GLServers / GLD

Great Light Desert - Operation: Revive
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Staff Permissions #65

Closed Jeremy9600 closed 9 years ago

Jeremy9600 commented 9 years ago

-Trial-Mod: jail, mute, kick

-Mod: ban, tempban, warn, unban, /staff (staff chat channel for mod - powermod), dwarn, warnings (ability to see other peoples warnings), worldguard, socialspy, vanish, invsee, broadcast

-Power Mod: IPban, enderchest (ability to see other peoples enderchests), W.E (must apply), TPother

-Admin: /admin (channel for admins only)

-Head Admin: gamemode, PEX, basically op

feedback appreciated.

also, if i seem to have forgotten an important permission, be sure to inform me & ill edit the list.

Joannou1 commented 9 years ago

Most perms should be done, just went over it and added any missing bits. WG may have to be done later. Also added the prefixes.