GarinZ / link-map

Tree style tab mananger for Chrome and Edge, Tabs Outliner alternative
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request]Page Counter and other better crash-recovery assistant #59

Open MudMoverGeorge opened 1 year ago

MudMoverGeorge commented 1 year ago

Hi, I wonder whether it is possible to add page counts for better helping reorganization/recovery efforts after a crash of browser? After a recent crash of chrome with a session contains many windows and tabs, I found when I restart the browser and restore the pages, in Link Map, it will create a new session of duplicated windows and tabs, instead of continuing from the last session before the crash.

And I believe there is no auto session saving right now? In my case, after the restoration, Link Map displays an old session which I've saved manually days ago in grey and have all my notes, renames and remarks, while have an array of current(restored) opened duplicated windows below it. I can live without auto saving for now but really would like some tools for assisting me to reorganize things again, since I only have a few different newly opened tabs spread in multiple windows between the old session and new session. Even a page counter could help me a lot in identifying where are these new tabs among the windows.

Of course other functions regarding crash-recovery effort is welcome too, especially automation. Such as auto merging windows with duplication merger.

Many thanks.

———————————— 您好~话说有没有可能给Link Maps里的每个窗口后面加个网页计数器?

是这样的我最近浏览器崩溃了一次,重新打开并使用chrome自带的恢复网页功能之后发现LM里把新打开的窗口们当作了一个新的session而不是继续我崩溃前的老session。 老session虽然依旧存在,但是是灰色的(即“未打开”),而且是我数日前手动保存过的;底下是彩色的当前session,比起数日前有些新打开的标签页,但是分布在不同的窗口中。而我在旧session里已经进行了手动整理,即通过重命名窗口、利用tags添加备注和分隔符的方式进行了一些整理工作,但是鉴于新打开的窗口并未自动从上个session开始,所以我又需要参照旧session重新整理... 可以理解现在还有没自动保存的功能,但是如果我想手动重新整理以下的话,如果能有个网页计数器显示每个窗口含有多少网页的话,我就可以很快定位哪些窗口有我新打开的网页,加快复原整理的速度。如果可以的话,最好不光是每个window后面有计数器,window内部的group也能有计数器就好了。




GarinZ commented 1 year ago

Understood, Counter is a feature that I've always wanted to add, and I'll try to add it in the next version. About the automatic merging and saving of Session, because with the change of Session each time the id will produce changes, I have not yet found a very perfect solution, so you still need to tolerate this way for a while (although not very convenient, but can guarantee that no error).

明白~计数器这个功能也是我一直想加上的功能,我尽量在下个版本就把它加上。 关于Session的自动合并和保存,因为随着Session的改变每次id都会产生变化,我目前还没有找到一个非常完美的方案,所以还需要暂时忍耐一下现在这种方式(虽然不太方便,但能保证不会出错)。

MudMoverGeorge commented 1 year ago

Understood, Counter is a feature that I've always wanted to add, and I'll try to add it in the next version.

About the automatic merging and saving of Session, because with the change of Session each time the id will produce changes, I have not yet found a very perfect solution, so you still need to tolerate this way for a while (although not very convenient, but can guarantee that no error). 明白~计数器这个功能也是我一直想加上的功能,我尽量在下个版本就把它加上。 关于Session的自动合并和保存,因为随着Session的改变每次id都会产生变化,我目前还没有找到一个非常完美的方案,所以还需要暂时忍耐一下现在这种方式(虽然不太方便,但能保证不会出错)。

感谢~ 嗯虽然我完全是外行但也可以想像完全自动化并且故障率低的session保存合并会比较难实现哈哈。所以其实不是很在乎手动整理,但如果能有更多工具帮忙就太好了。话说是否可能实现如下功能呢,帮助整理: 1.复制和粘贴node。现在貌似只能复制链接吧 2.将node发送到window或者group,类似于在浏览器里右键tab之后发送tab到window或者group的功能。配合以后的多选,整理就更轻松了。其实本质上是让link map的操作更接近使用浏览器的本体,但又无需让tab打开占用资源或者占用tab条的空间

hpeter1994 commented 1 year ago

About the automatic merging and saving of Session, because with the change of Session each time the id will produce changes, I have not yet found a very perfect solution, so you still need to tolerate this way for a while (although not very convenient, but can guarantee that no error).

An idea, you could just save the current session pages/windows periodically (once a minute or something), and give us a popup at browser start if we want to restore to that session. That way the tab id's managed by link-map are used. You could also add a "close current tabs" option to the recovery mechanic, for example the situations where chrome reloads the session by itself, we could just drop those tabs altogether and delete them from link-map, since we have the saved version. It would mean reloading all the tabs, but would basically eliminate all the duplicates from restart/crashing/restoring. This would be a huge addition for me, because my chrome is crashing every few hours with 400+ tabs, and restarting all my windows from link-map one-by-one is just not feasable sadly without a one-click solution.