Garulf / Steam-Search

Search and launch your Steam Game library
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Plugins fails to start #60

Open sidewinder94 opened 1 year ago

sidewinder94 commented 1 year ago

Plugin version : 9.0.1 Flow Launcher version : 1.16.0 Python version : 3.11.4

Plugin fails to initialize and is stooped by flow launcher.

Flow launcher error log below

00:43:04.0431+02:00 - INFO  - App.OnStartup - Begin Flow Launcher startup ----------------------------------------------------
00:43:04.0431+02:00 - INFO  - App.OnStartup - Runtime info:
Flow Launcher version: 1.16.0
OS Version: 22621.2134
IntPtr Length: 8
x64: True
00:43:04.2783+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Process Killer> is <3ms>
00:43:04.2783+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <System Commands> is <3ms>
00:43:04.2783+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Plugin Indicator> is <3ms>
00:43:04.2783+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <URL> is <12ms>
00:43:04.2862+02:00 - INFO  - CommunityPluginSource.FetchAsync - Loading plugins from
00:43:04.2862+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Shell> is <15ms>
00:43:04.2862+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Browser Bookmarks> is <17ms>
00:43:04.2862+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Web Searches> is <16ms>
00:43:04.2862+02:00 - INFO  - Flow.Launcher.Plugin.Program.Main - Preload programs cost <7ms>
00:43:04.2862+02:00 - INFO  - Flow.Launcher.Plugin.Program.Main - Number of preload win32 programs <301>
00:43:04.2862+02:00 - INFO  - Flow.Launcher.Plugin.Program.Main - Number of preload uwps <54>
00:43:04.2862+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Calculator> is <24ms>
00:43:04.3026+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Window Walker> is <28ms>
00:43:04.3026+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Windows Settings> is <30ms>
00:43:04.3026+02:00 - ERROR - PluginManager.InitializePluginsAsync - Fail to Init plugin: Steam Search
EXCEPTION OCCURS: System.Text.Json.JsonException: The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
 ---> System.Text.Json.JsonReaderException: The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
   at void System.Text.Json.ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonReaderException(ref Utf8JsonReader json, ExceptionResource resource, byte nextByte, ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes)
   at bool System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader.Read()
   at T System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter<T>.ReadCore(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ref ReadStack state)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at void System.Text.Json.ThrowHelper.ReThrowWithPath(ref ReadStack state, JsonReaderException ex)
   at T System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter<T>.ReadCore(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ref ReadStack state)
   at TValue System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.ContinueDeserialize<TValue>(ref ReadBufferState bufferState, ref JsonReaderState jsonReaderState, ref ReadStack readStack, JsonTypeInfo jsonTypeInfo)
   at async ValueTask<TValue> System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.ReadFromStreamAsync<TValue>(Stream utf8Json, JsonTypeInfo jsonTypeInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at async Task Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.JsonRPCPlugin.InitSettingAsync() x 2 in C:/projects/flow-launcher/Flow.Launcher.Core/Plugin/JsonRPCPlugin.cs:line 323
   at async Task Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.JsonRPCPlugin.InitAsync(PluginInitContext context) in C:/projects/flow-launcher/Flow.Launcher.Core/Plugin/JsonRPCPlugin.cs:line 345
   at async Task<long> Flow.Launcher.Infrastructure.Stopwatch.DebugAsync(string message, Func<Task> action) in C:/projects/flow-launcher/Flow.Launcher.Infrastructure/Stopwatch.cs:line 34
   at async Task Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.PluginManager.InitializePluginsAsync(IPublicAPI api)+(?) => { } in C:/projects/flow-launcher/Flow.Launcher.Core/Plugin/PluginManager.cs:line 125

00:43:04.3195+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Program> is <47ms>
00:43:04.3195+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Explorer> is <51ms>
00:43:04.3356+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Windows Terminal profiles> is <60ms>
00:43:04.3356+02:00 - INFO  - CommunityPluginSource.FetchAsync - Loading plugins from
00:43:04.3356+02:00 - INFO  - CommunityPluginSource.FetchAsync - Loading plugins from
00:43:04.3356+02:00 - INFO  - CommunityPluginSource.FetchAsync - Loading plugins from
00:43:04.4494+02:00 - INFO  - CommunityPluginSource.FetchAsync - Loaded 113 plugins from
00:43:04.4494+02:00 - INFO  - PluginManager.InitializePlugins - Total init cost for <Plugins Manager> is <177ms>
00:43:04.7149+02:00 - INFO  - App.OnStartup - Dependencies Info:
Python Path: C:\Users\<username>\scoop\apps\python\current\pythonw.exe
Node Path: 
00:43:04.9880+02:00 - INFO  - App.OnStartup - End Flow Launcher startup ----------------------------------------------------  
00:43:04.9880+02:00 - INFO  - App.OnStartup - Startup cost <1010ms>
00:43:05.2245+02:00 - INFO  - ImageLoader.Initialize - Preload images cost <1145ms>
00:43:05.2245+02:00 - INFO  - ImageLoader.Initialize - Number of preload images is <89>, Images Number: 89, Unique Items 56
Garulf commented 1 year ago

Please check your if your virus scanner has mistakenly flagged this plugin and removed it.

For more info please see here:

This plugin is not a virus, but it looks like some other viruses use some similar packaging this plugin uses for speed and compatibility.

Microsoft seems to overcompensate by flagging all unsigned software using this technique as a virus.

sidewinder94 commented 1 year ago


Just tried reinstalling whilst checking my AV (MS Defender), no PUP/Virus notification are displayed.

I added the whole Flow launcher plugins directory as an exclusion, and reinstalled, the error is still present.

sidewinder94 commented 1 year ago


I manually ran the "run.exe" executable in the plugin directory, which created a "plugin.log" file in the same directory.

After re-enabling in flow and restarting, it just worked....

Might be an issue on flow's side of things ? Let me know if you want to try to investigate further.