Gakuto1112 / FiguraBlueArchiveCharacters

The avatars for Figura, the skin mod for Minecraft Java Edition, which are imitated characters who appear in "Blue Archive (ブルーアーカイブ)", the game for mobile devices.
MIT License
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anime blue-archive figura lua minecraft minecraft-skin

Language:  English | 日本語


This is the avatars for Figura, the skin mod for Minecraft Java Edition, which are imitated characters who appear in "Blue Archive" the game for mobile devices.

Target figura version: 0.1.4

(Some avatar functions don't work correctly in Minecraft 1.20.4 doe to a bug in Figura. I recommend using in Minecraft 1.20.1.)


(You can watch the introduction video by clicking the above image.)

Creation status


The avatars for these characters are completed. Click on a character's name to go to the character's branch.

In progress

The avatars for these characters are worked in progress. It usually takes about 2~3 weeks, but works have been delayed because of my recently busy schedule. Click on the link in brackets to go to the issue about the character, where you can check the progress.


Although the avatars for these characters are not created, there are plans to create them in the future. They will be created in order from top to bottom. This is just a plan and the order may change or creation may be discontinued.


Ex Skill

The familiar Ex skill cut-in from the original game is imitated. To play Ex skill cut-in, press the Ex skill key (default is "V" key) while in the third-person perspective.

Ex skill

Ex skill cut-ins are only visual and have no effect. However, some Ex skills leave objects in place after the cut-in (also only visual).


  • Ex skill animations are designed for the case where the screen ratio is 16:9. Although you can play them in a screen ratio other than 16:9, but some parts may be crowded out of the screen.
  • Ex skill animations are design for the case where the field of view (FOV) is standard (70). The FOV will be temporarily adjusted to the standard if it is not standard. However, use of some other mods or FOV changes because of changes of the player's movement speed prevents the script from adjusting it.

The action wheel

Figura provides the action wheel with which players can play some actions (emotes, animations, configs, and etc.). It will be shown when holding the action wheel key (default is B key). This avatar also has some actions.

[!IMPORTANT] The Ex skill action has been changed to play on key press.

Action wheel

Action 1. Change costume

Changes costume if the character has multiple costumes. Scroll to select the costume and closing the action wheel to confirm. Left-click to reset to current selection, and right-clock to reset to default during selection.


Action 2. Change display name

Changes the player's display name. Scroll to select the name and closing the action wheel to confirm. Left-click to reset to current selection, and right-clock to reset to default during selection. However, Other players also need to install Figura and give enough permissions to see your display name.

Display name

Action 3. Toggle armors visible

Toggles whether equipped armors are visible or not. Some costumes will be hidden not to interfere with the armors while equips them. This setting will only affects to vanilla armors.

I recommend to hide armors because they hide the avatar.

Action 4. Toggle first-person weapon models

Toggles whether weapon models (including students' guns) are visible or not in first person perspective. If toggled off, Minecraft items will be displayed instead. Regardless of this setting, weapon models are always displayed in third person perspective.

First-person weapon models

Action 5. Change amount of Ex skill frame particles

Changes the amount of triangular particles that appear from the red or blue borders that appear during Ex skill animations. Reducing or disabling particles may improve performance.

As an additional option, I have added an option to disable the frame during the Ex skill animations. This is the closest to the original one.

How to use

Figura is available in Forge, Fabric and NeoForge.

  1. Install the mod loader which you want to use and make the mods available.
  2. Install Figura. Note the mod dependencies.
  3. Go to the release page.
  4. Download the avatar of your choice that attached to "Assets" section of the release notes.
  5. Unzip the zipped file and take the avatar data inside this.
  6. Put avatar files at <minecraft_instance_directory>/figura/avatars/.
    • The directory will automatically generated after launching the game with Figura installed. You can also create it manually if it doesn't exist.
  7. Open the Figura menu (Δ mark) from the game menu.
  8. Select the avatar from the avatar list at the left of the Figura menu.
  9. Sets your permission if you need.
  10. Other Figura players can see your avatar after uploading your avatar to the Figura server.
    • If your Minecraft is Pirated (cracked, unlicensed, free), you cannot upload your avatar. This is a Figura specification and I cannot help you with this.


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