GMOD / Apollo

Genome annotation editor with a Java Server backend and a Javascript client that runs in a web browser as a JBrowse plugin.
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Annotation details panel refreshes self twice on initial load #244

Closed selewis closed 9 years ago

selewis commented 9 years ago

I typed "lalalala" into the description text field and after switching back an forth to other annotations the entire panel disappeared!!

selewis commented 9 years ago

Wait, could be wrong. Problem seems to be that there are no "details" for pseudogenes. That's not right.

selewis commented 9 years ago

Need a much clearer indication of what gene/transcript row in the table is currently being shown in the details panel. Perhaps an arrowhead pointing at the matching row.

selewis commented 9 years ago

The clicking behavior genes on this panel is heterogeneous. Sometimes it opens and closes, other times it selects. Rather see a right/down arrowhead or a plus/minus symbol of the hierarchy.

selewis commented 9 years ago

Details panel needs a lot of reworking, missing information right now. Needs to replace that stupid dialog box...

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

I can't reproduce this locally . . . I think itwill work.

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

Still problematic.

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

I don't get this behavior via localhost. However, I do get it with a remote server (icebox) . . with or without tomcat . . and on the USDA server.


nathandunn commented 9 years ago

with working websockets it does this ALL the time now

monicacecilia commented 9 years ago

@nathandunn Yes, all the time. Is this "expected behaviour" now?

nathandunn commented 9 years ago

@monicacecilia The expected behavior is that it works by loading data once. What @selewis was experiencing was that it loaded the annotator panel once and then it decided it wanted to refresh itself. It also did this with the genomic browser. My guess is that you are not seeing it, because I'm sure I would have heard about it from you already ;)

monicacecilia commented 9 years ago

hehehe... either that or it is that "flash" thingy that happens at super-lightning speed and I just got used to seeing... :smirk:

monicacecilia commented 9 years ago

a'ight... I'm happy with this and it goes buh-bye now. :dancer: