GMOD / jbrowse-components

Source code for JBrowse 2, a modern React-based genome browser
Apache License 2.0
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Desktop error reported #4454

Closed cmdcolin closed 1 month ago

cmdcolin commented 3 months ago

from email thread

Error: Error invoking remote method 'createInitialAutosaveFile': Error: Failed to load recent sessions file C:\Users\n18k1\AppData\Roaming\@jbrowse\desktop\recent_sessions.json: JSONParseError: Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing empty string

    at IpcRenderer.invoke (node:electron/js2c/renderer_init:2:6995)

    at async onClose (file:///C:/Users/n18k1/AppData/Local/Programs/@jbrowsedesktop/resources/app.asar/build/static/js/main.6f37a500.js:165:1840840)

    at async onClick (file:///C:/Users/n18k1/AppData/Local/Programs/@jbrowsedesktop/resources/app.asar/build/static/js/main.6f37a500.js:165:1624618)
carolinebridge commented 2 months ago

got a similar error trying to create a new session with local assemblies, macOS, granted JBrowse full permission of the disk and that did not resolve the error:

Error: Error invoking remote method 'createInitialAutosaveFile': ReferenceError: Cannot access 'path' before initialization

    at IpcRenderer.invoke (node:electron/js2c/renderer_init:2:6995)
    at async onClose (file:///Applications/
    at async onClick (file:///Applications/
cmdcolin commented 2 months ago

@carolinebridge that error should have been fixed in v2.12.3 (PR

i think the one for this thread is a bit separate