GSA / opensource-framework

Open Source Framework for GSA - use this framework as a reference when open sourcing your code base
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Remove hard requirement for GSA agencies to use the GSA org #3

Open konklone opened 9 years ago

konklone commented 9 years ago

The draft open source framework says:

All GSA staff interested in using GitHub must utilize the agency account rather than creating accounts for individual offices, programs or projects.

This is, as far as I can tell, a new (draft) requirement. I don't believe this should be made a hard requirement.

In the short-term, the GSA GitHub organization currently has no operational structure that maintains consistent security standards or team management. For example, there is no requirement for users to have two-factor authentication enabled, or for an avatar or full name to be filled out on user profiles to make identity more clear and mistakes less likely. In addition, in order to make these a requirement, a person or team must be delegated responsibility for monitoring and enforcing this, or the requirement will not truly be in effect.

More generally, there are many valid reasons for a program team to use their own organization.

In short, lumping everyone into @GSA is likely to create a slower, less dynamic open source environment for both GSA staff and outside contributors.

Instead of forcing program agencies to use the @GSA organization, defining consistent standards that GSA-administered organizations should follow would enhance both security and program office flexibility, and maximize the efficacy of GSA's open source program.

NoahKunin commented 9 years ago

Concur. It's both expedient logistically, and important from a security model, to have the ability to create entire separate orgs if necessary, which align with GSA functions.

As long as 18F does direct business with non-GSA entities, we will have a business need for a separate org.

nvembar commented 9 years ago

Good points all - I think that makes sense. Want to think through if we do have specific guidance for when we absolutely should use the GSA agency account. Will close when we've updated the language.

pammiller0 commented 9 years ago

I like these points too. I will incorporate the guidance for non-gsa projects. I will make these updates now and look/research for guidance for when we should use a GSA agency account.