GRA-UML / specification

GRA-UML Specification
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Add missing annotation elements #22

Closed CoryCasanave closed 10 years ago

CoryCasanave commented 10 years ago

physicalModel [sidd] processModel [sdd] Where is SIDD section 7, automated this or that automatedServicePolices automatedServiceContracts nonAutomatedServicePoliciesAndContracts

CoryCasanave commented 10 years ago

Moved ServiceLevelAgreement::ApplicablePolicy from Description to Agreement so as to include AutomatedAgreementIndicator. This should take care of "section 7" issues.

Added ServiceInterfaceSpecification::physicalModel as a description

Added ServiceDescription::processModel as a description

Change currently only added to combined model pending any other annotation mode changes. Note that this may impact both phase-1 and phase-2 (I hope not a big impact).

st3v3c00k commented 10 years ago

I have changed physicalModel to PhysicalModel and processModel to ProcessModel to conform to our casing conventions.