GabrielOlvH / Industrial-Revolution

An Industrial mod made for Fabric.
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] No Diamond Ore or Ancient Scrap for the Mining Rig #568

Open MythicCuda opened 6 months ago

MythicCuda commented 6 months ago

Description: I am attempting to encode a data card for my mining rig with ancient debris and diamond ore, but neither will go into the card encoder.

Steps to Reproduce:

Technical Information:

Uncraftbar commented 6 months ago

not a bug, just prominence devs being prominence devs and nerfing the crap out of everything lol

Eoonji commented 5 months ago

Edit the "mining_rig_config" file in "indrev" folder. Config/Indrev/mining_rig_config

Follow the format in the config and add in the line

To allow Ancient Debris use "c:ancient_debris_ores" To allow Diamond Ores use "c:diamond_ores"

Hope this helps