GSE-CCL / assessing-creativity-site

Site for our Google "Assessing Creativity in Computing Classrooms" project
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Update site to include Spanish translation #1

Open paulinahaduong opened 3 years ago

paulinahaduong commented 3 years ago

Add text to include:

link estable:

Descripción en español:

Este reporte fue elaborado por docentes de diversas asignaturas y niveles de enseñanza de Chile. Para la creación de las 32 rúbricas, cada docente seleccionó una del reporte original, la cual fue estudiada y aplicada en la sala de clases. En algunos casos las rúbricas no presentaron cambios, en otros se realizaron adaptaciones al contexto chileno y otras de ellas son creación propia de cada docente. En esta versión en español usted encontrará dos nombres en cada rúbrica, el primero corresponde al docente de Estados Unidos y el segundo al docente de Chile que aplicó la rúbrica en nuestro contexto educativo.

Stable link:

Description in English:

This report was elaborated by teachers of different subjects and levels of education in Chile. For the creation of the 32 rubrics, each teacher selected one from the original report, which was studied and applied in the classroom. In some cases the rubrics did not present any changes. In others, adaptations were made to the Chilean context and others were created by each teacher. In this Spanish version, you will find two names on each rubric, the first corresponds to the U.S. teacher and the second one to the Chilean teacher who applied the rubric in our educational context.

paulinahaduong commented 3 years ago

(Not sure where this might go - yet! Made a note for myself to think about it next week, in case inspiration strikes.)