GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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Some workaround idea about overall late game #17275

Open POPlol333 opened 1 week ago

POPlol333 commented 1 week ago

This ticket is purely some random throw-away idea.


  1. Weird technological jump once reaching UHV
  2. Quantum Computer
  3. EoH rework concept

1. Technological jump

Disclaimer: This doesn't talk about UHV being a bloated tier.

Let's play a game and compare the entry point of UHV and UEV.

1. First UHV is gated by the Fusion MK3, once you have it you are pretty much free to go 2. UEV requires you to both make the mothership (which require you to make the nano forge) and the DTPF

Now I've got a question, does it sound normal that from one tier to another we go from a technology that is arguably a real thing to the "Dimensionally Transcendent Plasma Forge"?

Let's take a look at Kardashev civilisation tiering list kardashev I know this is all nerd stuff, but at this point are we all not?

If we refer to this we can fairly easily classify Fusion as a pre-type 1 civilisation technology and the DTPF?.. Basically a type 4 technology.

Now that we have highlighted this one of a jump in technology let's talk about the fact that entering UIV we are going backward. As I have said before DTPF is a type 4 technology. In UIV you are able (thanks to the DTPF allowing you to get the right material btw) to craft the Dyson Sphere. Dyson Sphere allows you to harvest the energy of a host star which is exactly the type 2 civilisation criteria thus making it a technology of the said tier.

To put it in a nutshell we are putting some multiblocks in the wrong order.

2. Quantum Computer

The Quantum Computer by itself is a fairly straight-forward multiblock which allow the player to research new technology using what a dev had decide what was the necessary look-at item. (i.e LuV comp -> ZPM comp stick)

It has fun mechanics once paired with the Research Station and its weird mini-game and scalable compute-power using racks.

The thing is, can we ask our regular Quantum Computer that was processing ZPM component to compute how to make stuff like Eye of Harmony Tier 7 casing? You could argue that it is all good gated by having to compute harder. But I mean, is it really funny to get gatekeep by "hey my brother in Christ, compute, but compute HARDER". Meh-ish

So what if we were to give the Quantum Computer actual tiering with different structure upgrade and maybe new mechanic? I feel like it would make much more sense and add some extra layers to the Quantum Computer. As of now it just feel like a random multiblock you place and go to once in a while.

3. Eye of Harmony rework concept

Right now the EoH is pretty straight-forward too, you inject hydrogen and energy and depending of your setup and certain parameter you inputted you get a certain amount of energy and resource in return.

The progression is also very linear

  1. Craft T1
  2. Let it run to get new resource
  3. Research T2
  4. Craft T2
  5. Do it again til T9 (if you are here you need a therapist btw)

While this work I feel like it could be more interesting. What if we were to make the EoH an actual construction project. For that we can imagine many different scenarios: I will discuss how we could get newer tier of EoH after as my idea works with every method

Now let's talk how to progress between tiers. My idea would be that we could add something like a "data collector hatch" which would essentially just be a compute-feeder for the quantum computer (both linked via a cable or wireless, feel like wired would make more sense here). The hatch would send compute point to the QC when it is running and once reaching a certain amount you would unlock the new tier.

-- This is an edit P.S I forgot --

Regarding the EoH casing's recipe they could be tweaked so they'd make much sense with all mentionned above, making them more specific. i.e why putting solar panel in the tier casing if this tier doesn't even allow to produce energy?

ogdae commented 1 week ago

Raising pretty good points about quantum computer and EOH mechanics, at least for those both there seems to be ideas on the horizon. I believe NotAPenguin is developing a draft for overhauling research mechanics? Not much can be said about EoH right now though I believe.

That aside, the tier structure of mega multis is pretty subjective. GTNH obviously doesn't operate on a finite lore/logic structure in regards to technology you can unlock, it's just a loose representation/imagination of put x in to recieve y out while solving z problem, and that works more than well enough imo. GTNH basically loses all realism post ZPM with the introduction of Naquadah, and it only gets more make believe from there.

Honestly, attempting to iron out, conceptualise and unify everything to conform to some kind of appropriate tier structure seems excessive.

joshaup1999 commented 1 week ago

Having EoH have similar upgrade tree like gorge could be interesting, but I do agree with above about not using hypothetical civilisation scaling cause it just gets thrown out the window. Also !realism