GSG-G7 / mental-snapp
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User stories #2

Open MentalSnapp opened 5 years ago

MentalSnapp commented 5 years ago

@teenie-quaggard, please send me the user stories.

teenie-quaggard commented 5 years ago

Current user stories


User stories

  1. The user needs a way to be able to delete an entire entry so that they are in control of their story.

    • Will not change heat map
    • Shows a message in place of an entry when an entry has been deleted
  2. The user needs to track their progress over time so that they are encouraged that they are getting somewhere.

    • Heat map (github example) - days which some one has made a contribution - monthly? - on the dashboard
    • overall goal would shown on the dashboard (most recent goal)
      • "At the moment, I am working on ____."
  3. The user needs a way to look back on their entries so that they can see how they have been working towards their goals.

    • feed (scroll back) - most recent journal entry at the top followed by the rest in chronological order
    • included on the Dashboard
    • entry includes date
  4. The user needs a dashboard so that they can navigate the site

    • include top goal
    • include button to add new entry
    • include recent entries (feed)
    • heat map
  5. The user needs a way to store their entries so that they can track their progress.

    • local storage?
    • login / auth0 ?
    • no airtable
  6. As a user, I can view this web app on my mobile device so that I can always have my journal in my pocket.

    • Designed mobile first (iphone SE with additional whitespace for larger mobile devices, break point after ipad-size, desktop uses wide margins with centered content)
  7. As a user, my UX is consistent so that I trust the professionalism of the brand.

    • buttons are consistent, and use consistent states (active, hover)
    • the same color styles/codes are used throughout
    • font usage is consistent over different heading styles
    • p tags use a consistent text
    • links are always underlined
    • padding and margins are consistent throughout app
  8. As a user with a disability, I am able to navigate the app so that I do not feel discriminated against.

    • Entire site is navigable by keyboard and screen-reader
    • There is enough colour contrast of text throughout the site
    • HTML is semantic
    • Divs are only used for stylistic purposes
    • images/illustrations use alt tags
    • Links are always underlined
  9. The user needs a way to log in so that their entries can be stored securely.

  10. The user needs a way to edit their login details (email and password) so that the user has full control of their account.

  11. The user needs a way to delete their account so that GDPR regulations are followed.

The 3 Prompts that will be asked for every journal entry

A. The user needs a way to say what they are grateful for so that they build positive mental health.

B. The user needs a way to say what challenges they face so that they can develop honesty toward themselves.

C. The user needs a way to record the character strengths that they are developing so that they consciously cultivate those traits.

D. If a user skips all questions, a popup comes up that says, "Sorry you didn't journal today, but see you soon!"