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Updated models for GRASS #30

Closed josephholler closed 3 years ago

josephholler commented 3 years ago

I've just resolved two problems with the GRASS models:

1) No one could view them because I saved them while working on a 2nd monitor, and if you open the .gxm file in a text editor (Atom or Notepad++) you'll see that line 4 has a window position encoded in it, and GRASS was trying to place the model window where I had been working on it last, which was way, way off the screen for your laptops.

2) If you have a river reach with a very wide valley, clipping by the reachBuffer is going to be unfair. Therefore, I added a version of the model that does not clip using the buffer. If you use this version, you'll just need to take care to digitize roughly the same distance of valley edges and stream/river banks each time.

Over in the RE-rosgen repository, there's a thread about installing the GRASS add-ons in MacOS

josephholler commented 3 years ago

Also, I have exported the models as python scripts, if you'd rather see how they work that way.

josephholler commented 3 years ago

Also, just tested a workflow for pulling the changes from the main repository down onto a forked repository (aka a workflow for you to pull the updates I just made onto your own computer using GitHub). See how in this 2 min video