GEOS Simulation Framework
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Improve separation between business and geometry in mesh generators #2209

Open TotoGaz opened 1 year ago

TotoGaz commented 1 year ago

Describe the issue

Currently, the mesh generation tools depend on business domain, for example by looping over the constitutive relations of the sub regions when importing the fields. Fixing the blurred lines will help future developments and validations.

Proposed cleanup

In MeshGeneratorBase (and especially in its implementations):

For a first PR (Done in

As a second step, split generateMesh into business and geometry part (Done in

As a last architecture potential refactoring.

On a more C++ technical point of view for a last PR (and during the continuous refactoring process).

TotoGaz commented 3 months ago

Particle manager (from PR puts back the dependency to SpatialPartition, MeshBody, MeshLevel, ParticleRegion...

@XL64 and myself had spent some time to remove this connection to the business domain, in order to let the module become a purely geometrical “module”.

My comment in the review asked to remove the link to business domain...

The PR was merged anyhow.

I have no more time to invest into any more cleaning. Therefore I unassign myself from this issue; I will not be working on it anymore.