The current navigation bar lacks a "Contact Us" link, which is essential for users to quickly find the contact page. Additionally, the footer can be improved by creating a dedicated section for better organization and accessibility.
Proposed changes:
Add "Contact Us" to Navigation Bar:
Add a "Contact Us" link to the navigation bar, preferably as the last item or next to existing links like "About" or "Policy."
Ensure the link redirects to the contact page, where users can find information on how to reach out (email, phone, etc.).
Create Dedicated Footer Section:
Reorganize the footer by creating a dedicated Contact Us section that clearly displays important contact details like:
Email address
Phone number
Physical address (if applicable)
Ensure consistency between the contact information in the footer and the main contact page.
Optionally, add a contact form or quick links to social media platforms in the footer for easy access.
These updates will improve user experience by making contact information more accessible, while also enhancing the visual and structural coherence of both the navigation bar and footer.
The current navigation bar lacks a "Contact Us" link, which is essential for users to quickly find the contact page. Additionally, the footer can be improved by creating a dedicated section for better organization and accessibility.
Proposed changes:
Add "Contact Us" to Navigation Bar:
Add a "Contact Us" link to the navigation bar, preferably as the last item or next to existing links like "About" or "Policy." Ensure the link redirects to the contact page, where users can find information on how to reach out (email, phone, etc.). Create Dedicated Footer Section:
Reorganize the footer by creating a dedicated Contact Us section that clearly displays important contact details like: Email address Phone number Physical address (if applicable) Ensure consistency between the contact information in the footer and the main contact page. Optionally, add a contact form or quick links to social media platforms in the footer for easy access. These updates will improve user experience by making contact information more accessible, while also enhancing the visual and structural coherence of both the navigation bar and footer.