GIS4DEV / RE-rosgen

Activity applying reproducibility principles to Rosgen Classifications of streams
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Research activity applying reproducibility principles to a GIS-based implementation of Rosgen Stream Classification.

Templates for Reproducible and Replicable Research

A template repository that contains a folder structure, template documents, and best practice suggestions for conducting reproducible geographic research. The folder structure presented here can be used to

  1. pre-register, document, and share original research, or
  2. document, organize, and share a reproduction and/or replication of original research.

An overview of the folder structure of this repository is provided below. The and index.csv files contained in each folder provide details about the structure of that folder and suggestions on its use. The docs/report/ folder contains templates to facilitate 1) the pre-registration of original research, and 2) report the complete details of attempted reproductions and replications of original research.

Repository Overview

Reproduction of <Study Name>
|- docs/           # study documentation
|  +- instruction/ # materials for teaching
|  +- manuscript/  # manuscript components
|  +- presentation/# materials for teaching
|  +- report/      # preanalysis plan, reproduction/replication report
|- data/           # raw data, which are not changed once created
|  +- raw/         # raw data, will not be altered
|     +- private/  # for private/confidential data or data too large to version control
|     +- private/  # for public data to be version controlled
|  +- derived/     # derived data, will not be altered once created
|     +- private/  # for private/confidential data or data too large to version control
|     +- private/  # for public data to be version controlled
|  +- scratch/     # temporary files that can be safely deleted or lost; no version control
|  +- metadata/    # documentation of metadata
|- procedure/      # methods documentation
|  +- code/        # any programmatic code, clearly named and commented
|  +- environment/ # documentation of the hardware and software environment
|  +- protocols/   # any non-computational protocols
|- results         # all output from workflows and analyses
|  +- figures/     # graphs, likely designated for manuscript
|  +- maps/        # maps, likely designated for manuscript  
|  +- other/       # diagrams, images, and other non-graph graphics
|-       # the top level description of content
|- study.Rmd       # executable Rmarkdown , if applicable
|- Makefile        # executable Makefile, if applicable
|- study.Rproj     # RStudio project, if applicable
|- .gitignore      # Git Ignore instructions to ignore systems files, private data, and scratch data

Reproducible Research Practices

Every research project is different. This repository is designed to serve as a flexible guide capable of structuring work completed throughout the lifecycle of different types of research project. No matter the project type, a few key suggested practices when using this repository include:


The structure of this repository closely follows the excellent rr-init repository, which in turn follows Nobel (2009). We have also incorporated structural ideas from Gandrud (2015) and Camerer et al. (2016, 2018). Reference information related to the Pre-registration Template and Replication Report Template is included in the /docs folder.