The original XML, e.g. has some lat/long values in floating point format e.g. for 2138001T5687546YIB58 it has
TopLeft.Latitude: 50.9692237, TopLeft.Longitude: -6.763E-4, BottomRight.Latitude: 50.9684463, BottomRight.Longitude: 0.0023963
-6.763E-4 gives an import error from Stardog ( is OK) when copied to RDF with type xsd:decimal.
This is not valid for **decimal** values in XML either, though it is OK for **float**. Since GLEIF does not include the geocoded values in the publish XSD it's not clear whether these values are intended to be floats or decimals. @Christoph-Gleif are you able to respond? If the former, the XML is OK and I'll need to convert the values to the regular decimal format to conform with the standard WGS84 ontology. More broadly, is GLEIF intending to include the geocoded elements in the XML Schema?
The original XML, e.g. has some lat/long values in floating point format e.g. for 2138001T5687546YIB58 it has