sample output page of the issue : c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as
1. course-inquiry.jsp page loads gave following errors.
2. Empty field validation error messages, successful messages and etc should be more prominent. (better to use different color, different font from the field labels)
3. When an auto fill value from suggestion list is selected to a field, the field display different from other fields. Would it be fine?
4. Use case fails for an invalid email.
steps to recreate : go to inquiry page > fill all other details with valid data except email field > add '123' to email field > give a valid recapture > send message
actual output : successful message displays, server side says invalid email, email does not receive
expected output : email field should be validated for valid email address, user should get an error message
5. Use case fails for an invalid invalid telephone number (ex; 'sd3').
Same output in the point 4 is observing for above invalid telephone number. I guess server side validation has done for letters(not sure, just a guess) but telephone number should be validated from both server side and client side. (only numeric is valid). Below are the valid formats, +94774372661 774372661 0774372661 +94 77 4372 661 +94 77 437 2661
6. When server side got errors on sending emails(something like issues on mail servers), user should get a proper error message saying the 'inquiry has not been sent due to an internal error'(message is only a suggestion). This has not been handled. User is getting below meaningless error.
I tested this by changing the host name.
7. When only the recapture field is wrong, all other fields are getting reset and user gets an error message. It is not user friendly. Each and every time user misses to click on recapture, he/she have to fill all the details again. The error message is also meaning-less. This should be fixed
steps to recreate: go to contact us > fill all the fields with valid data except clicking on the recapture > click on submit
Suggestions S1. It would be better if the email body has full name, email address, phone number of the sender since we are collecting those inputs from the user.
S2. I suggest to remove country code and area code. I feel like it's not needed. KTD @anuradhars @tharinduw
Note : tested only in Google chrome.
Assgning back to developer @anuradhars
all - discussion needed. As per KF we are restricting this functions only to logged users. Most of the fields can be preloaded to the form. (if needed can load data with editable text)
when sending inquiry, we will save all data in inquary table. (data will duplicate) but in case we allow non registered users to use this function, we can facilitate it.
TBD before s/up tomorrow.
201611241710 AS
pushed 1 commit to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as
201611241720 AS Modified inquiry form for course UI.
c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP- Done the QA modifications mentioned by @HimashaFernando
rtc 201611221615.HF
Assign @chathuriM for code review.
201611251133 CM
ArrayList<String> singleEmployeeList
and Collection named as final Collection<String> singleEmployeeCollection.
This issue is not related to employee. Its better to use meaning full variable names. private String fullname;
private String countryCode;
private String areaCode;
private String telNo;
private String inquiryTitle;
private int studentCode;
private int programmeCode;
if (conn != null) {
@anuradhars FYA.
201611251550 AS rtc 201611251133 CM code review issues fixed
pushed 1 commit to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as
Moving this to QA stage and assigning @HimashaFernando
201611281600 PN Crev comments
rtc 201611251550 AS rtc 201611251133 CM
I have noted an incorrect logger class import in
import java.util.logging.Logger;
So the fix for that is mentioned in below commit into log4j.
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
pabodhaW pushed 1 commit to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as
Moving this to QA stage and assigning @HimashaFernando
point 1 Invalid email validation is redirected to 'NO-DATA' error validation.
steps: fill details with invalid email(other fields should be valid) > click send message
actual output: invalid email error message is displayed and then page is redirected to 'No-Data' error message.
point 2 When the message is sent with only spaces in 'full name', 'inquiry title' and 'message' fields, the email is receiving with empty fields. Fields should be validated to not to enter spaces.
Assigning back to @anuradhars
201611291630 AS rtc 201611281700 HF code review issues fixed
pushed 1 commit to campus:c8-inquiry-form-for-course-MP-as
Assigning to @pabodhaW for code review.
201611292145 PN rtc 201611291630 AS rtc 201611281700 HF
@anuradhars has fixed the points mentioned by @HimashaFernando.
There were few lines of comments in some classes. If those code blocks are not needed in future developer has to remove them from the code. Pointing that as an improvement. ( Remove them when merging. )
Since there are no more any critical issues in code, I'm moving this issue back to RFQA by assigning @HimashaFernando .
Two points mentioned in comment '201611281700 HF - QA cycle 2 summary' was fixed. Tested and verified both two fixes. Moving to next stage 'to be merged' and assigning to @anuradhars since no more critical issues to report.
Business benefit: User can inquire for course. It's easy for user to get details about the course at any time.
Estimation: UI - 32sp Dev - 48sp Testing - 48sp