GFDRR / rdl-standard

The Risk Data Library Standard (RDLS) is an open data standard to make it easier to work with disaster and climate risk data. It provides a common description of the data used and produced in risk assessments, including hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and modelled loss, or impact, data.
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[Docs update] Describe use of and mapping to UNDRR Hazard Taxonomy (HIPS) #2

Open pzwsk opened 3 years ago

pzwsk commented 3 years ago

If you are filing a proposed change, e.g. a new attribute, relationship, use of a new taxonomy, or a revised definition, then please fill in the below template.

What is the context or reason for the change?

Publication of the UNDRR Hazard definition and classification review

Why is this not covered by the existing model?

UNDRR taxonomy was not available when the RDL project started.

What is your proposed change?

To align RDL hazard taxonomy with UNDRR Hazard definition for hazard within the scope of RDL.

i.e. reviewing names, code and hierarchy of the common tables for hazard against the UNDRR taxonomy

Rationale: UNDRR official source for hazard definition and classification.

Can you provide an example?



UNDRR image

matamadio commented 3 years ago

I'll update the existing comparison matrixes we did with new UNDRR framework.

matamadio commented 3 years ago

UNDRR taxonomy for natural hazards

(excluded chemical, biological, environmental, extraterrestrial, technological, societal hazards)

Show huge table Hazard type | Hazard cluster | Specifc hazard -- | -- | -- METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Convective-related | Downburst METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Convective-related | Lightning (Electrical storm) METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Convective-related | Thunderstorm METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Coastal flood METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Estuarine flood METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Flash flood METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Fluvial (riverine flood) METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Groundwater flood METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Ice-jam flood including debris METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Ponding flood METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Snowmelt flood METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Surface water flooding METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Flood | Glacial lake outburst flood METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Lithometeors | Black carbon (Brown clouds) METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Lithometeors | Dust storm or Sandstorm METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Lithometeors | Fog METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Lithometeors | Haze METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Lithometeors | Polluted air METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Lithometeors | Sand haze METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Lithometeors | Smoke METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Marine | Ocean acidifcation METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Marine | Rogue wave METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Marine | Sea water intrusion METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Marine | Sea ice (ice bergs) METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Marine | Ice flow METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Marine | Seiche METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Marine | Storm surge METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Marine | Storm tides METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Marine | Tsunami METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Pressure-related | Depression or cyclone (low pressure area) METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Pressure-related | Extra-tropical cyclone METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Pressure-related | Sub-tropical cyclone METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Precipitation-related | Acid rain METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Precipitation-related | Blizzard METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Precipitation-related | Drought METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Precipitation-related | Hail METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Precipitation-related | Ice storm METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Precipitation-related | Snow / Ice METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Precipitation-related | Snow storm METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Cold wave METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Dzud METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Freeze METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Frost (hoar frost) METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Freezing rain METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Glaze METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Ground frost METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Heatwave METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Icing (including ice) METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Temperature-related | Thaw METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Terrestrial | Avalanche METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Terrestrial | Mud flow METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Terrestrial | Rock slide METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Wind-related | Derecho METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Wind-related | Gale (strong gale) METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Wind-related | Squall METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Wind-related | Subtropical storm METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Wind-related | Tropical cyclone (cyclonic wind, rain [storm] surge) METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Wind-related | Tropical storm METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Wind-related | Tornado METEO-HYDROLOGICAL | Wind-related | Wind GEOHAZARD | Seismogenic | Earthquake GEOHAZARD | Seismogenic | Ground shaking (earthquake) GEOHAZARD | Seismogenic | Liquefaction (earthquake trigger) GEOHAZARD | Seismogenic | Surface rupture/fssuring GEOHAZARD | Seismogenic | Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change (earthquake trigger) GEOHAZARD | Seismogenic | Tsunami (earthquake trigger) GEOHAZARD | Seismogenic | Landslide or debris flow (earthquake trigger) GEOHAZARD | Seismogenic | Ground gases (earthquake trigger) GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Lava flow GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Ash/ Tephra fall (physical and chemical) GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Ballistics (volcanic) GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Pyroclastic density current GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Debris flow/Lahar/Floods GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Landslide (volcanic trigger) GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Ground shaking (volcanic earthquake) GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Ground gases (slow release) and Volcanic gases and aerosols (CH4, CO2, H2S, SO2 etc.) GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Tsunami (volcanic trigger) GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Lightning (volcanic trigger) GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Urban fre (during/following volcanic eruption) GEOHAZARD | Volcanogenic | Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change (magmatic/volcanic trigger) GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Ground shaking (induced earthquake, reservoir fll, dams, cavity collapse, underground explosion, impact, hydrocarbon felds, shale exploration, etc.) GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Liquefaction (groundwater trigger) GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Ground fssuring GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Ͱ Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays) GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | ͰSinkhole GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Ground gases (CH4, Rn, etc.) GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Riverbank / Coastal erosion GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Sand encroachment GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Aquifer recharge (systems failure/ outages) GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Rockfall GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Landscape creep GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Avalanche GEOHAZARD | Shallow geohazard | Tsunami (submarine landslide trigger)
matamadio commented 3 years ago

See comparative table of our hazard schema and UNDRR hazard list. Includes also taxonomies by DRMKC, OED, Inspire.

Let's focus on RDLxUNDRR hazard taxonomy comparison. UNDRR hazard list is copied from the Annex 6 of 2020 report.

  1. There is matching for most primary hazards, but the UNDRR taxonomy is huge and extends far out of the common natural hazards, including phenomena not commonly assessed in risk analysis. Others would be nice to include but lack datasets: e.g. previously we evaluated the inclusion of "convective storms > hale | lightning | tornado" but in the end couldn't find anything for the first two hazards, and only kept "convective storms > tornado".

  2. It goes into a lot of detail (and repetition..) for certain categories, eg distingush "gale" from "wind" and has 12 types of "cold weather" hazards:

    • Hail
    • Ice storm
    • Snow / Ice
    • Snow storm
    • Cold wave
    • Dzud
    • Freeze
    • Frost (hoar frost)
    • Freezing rain
    • Glaze
    • Ground frost
    • Icing (including ice)

but at the same time it has only one general "Drought" hazard category while RDL has 4 sub-categories (meteo, hydro, agri, socio-eco).

  1. Some phenomena are just environmental conditions and not necessarily an hazard tied to an impact.

  2. It uses explicit combinations of triggers and hazards as individual items (e.g. landslide triggered by EQ, landslide triggered by VO, etc), whereas the RDL can define any hazard/process as a trigger for another hazard/process.

Ultimately I don't think we should adopt the UNDRR list as a whole, considering that many of those "hazards" are never ever mentioned in risk assessment. Rather justify that our schema matches with the most relevant items in this list and other taxonomies.

pzwsk commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot, Mattia, based on your evaluation I agree that a perfect (one to one) alignment with UNDRR hazard taxonomy might be problematic, especially due to those two reasons:

Suggestion, include the mapping to UNDRR taxonomy in the documentation, but do not replace RDL Hazard Taxonomy with UNDRR one.

Having said that, I see one issue in the current Hazard taxonomy of RDL which is that we have hazard and process type that are similar and this can create confusion for users:

Should we open a specific issue on that?

matamadio commented 3 years ago

Yes, taxonomy could be improved based on UNDRR, but not fully mirroring it.

In agreement with UNDRR (combining Meteo-Hydro Terrestrial and Shallow geohazard), landslide could contain 5 processes:

As a reference in the case of Afghanistan data, landslide hazard is classified as:

  1. bedrock landslides in slow evolution
  2. bedrock landslides in rapid evolution
  3. cover material in rapid evolution
  4. avalanche

Fitting these into the proposed process change would translate as 1 and 2 to be "rockfall" (not including the slow-rapid distinction in schema), 3 "debris flow" and 4 "avalanche".

Similar for coastal flood, my proposal would be to have it include:

Because often hazard layers can describe the combination of two or more processes, the choice of process shouldn't be univocal. E.g. a landslide layer may consider both rockfalls and debris flows. Then both processes should be included in the metadata.

matamadio commented 3 years ago

Please ignore my previous post. Better check alignment with existing hazard taxonomies instead.

This online sheet includes definitions from:

The first tab compare shows the alignment/matching of these sources compared to current RDL hazard schema, and propose a new "common denominator" hazard taxonomy that is based on these criteria:

Below is the resulting hazard taxonomy:

Main Sub
Earthquake Ground shaking
Earthquake Tsunami
Landslide Rockfall
Landslide Debris flow
Landslide Mudslide
Landslide Snow avalanche
Volcanic Ashfall
Volcanic Lahar
Volcanic Pyroclastic Flow
Volcanic Lava
Storm Extra-tropical storm
Storm Tropical storm
Storm Convective Storm
Storm Lightning
Storm Tornado
Storm Sand/dust storm
Storm Winter storm/blizzard
Flood Riverine flood
Flood Flash flood
Flood Coastal flood
Extreme temperature Heat wave
Extreme temperature Cold wave
Wild fire Forest fire
Wild fire Land fires (grass, scrub, bush)
Insect infestation  
pzwsk commented 3 years ago

Thanks for doing this Mat, this is very good and actually something that could be featured within a blog post.

matamadio commented 3 years ago

Latest proposal for hazard taxonomy discussed with Stu, matching (at best compromise) with UNDRR and other sources while maintaining our current taxonomy structure (main hazard - process). Not using "clusters" as in UNDRR (repetition across categories, non intuitive term). New categories and types were added, other were reorganised, renamed or changed code. Not all taxonomy have (double) ID codes, at least disclosed, so that is from us. I added new codes for new items, please suggest if you have better alternative.

New main hazard types:

Notable differences with other taxonomies:

Summary table:

Hazard Process Code Comment
Earthquake Ground shaking QGS Was QGM ("shaking" substitutes "motion")
Earthquake Surface rupture QSR Was Q1R and Q2R (primary and secondary rupture)
Earthquake Liquefaction QLI No change
Tsunami Tsunami TSI No change
Volcanic Ashfall VAF No change
Volcanic Lahar VLH No change
Volcanic Pyroclastic Flow VPF No change
Volcanic Lava VLV No change
Mass movement Landslide MLS Added new category "mass movement" including generic landslide and more specific
Mass movement Rockfall MRF New
Mass movement Snow avalanche MSA New
Mass movement Subsidence MSS New
Storm Tornado STN Changed from "Convective storm > Tornado (TOR)"
Storm Lightning SLN New
Storm Extra-tropical cyclone SEC Was under "Strong wind" category, now under "Storm", new code
Storm Tropical cyclone STC Was under "Strong wind" category, now under "Storm", new code
Storm Sand/dust storm SSS To be reviewed for data and imt
Storm Winter storm/blizzard SWB To be reviewed for data and imt
Flood Fluvial flood FFF No change
Flood Flash flood FPF No change
Flood Coastal flood/Storm surge FCF Previously separated category, now under Flood and aggregated with storm surge as in DRMKC
Extreme temperature Heat wave ETH New code (was EHT)
Extreme temperature Cold wave ETC New code (was ECD)
Drought Agricultural DTA No change
Drought Hydrological DTH No change
Drought Meteorological DTM No change
Drought Socio-economic DTS No change
Environmental degradation Wildfire EWF Was main hazard type with identical process
Environmental degradation Coastal erosion ECO New
Environmental degradation Sea level rise ESR New
Biological hazard Epidemic BEP New
Biological hazard Insect infestation BII New

Next steps:

ldodds commented 3 years ago

If you have mappings from the RDL codes to those other standards, then it might be useful to also publish those in a machine-readable form (e.g. a CSV file sitting alongside the code lists). This will help share the mappings and potentially allow people to translate/transform between datasets.

stufraser1 commented 3 years ago

Adding a note on tsunami - it shouldn't be a process in EQ given there are also landslide and volcanic generation mechanisms, so to place tsunami in earthquake hazard would ignore these. Equally, we did not want to replicate the process type as we do not need to link the process all of it's triggers (we have the link between trigger event and triggered event that does not rely on hazard classification.

stufraser1 commented 3 years ago

Noting that environmental degradation and biological were added to expand potential to relevant hazard and create alignment with UNDRR for these (also a reason to move wildfire under environmental)

Noting that for earthquake, primary rupture and secondary rupture provide a detailed separation which we do not experience in practice - therefore they are combined.

Note on combination of storm surge and coastal flood. The previous separation was because coastal flood includes storm surge but also technically includes wave set up, wave run-up which contributes to the hazard but are independent of cyclone/pressure (though generally storm surge provides the greatest wave heights), through they use the same IMTs and vulnerability curves. Combination will simplify the categorisation of very similar datasets and would use the dataset description to explain the components of hazard included.

stufraser1 commented 3 years ago

Requirement: IMTs to be defined for:

matamadio commented 3 years ago

Proposed IMT for new hazards

To be approved @stufraser1

Main Type Process Code IMT (proposal) Reference
Environmental degradation Coastal erosion ECE Shoreline retreat (m); or Annual rate of shoreline retreat (m/y) UNDRR Report
Environmental degradation Sea level rise ESR Annual change in Mean Sea Level compared to historical trend (m/y)
Biological hazard Epidemic BEP Number of people affected; Rt index
Biological hazard Insect infestation BII Affected area (km^2); Severity Index
Mass movement Rockfall MRF Susceptibility index Approach for AFG and other risk projects
Mass movement Snow avalanche MSA Avalanche pressure (kPa) Approach for AFG
Mass movement Subsidence MSS Annual change in land elevation compared to historical trend (m/y)
Storm Lightning SLN 15-Minute Lightning Strike Density (strikes/km^2/min * 10^3) NOAA
Storm Sand/dust storm SSS Annual number of events (n/year); Wind speed (km/h); aerosol optical depth (AOD); Coarse particulate matter (PM10);
Storm Winter storm/blizzard SWB Annual number of events (n/year); Wind speed (km/h); Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale (NESIS); Affected area (km^2); Winter Storm Severity Index (WSSI);

When hazard list and imt are approved I will update docs and data package specifics.

stufraser1 commented 1 year ago

@matamadio I updated proposed list above Go ahead and publish in docs

stufraser1 commented 1 year ago

Process_type.csv has been updated with descriptions here:

However, I didn't complete the table according to these proposals. I added rockfall, mudflow, rockslide while retaining a general landslide category, given we have lots of data which is not defined as the subtype of landslide, but landslide overall.

@matamadio When we have the codelists for process_type and IMT both published as csv, we should make changes to make them comprehensive according to the above proposal

stufraser1 commented 1 year ago

IFRC suggested at SC mtg (July 12 2023) to create a mapping between RDLS hazard_type and process_type to UNDRR HIPS

RDLS 4 drought codes -> drought, for example Our tsunami code -> HIPS two tsunami (may use trigger information too - HIPS includes trigger explicitly)

stufraser1 commented 1 year ago

Proposing csv mapping file to be included somewhere in repo, to describe how RDL hazard_type and process_type map to UNDRR HIPS: Below updated from Mat's earlier sheet ( (not updated for other taxonomies, but could do the same for those - next priority: Open Data Standards peril codes):

UNDRR Hazard cluster UNDRR Specific hazard RDL Hazard type RDL Process type
Convective-related Downburst    
Convective-related Lightning (Electrical storm)    
Convective-related Thunderstorm    
Flood Coastal flood Coastal Flood Coastal Flood
Flood Estuarine flood Coastal Flood Coastal Flood
Flood Flash flood Flood Pluvial Flood
Flood Fluvial (riverine flood) Flood Fluvial Flood
Flood Groundwater flood Flood Groundwater Flood
Flood Ice-jam flood including debris    
Flood Ponding flood Flood Pluvial Flood
Flood Snowmelt flood    
Flood Surface water flooding Flood Pluvial Flood
Flood Glacial lake outburst flood    
Lithometeors Black carbon (Brown clouds)    
Lithometeors Dust storm or Sandstorm    
Lithometeors Fog    
Lithometeors Haze    
Lithometeors Polluted air    
Lithometeors Sand haze    
Lithometeors Smoke    
Marine Ocean acidifcation    
Marine Rogue wave    
Marine Sea water intrusion    
Marine Sea ice (ice bergs)    
Marine Ice flow    
Marine Seiche    
Marine Storm surge Coastal Flood Storm Surge
Marine Storm tides    
Marine Tsunami Tsunami Tsunami
Pressure-related Depression or cyclone Strong Wind Tropical cyclone
Pressure-related Extra-tropical cyclone Strong Wind Extratropical cyclone
Pressure-related Sub-tropical cyclone Strong Wind Tropical cyclone
Precipitation-related Acid rain    
Precipitation-related Blizzard    
Precipitation-related Drought Drought Agricultural Drought
Precipitation-related Hail    
Precipitation-related Ice storm    
Precipitation-related Snow / Ice    
Precipitation-related Snow storm    
Temperature-related Cold wave Extreme Temperature Extreme cold
Temperature-related Dzud    
Temperature-related Freeze Extreme Temperature Extreme cold
Temperature-related Frost (hoar frost) Extreme Temperature Extreme cold
Temperature-related Freezing rain    
Temperature-related Glaze    
Temperature-related Ground frost    
Temperature-related Heatwave Extreme Temperature Extreme heat
Temperature-related Icing (including ice)    
Temperature-related Thaw    
Terrestrial Avalanche Landslide Snow Avalanche
Terrestrial Mud flow Landslide Mudlfow
Terrestrial Rock slide Landslide Rockslide
Wind-related Derecho    
Wind-related Gale (strong gale)    
Wind-related Squall    
Wind-related Subtropical storm Strong Wind Extratropical cyclone
Wind-related Tropical cyclone (cyclonic wind, storm surge) Strong Wind Tropical cyclone
Wind-related Tropical storm Strong Wind Tropical cyclone
Wind-related Tornado Convective Storm Tornado
Wind-related Wind Strong Wind Extratropical cyclone
Seismogenic Earthquake Earthquake  
Seismogenic Ground shaking (earthquake) Earthquake Ground Motion
Seismogenic Liquefaction (earthquake trigger) Earthquake Liquefaction
Seismogenic Surface rupture/fissuring Earthquake Primary Rupture and Secondary rupture
Seismogenic Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change (earthquake trigger)    
Seismogenic Tsunami (earthquake trigger) Tsunami Tsunami
Seismogenic Landslide or debris flow (earthquake trigger) Landslide Landslide
Seismogenic Ground gases (earthquake trigger)    
Volcanogenic Lava flow Volcanic Lava
Volcanogenic Ash/ Tephra fall (physical and chemical) Volcanic Ashfall
Volcanogenic Ballistics (volcanic) Volcanic Ballistics
Volcanogenic Pyroclastic density current Volcanic Pyroclastic Flow
Volcanogenic Debris flow/Lahar/Floods Volcanic Lahar
Volcanogenic Landslide (volcanic trigger) Landslide Landslide
Volcanogenic Ground shaking (volcanic earthquake) Earthquake Ground Motion
Volcanogenic Ground gases (slow release) and Volcanic gases and aerosols (CH4, CO2, H2S, SO2 etc.)    
Volcanogenic Tsunami (volcanic trigger) Tsunami Tsunami
Volcanogenic Lightning (volcanic trigger)    
Volcanogenic Urban fire (during/following volcanic eruption)    
Volcanogenic Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change (magmatic/volcanic trigger)    
Shallow geohazard Ground shaking (induced earthquake, reservoir fll, dams, cavity collapse, underground explosion, impact, hydrocarbon felds, shale exploration, etc.) Earthquake Ground Motion
Shallow geohazard Liquefaction (groundwater trigger) Flood Liquefaction
Shallow geohazard Ground fissuring    
Shallow geohazard Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change    
Shallow geohazard Ͱ Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays)    
Shallow geohazard ͰSinkhole    
Shallow geohazard Ground gases (CH4, Rn, etc.)    
Shallow geohazard Riverbank / Coastal erosion    
Shallow geohazard Sand encroachment    
Shallow geohazard Aquifer recharge (systems failure/ outages)    
Shallow geohazard Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides Landslide Landslide
Shallow geohazard Rockfall Landslide Rockfall
Shallow geohazard Landscape creep    
Shallow geohazard Avalanche Landslide Snow Avalanche
Shallow geohazard Tsunami (submarine landslide trigger) Tsunami Tsunami
Environmental degradation (Forestry) Wildfires Wildfire Wildfire
duncandewhurst commented 1 year ago

Proposing csv mapping file to be included somewhere in repo, to describe how RDL hazard_type and process_type map to UNDRR HIPS: Below updated from Mat's earlier sheet (#2 (comment)) (not updated for other taxonomies, but could do the same for those - next priority: Open Data Standards peril codes):

Sounds good. Since there might be more than one mapping, I suggest that we:

(@stufraser1 edited to add tick boxes)

stufraser1 commented 1 year ago

new folder: contains RDL - UNDRR mapping (csv, with corrected spelling/spacing errors from table above). Created mappings page, with csv and link to original source, but not html.

odscjen commented 1 year ago

@stufraser1 I've taken what you'd done in and added it to the larger PR for updating the guidance pages as some of the guidance needs to reference this so its easier if it's all together

duncandewhurst commented 1 year ago

Should this mapping include the hazard identifiers assigned in the UNDRR-ISC Hazard Information Profiles? e.g. MH0001 for 'Downburst':


duncandewhurst commented 1 year ago

@stufraser1 to add identifiers to the CSV file

stufraser1 commented 8 months ago

Noting here a consideration to map RDLS hazard process codes to those used by EMDAT (IRDR 2014). This is not being done because EMDAT have a roadmap from 2023 to align their codes with UNDRR HIPS, which we are already aiming to align with

stufraser1 commented 8 months ago

@stufraser1 to add identifiers to the CSV file

See PR #266